

  1. 第 48 题

  2. 第 47 题   经济全球化的主要原因






  3. 第 45 题

  4. 第 46 题

  5. 第 43 题

  6. 第 44 题

  7. 第 42 题

  8. 根据下面材料,回答第 41~45 题:

    第 41 题

  9. 第 40 题 The m

    • ain idea of the text might
    • be(  )    [A]female power and liberation in Norway    [B]the signifi
    • cance of Henric Ibsen's play    [C]women's status in Norwegian firms    [
    • D] the constitution of board 'members in Norway
  10. 第 38 题 To which of the following is Sverre Munck most likely to

    • agree?(  )    [A] A set ratio of women in a
    • board is unreasonable.    [B] A reasonable quota for women at work needs to be set.    [
    • C] A common principle shoul
    • d be followed by all companies.    [D] An inexperienced businessman is not subject to the new law.
  11. 第 39 题 The

    • author attri
    • butes the phenomenon of "golden skirts" to(  )    [A]the small number of qualified females in management    [B] the over-reernitment Of female managers in publi
    • c companies    [C]the a
    • dvantage women enjoy when competing for senior positions    [D] the discrimination toward women in Norwegian business circles
  12. 第 37 题

    • A pu
    • bli
    • c company that fails to obey the new law coul
    • d be forced to(  )    [A] pay a heavy fine    [B] close down its business    [C] change to a private business    [D] sign a document promising to act
  13. 根据下面材料,回答第 36~40 题:

    第 36 题 The author mentions Ibsen's play in the first paragraph in order to______.(  )

    [A] depict women's dilemma at work

    [B] explain the newly passed law

    [C] support Norwegian government

    [D] introduce the topic under discussion

  14. 第 35 题 This text m

    • ainly discusses(  )    [A] reasons to a
    • bolish the pra
    • ctice of tipping    [B] economic sense of tipping    [C]consumers' attitu
    • des towards tipping    [D]tipping for good service
  15. 第 33 题

    • According to Michael Lynn's studies,waiters will likely get more tips if they(  )    [A] have performed good service    [
    • B]frequently refill
    • customers' water glass    [C]win customers' favor    [
    • D]serve customers of the same sex
  16. 第 34 题 We m

    • ay infer from the context that "upselling" (Line 2, Para.6) pro
    • bably means(  )    [A] selling something up    [B] selling something fan
    • cy    [C] selling something unnecessary    [
    • D] sdling something more expensive
  17. 第 30 题

    • A suita
    • ble title for this text might be(  )    [A] How to Develop U.S. E
    • conomy    [B] The Relation between American In
    • dustry and New Economy    [C]Digital Engine Powers New Economy    [D] Our New Policy on Economy
  18. 根据下面材料,回答第 31~35 题:

    第 31 题 It may be inferred that a European-style. service(  )

    [A]is tipping-free

    [B]charges little tip

    [C]is the author's initiative

    [D]is offered at Per Se

  19. 第 32 题 Which of the following is NOT true

    • according to the author?(  )    [A] Tipping is a common practice in the restaurant world.    [
    • B] Waiters don't
    • care about tipping.    [C]Customers generally believe in tipping.    [
    • D]Tipping has little connection with the quality of service.
  20. 第 28 题 The venture-c

    • apital-
    • ba
    • cke
    • d firms are more successful because they.(  )    [A] have invested in innovation    [B] are good at stock exchanges    [C] have abundant funds    [D] have increased employment
  21. 第 29 题 The f

    • act that "almost one-fourth of engineers in America who earned Ph.D. s are foreign
    • born" implies that(  )    [A] the majority of Ameri
    • can people are not intereste
    • d in getting Ph.D.    [B]foreign students are more eager to get Ph. D.    [C] the American education has lagged behind in the New Economy    [D]American students are not as clever as foreign stud
  22. 第 27 题 In the second p

    • aragraph, the author mainly concentrates on the(  )    [A] tendency of American economy    [
    • B]
    • contribution American househol
    • ds have made to the economy    [C]low efficiency of the government    [D]progress toward digital transformation
  23. 第 25 题 Which of the following, is true of QL2 according to the author?(  )

  24. 根据下面材料,回答第 26~30 题:

    第 26 题 We learn from the text that _______ seems to be more important for a person to survive the New Economy.(  )

    [A] adaptability

    [B] diligence

    [C] intelligence

    [D] modesty

  25. 第 24 题 It is implied that Internet advertisements can help ______.(  )

  26. 第 23 题 The Internet barter system relies heavily on ______.(  )

  27. 第 20 题 请在(20)处填上最佳答案。

  28. 根据下面材料,回答第 21~25 题:

    第 21 题 The word "techies" ( Line 4, Para.1 ) probably refers to those who are ______.(  )

  29. 第 22 题 Many people may have'deliberately helped Kyle because they ______ .(  )

  30. 第 18 题 请在(18)处填上最佳答案。

  31. 第 19 题 请在(19)处填上最佳答案。

  32. 第 17 题 请在(17)处填上最佳答案。

  33. 第 16 题 请在(16)处填上最佳答案。

  34. 第 13 题 请在(13)处填上最佳答案。

  35. 第 14 题 请在(14)处填上最佳答案。

  36. 第 15 题 请在(15)处填上最佳答案。

  37. 第 11 题 请在(11)处填上最佳答案。

  38. 第 12 题 请在(12)处填上最佳答案。

  39. 第 10 题 请在(10)处填上最佳答案。

  40. 第 8 题 请在(8)处填上最佳答案。

  41. 第 9 题 请在(9)处填上最佳答案。

  42. 第 6 题 请在(6)处填上最佳答案。

  43. 第 7 题 请在(7)处填上最佳答案。

  44. 第 3 题 请在(3)处填上最佳答案。

  45. 第 4 题 请在(4)处填上最佳答案。

  46. 第 5 题 请在(5)处填上最佳答案。

  47. 第 2 题 请在(2)处填上最佳答案。

  48. 根据下列材料,请回答 1~20 题:

    第 1 题 请在(1)处填上最佳答案。