

  1. 1944 年 44 国在美国布雷顿森林举行会议,计划在世界贸易和货币方面实现更好的合作

  2. 在国际贸易中,几乎不可能使付款和实际交货同时进行。

  3. 要评估某一市场的潜力,人们往往要分析其收人水平,因为它为那里居民的购买力高低提供了线索。

  4. WTO 争端解决机制是当今国际水准上最为活跃的体系,而且对国际法的持续发展具有重大意义。

  5. 国际复兴开发银行的资金有相当大的一部分来自它的留存盈余以及偿还贷款的不断流入。

  6. With the development of manufacturing and technology ,there arose another incentive for trade,i.e.international specialization-one country producing more of a commodity than it uses itself and selling the remainder to other countries. Such specialization constitutes an important basis for international trade.

  7. Transportation plays a major role in the production process. It allows the entrepreneur to assemble more easily the raw materials and labor inputs needed to make a specific product. The same transportation system moves intermediate products to other producers for subsequent use in their production process, and it moves finished products to consumers.

  8. What are the major differences between a free trade area and a customs union?

  9. What is a non-draft credit? How many types can it be classified into?

  10. Why is security so important to MNEs?

  11. What is acquisition? What is the advantage of it?

  12. OECD

  13. insurance policy

  14. Shareholders

  15. non-tariff barrier

  16. Maturity

  17. ( )21.assess

    ( )22.decentralize

    ( )23.unilaterally

    ( )24.contracting parties

    ( )25.ban

    ( )26.impeccable

    ( )27.destination

    ( )28.deposit

    ( )29.prerequisite

    ( )30.VAT

    a.done by one side or party only

    b.a tax on the difference between the cost of an item and its selling price

    c.to judge an amount or value

    d.distribute the administrative powers over a less concentrated area

    e.the terminal to which goods are sent

    f.signatories of an agreement


    h.required as a condition for something else

    i.prohibit, forbid

    j.money paid as part payment that is owed

  18. 关税配额

  19. 交货费用

  20. 国际收支

  21. 自有承运人

  22. 大宗货物

  23. 承兑交单

  24. 资本市场

  25. 初级产品

  26. 外汇

  27. 技术进步

  28. Generalized System of Preference

  29. differential treatment

  30. indirect quote

  31. traded options market

  32. shipping marks

  33. Free on Board

  34. confirmed letter of credit

  35. net positions

  36. absolute advantage

  37. cross-border transaction