

  1. Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.

    In your essay, you should

    1) describe the pictures,

    2 ) interpret the meaning, and

    3) give your comment.

    You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

  2.  Directions:

    Your company is planning to hold a meeting in a hotel. Write a letter to the hotel manager to

    1 ) book a conference room and

    2) ask them to make some necessary preparations.

    You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You don't have to write the address. (10 points)

  3. __________

  4. __________

  5. __________

  6. __________

  7. [ A] For instance, a speaker can vary his/her pitch or tone to change the meaning expressed. A writer, on the other hand, has to rely solely on the words and context or even explanations in braces to achieve that.

    [ B ] Good talking is wordy, repetitive, and far less structured than efficient writing. A good speech, reproduced word for word on paper, usually does not read well because it rambles and repeats words and thoughts. It is not nearly as disciplined and organized as good writing.

    [ C] Throughout your talk, words are your prime means for helping your audience

    understand your message. And to harness the profound power of words, you should develop a lifelong habit of using a dictionary and a thesaurus. If you do not exploit these resources, you will fail to achieve your full potential as a speaker and conversationalist. Another device that will help you achieve clarity in your talk is a summary. If your talk consists of three will-researched major points, lit those points in your introduction so your audience will know at once what ground you will cover. Discuss them in depth, summarize them at the end of your talk, and emphasize any conclusions hat they lead to.

    [ D ]For example, a speaker who's addressing a Parent-Teacher Association should avoid the statistical and psychological jargon of advanced educational researchers. By the same token, she should not indulge in teenage slang. Any speaker worth her salt will analyze her audience first and adapt her language accordingly.

    [ E ] The surest way for you to damage your credibility is to spew forth misinformation or outdated information. How many times have you seen a story, a name, an important fact, or a charge against someone retracted in newspapers? Unfortunately, the damage was done when the misinformation first appeared in print. Such unwarranted embarrassment and mental anguish could have been avoided if someone had taken the time to recheck the informtation. If your talk is on a current or crucial topic, do your homework and arm yourself with quotations and sources to fortify your facts.

    [F] Long, involved sentences are acceptable in writing for two reasons: (1) The eye can absorb many more words in an instant than the ear can hear. (2) If a reader stumbles on a marathon sentence, she can read it again. Not so with spoken words once uttered they're gone, especially in speech. If a listener misses a sentence, both she and the speaker have lost part of the message; there is no going back, except perhaps during the question-and-answer period. In a conversation, of course, the listener can ask the speaker to repeat.



  8. 根据以上内容,回答1~5题。


  9. It c

    • an
    • be inferred from the text that    [A] private-equity pays more attention to fast growing industries.    [B] new
    • comers
    • deny the fact that technology is vital to media industry.    [C] traditional media managers often deny the importance of technology.    [D] the public stock market accentuates business with more cashflow.
  10. The c

    • ase of the executives at Time Warner was cited to show that    [A] it was a
    • big disaster for them to have merged with AOL in 2000.    [B] the board of Time Warner was not qualified to lead the
    • company.    [C] MGM woul
    • d give its buyer a sharper competitive edge.    [D] leading media companies were "once bitten, twice shy".
  11. Tr

    • aditional media managers might
    • be envious be
    • cause    [A] Warner Music was acquire
    • d by private-equity firms at a very low price.    [B] private-equity firms seem to be benefiting a lot from recent acquisitions.    [C] more and more private-equity firms are entering the media industry. &nb
  12. 根据以上内容,回答16~20题。

    The best, title for the text might be

    [A] Private-Equity and the Media Industry. "

    [B] Private-Equity and Traditional Media Managers.

    [C] Private-Equity's Role in Economic Development.

    [D] Private-Equity Has Much Profit to Make.

  13. The word "vol

    • atile" ( paragraph 2 ) most pro
    • bably means    [A]
    • changeable.            [B] stable            [C] versatile.            [
    • D] expensive.
  14. According to Mr. He

    • ath and Mr. Potter, consumerism can
    • be tra
    • ce
    • d back to    [A] the imposition of overbearing companies.    [B] the very nature of arms race.    [C] the ignorance of some stupid workers.    [D] the desire to keep up with
  15. The p

    • assage is o
    • bviously taken from a    [A] reader' s digest.    [B] book review.    [
    • C] critical magazine.     [
    • D] text book.
  16. The word" eschew" ( p

    • aragraph 3 ) is closest in meaning to    [A] organize.&n
    • bsp;      [B] favor.       [
    • C] shun.       [
    • D] encourage.
  17. 根据以上内容,回答11~15题。

    The joke about"free-range"chicken is used in the text to

    [A] introduce the topic of anti-consumerism.

