

  • 卷面总分:98分
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  • 答案解析:是
  • 练习次数:25次
  • 作答时间:100分钟


  • 常识部分
  • 判断推理
  • 计算机
  • 英语部分
  • 写作部分
  1. Which is the right order of what happened? ( )

    • a.My family moved from Russia to the U. S. A.
    • b. I met Larry Page.
    • c. I was given a computer as a birthday present.
    • d.Google was born in an ordinary garage in California.
    • e.I graduated from the university in Mathematics and IT.
    • A. a-c-e-b-d
    • B. c-a-b-e-d
    • C. a-c-b-d-e
    • D. c-b-a-e-d
  2. 计真阅读下面的材料,引出现象,写一篇不少于800字的文章,文题自拟。



  3. From the passage we know that Larry Page ( ).

    • A. was born into a rich merchant family
    • B. was once a student in Stanford University
    • C. published some academic articles when young
    • D. was Brin's important partner in starting Google
  4. Why did they found Google? ( )

    • A. Because they loved working with the Internet so much.
    • B. Because they wanted to make a lot of money through the Internet.
    • C. Because they hoped to make it easier to find specific information online.
    • D. Because they believed everything is possible.
  5. Sergey Brin actually graduated from ( ).

    • A. the University of Moscow
    • B. the University of California
    • C. the University of Maryland
    • D. Stanford University
  6. Questions 61-65 are based on Passage Two:

    Passage Two

     I am Sergey Brin !I was born in Moscow. In 1979,when I was 5,my family immigratedto the U. S. A. , California. I remember that on my 9th birthday I got my first computer “Commodore 64”.

     Later I graduated with honors in the University of Maryland in Mathematics and IT. The main field of my science research was the technologies used to collect data from unsystematic sources as well as large quantities of texts and science data. I was the author of dozens of articles in leading American academic magazines.

    The greatest event in my life happened in 1998 when I was preparing for the defense(论文答辩) of my Doctor's degree in Stanford University. There the fate made me meet Larry Page-a young computer genius. Larry belonged to the inteilectual(知识分子)society.Larry and I quickly became friends when we worked together.

    We were searching day and night on the Internet. We were finding a lot of information but with the feeling we still couldn't find enough of what we were looking for. Naturally the idea for a search engine that would allow specific information to be found in the endless pool of data was born like it came to us. It wasn't our plans but we gave up the education at the university. You know the next part,maybe-we managed to turn an ordinary garage in Meplo Park,California,the U. S. A. into our first of.fice,in which Google was born. With excitement we typed the name of the thing which we created with love on September 14th, 1998—www. Google. com. Now,after those years we bought this garage. As a symbol it will always remind us that everything is possible.

    Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? ( )

    • A. The Birth of Google
    • B. The Founder of Google
    • C. The Importance of Cooperation
    • D. The Great Contribution to the Internet 
  7. According to the author, teenage rebellion ( ).

    • A. may be a false belief
    • B. is common nowadays
    • C.existed only in the 1960s
    • D. resulted from changes in families
  8. Compared with parents of 30 years ago, today's parents ( ).

    • A. go to clubs more often with their children
    • B. are much stricter with their children
    • C. care less about.their children's life
    • D. give their children more freedom
  9. What is the passage mainly about? ( )

    • A. Negotiation in a family.
    • B. Education in a family.
    • C.Harmony in a family.
    • D. Teenage trouble in a family.
  10. The study shows that teenagers don't want to ( ).

    • A. share family responsibility
    • B.cause trouble in their families
    • C. go boating with their family
    • D. make family decisions