

  1. You haven' t heard from your friend ( Li Ping) since last year. Write a letter according to the following out line:

    1 ) greet him and tell him how you spend your vocation and

    2) invite him to Beijing.

    You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You don' t have to write the address. ( 10 points )

  2. Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following charts.

    In your essay, you should

    1 ) point out the implication of the bar charts,

    2) analyze the phenomenon, and

    3) give some suggestions

    You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

  3. __________

  4. __________

  5. __________

  6. 根据以上内容,回答1~5题。


  7. __________

  8. __________

  9. __________

  10. __________

  11. 根据以上内容,回答1~5题。


  12. __________

  13. The phr

    • ase "
    • bogged down" ( paragraph 5 ) is
    • closest in meaning to    [A] launche
    • d.       [B] prepared.       [C] drawn.               [D] stuck.
  14. The

    • author's attitude towards the French efforts seems to
    • be    [A] warmly supportive.                   [B] extremely understanding.    [
    • C] a little critical.                      [
    • D] highly rejecting.
  15. Mr Donnedieu de V

    • abres is against Google
    • be
    • cause he    [A]
    • disagrees with the way Google lists its results.    [B] resents Google' s popularity around the world.    [C] does not believe Google' s commercial success.    [D] hates Google' s access to th
  16. The re

    • al conflict
    • behind Fren
    • ch resistance to Google is actually the one between    [A] the French law an
    • d the American law.    [B] the commercial value and the cultural value.    [C] the traditional views and the modern views.    [D] the law of market and the law of commerce.
  17. 根据以上内容,回答16~20题。

    President Jacques Chirac wants to set up a French search engine to

    [A] compete with the American rival "Google".

    [B] protect French students from American invasion.

    [C] preserve the integrity of the French culture.

    [D] stop standing idly by when being threatened.

  18. Which of the following contributes to the we

    • ak performance of Europe?    [A] A huge lack of researchers with competitive edge.    [
    • B] The inability to integrate new strength into their resear
    • ch teams.    [C] An un
    • derfunding of the basic research programs.    [D] The inability to train young researchers to compete with the U. S..
  19. ERC's ultim

    • ate success seems to lie in    [A] the hands of the European Parliament.    [
    • B] the support of member states of the E
    • C.    [C] the absence of political intervention.    [
    • D] the number of votes each member is allotted.
  20. The phr

    • ase" stepped up a notch" (paragraph 5 )most pro
    • bably means    [A] improved.       [B] de
    • crease
    • d.       [C] worsened.          [D] stamped.
  21. 根据以上内容,回答11~15题。

    Why did the EU seldom finance basic scientific research in the past?

    [A] Because they don't want to be bothered with those basic researches.

    [B] Because national governments take them as their sole preserve.

    [C] Because member countries want to keep the benefits to themselves.

    [D] Because scientist from the member countries couldn't compete.

  22. According to ERC supporters, scientists

    • are not reaching their full potential
    • be
    • cause    [A] the European Union is not as competitive as the U. S..    [B] member states cannot cooperate as shoul
    • d have.    [C] Europe does not have enough top research institutions.    [D] research activities in Europe lack enough competition.             &nbs
  23. The

    • author' s attitude towards the development of small
    • businesses is    [A] worried.          [B] un
    • concerne
    • d.     [C] optimistic.           [D] cautious.
  24. In

    • a recent research, after three years,&n
    • bsp; small enterprises will be alive among 3,000 small businesses.    [A] more than 60     [B] more than51     [
    • C] more than 2,310     [
    • D] more than 2,400
  25. 根据以上内容,回答6~10题。

    • According to the text,the main difference between a multinational corporation and a small business lies in    [A] the proportion of work force.    [B] the frequency appeared on the headlines.    
  26. When opening sm

    • all
    • businesses ,the most important thing for small-business owners to do is    [A] to make a thorough analysis on the market.    [B] to invest mu
    • ch more money in small business.    [C] to cut
    • down the workers'wages.    [D] to think carefully about the internal specific conditions in the small enterprises.
  27. We m

