● The (74) scheme in a database system is responsible for the detection of failures and for the restoration of the database to a state that existed before the occurrence of the failure.
- A. query
- B. test
- C. check
- D. recovery
● Software (75) focuses on three attributes of the program: software architecture, data structure, and procedural detail.
- A. analysis
- B. design
- C. installation
- D. upgrade
● (73) statement can perform. a calculation and store the result in a variable so that it can be used later.
- A. Assignment
- B. Control
- C. I/O
- D. Declaration
● (71) means that a program written for one computer system can be compiled and run on another system with little or no modification.
- A. Portability
- B. Reliability
- C. Availability
- D. Reusability
● Data items are added or deleted from the list only at the top of the (72) .
- A. queue
- B. stack
- C. tree
- D. linear list
● 在http://www.test.com/main/index.htm中,index.htm是 (69) 。
- A. 协议名
- B. 域名
- C. 主机名
- D. 页面文件
● POP3服务默认的TCP 端口号是 (70) 。
- A. 20
- B. 25
- C. 80
- D. 110
● HTML语言中,可使用 (67) 标签将脚本插入HTML 文档。
- A.
- B.
- A.