

  • 卷面总分:100分
  • 浏览次数:0
  • 测试费用:免费
  • 答案解析:是
  • 练习次数:7次
  • 作答时间:150分钟


  • 单词英译汉
  • 单词汉译英
  • 匹配题
  • 名词解释
  • 简答题
  • 英译汉
  • 汉译英
  1. 如果投保的险别不是造成损失的直接原因,保险公司将不予赔偿。

  2. 对签订国际合同的买卖双方来说,最重要的事是成功地完成交易。

  3. 国际经济新秩序主要是要求发达国家提供更多的现金和贸易方面的优惠。

  4. 现代信用证在19世纪后半叶开始采用,第一次世界大战后得到了很快的发展。

  5. Most multinational corporations are made up of vast numbers of foreign subsidiaries,companies in which over 50 percent is owned by the parent company. Like all corporations,MNCs are organized according to the goals they set for themselves. They strive to retain access to the necessary resources : raw material , manpower, and capital.

  6. Transportation service across national boundaries is an important kind of invisible trade.International transportation involves different means of transport such as ocean ships,planes,trains, trucks and inland water vessels. However, the most important of them is maritime ships. Some countries such as Greece and Norway have large maritime fleets and earn a lot by way of this invisible trade.

  7. 远期信用证显然要使用远期汇票。付款期限可为30天,60天,甚至可长达180天。

  8. What are the factors that determine the amount of documentation required?

  9. What was the theme of the eleventh session of UNCTAD in 2004?

  10. What does option mean?