    • ay conclude from the text that    [A] the future of the small
    • businesses is promising and undoubtedly en
    • couraging.    [B] all those who leave their jobs will be a boss of a small business.    [C] everyone shoul
    • d look before they leap when they decide managing small business.    [D] the success of small business solely depends on the bosses who perform. their last jobs.
  28. The

    • author's attitude towards the present situation in the US is    [A] confused.&n
    • bsp;        [B] un
    • certain.         [C] optimistic.           [
    • D] pessimistic.
  29. The

    • author seems to
    • believe that the US will have positive out
    • comes in Iraq if    [A] enough security can be obtaine
    • d after the war on terrorism.    [B] troops in Iraq take no further military actions.    [C] a representative regime is established through peaceful means.    [D] people in the US remain calm a
  30. According to the

    • author, the present pessimism in the US is mainly due to    [A] their chronic
    • bad mood.               [B] the un
    • certain prospect in Iraq.    [C] the incapable political system.           [
    • D] the unpromising president candidates.
  31. The phr

    • ase "going to the dogs" (paragraph 3)most pro
    • bably means    [A] be
    • coming worse.                       [B] becoming lazier.    [C] becoming crazier.      &nb
    • D] becoming easier.
  32. 根据以上内容,回答1~5题。

    • According to the text, what might have happened in 1992?    [A] The Americans had unwarranted pessimism about their state affairs.    [B] A wealthy businessman made his way into the white house.   &
  33. __________


    • A] quality&n
    • bsp;        [B] quantity        [
    • C] nature           [
    • D] aura
  34. __________


    • A] marked&n
    • bsp;        [B] written         [
    • C] labele
    • d          [D] recorded
  35. __________


    • A]which&n
    • bsp;          [B] when            [
    • C] where            [
    • D] and
  36. __________


    • A] protection&n
    • bsp;      [B] ferment         [
    • C] taste            [
    • D] drink
  37. __________


    • A] final&n
    • bsp;          [B] end             [
    • C] eventual          [
    • D] ultimate
  38. __________


    • A] rather than&n
    • bsp;     [B] but              [
    • C] an
    • d              [D] in order to
  39. __________


    • A] maintain&n
    • bsp;       [B] retain           [
    • C] contain         [
    • D] attain
  40. __________


    • A] as long as&n
    • bsp;     [B] as well as        [
    • C] as soon as       [
    • D] so long as
  41. __________


    • A] maintenance    [
    • B] prote
    • ction        [C] care              [
    • D] attention
  42. __________


    • A] As&n
    • bsp;             [B] For            [
    • C] After           [
    • D] Since
  43. __________


    • A] act&n
    • bsp;           [B] serve           [
    • C]work            [
    • D] reach
  44. __________


    • A] archeological&n
    • bsp;     [B] ar
    • chitectural    [C] artistic          [
    • D] anthropological
  45. __________


    • A] implied&n
    • bsp;          [B] demonstrated    [
    • C] evi
    • denced       [D] aided
  46. __________


    • A]cost&n
    • bsp;             [B] expense          [
    • C] exhaustion       [
    • D] consumption
  47. __________


    • A] since&n
    • bsp;            [B] after            [
    • C] by              [
    • D] to
  48. __________


    • A] generation&n
    • bsp;       [B] dynasty          [
    • C] sovereignty       [
    • D] empire
  49. __________


    • A] though&n
    • bsp;        [B] if              [
    • C] as             [
    • D] when
  50. __________


    • A] dispute&n
    • bsp;         [B] debate           [
    • C]
    • discussion        [D] argument
  51. __________


    • A] proved&n
    • bsp;         [B] believed        [
    • C] hypothesize
    • d     [D] established
  52. 根据以上内容,回答1~20题。


    [A] born        

    [B] native       

    [C] grown       

    [D] planted