    [B] draw a comparison between chicken and earthworm.

    [C] stress the fact that chickens don't actually want much space.

    [D] point out that chickens, like human, should have a choice.

  18. Mr. He

    • ath and Mr. Potter seem to
    • believe that
    • counterculture    [A] has very strong subversive powers in mo
    • dern society.    [B] is originated by a magazine called" Mother Jones".    [C] will possibly lead to further expansion of consumerism.    [D] can eventually end up feeding monstrous social probl
  19. The ex

    • ample of FPS is used in the passage to    [ A] show how software controls an enemy
    • behavior. in a shooter game.    [ B ] show how advan
    • ce
    • d technology can help improve the quality of games.    [ C ] stress the importance of first principles in designing excellent games.    [ D ] point out that the characters in a war game should shift dynamically.
  20. Wh

    • at can
    • be inferred from the passage?    [ A]
    • Commercial games can be easily a
    • dopted as research tools in colleges.    [ B ] College students can also benefit by playing high-resolution games.    [ C ] Further communication between the two circles may result in mutual benefit.  &n
  21. The l

    • ast sentence" so now I expect high-resolution
    • behavior" in the se
    • con
    • d paragraph most probably means    [ A ] the gameplay should be improved in the future.    [B] the behavior. of game-designers should be refined.    [ C ] the definition of characters in games
  22. The m

    • ain purpose of the AIIDE conference is to    [ A] increase communication
    • between the eastern and western spheres.    [ B ] garantee the traffi
    • c of the gameplayers an
    • d the innovation of ideas.    [ C ] cooperate to make more money from the computer game industry.    [ D ] tap the commercial and academic use of AI through further communication.
  23. We c

    • an infer from the passage that we may cure addiction
    • by    [A] s
    • canning of brain as often as possible.    [B] consciously practicing cognitive skills.    [C] going through intensive rehabilitation programs.    [
    • D] making the neurotransmitter less sensitive.
  24. 根据以上内容,回答6~10题。

    • According to the passage, good video-games used to be judged in terms of    [ A ] how sophisticated the behaviors of the characters are.    [ B] how good-looking the characters seem to be.    
  25. P

    • aulus could accurately predict the relapsers
    • be
    • cause    [A] the part of their brain controlling cognitive skills is less active.    [B] a four-week intensive rehabilitation program is not effective enough.    [C] he has the
    • devices sophisticated enough to scan any brain damage.    [D] something innate to their brains prompt them to use drugs.
  26. According to the text,

    • anyone may
    • be addi
    • cte
    • d to drugs if they    [A] are born with a predisposition to addiction.    [B] use certain chemicals long and frequently enough.    [C] have sufficient drugs or alcohol to use.   
  27. Compulsive e

    • aters are typical example of    [A] pleasure turning into ha
    • bits and finally addi
    • ction.    [B] obese people with brain hyperactivity.    [C] those who can't control their mouth, lips an
    • d tongue.    [D] those who might also be addicted to gambling.
  28. __________


    • A] merchants&n
    • bsp;    [B] travelers    [
    • C] investors    [
    • D] executives
  29. 根据以上内容,回答1~5题。

    • According to Dr. Nora Volkow, the use of drugs    [A] is a very harmful behavior. that evolution failed to get rid of.    [B] makes it hard for people to drive safely under its influence.    [
  30. __________


    • A] priced    [
    • B] labeled     [
    • C] claime
    • d      [D] exchanged
  31. __________


    • A] though    [
    • B] but    [
    • C] for     [
    • D] since
  32. __________


    • A] current&n
    • bsp;      [B]
    • currency    [C] stock    [
    • D] share
  33. __________


    • A] inflows    [
    • B] imports     [
    • C] exports      [
    • D] outputs
  34. __________


    • A] revive    [
    • B] remain     [
    • C]
    • disappear    [D] discharge
  35. __________


    • A] manifesting    [
    • B] a
    • ccounting     [C] recor
    • ding    [D] photocopying
  36. __________


    • A] mo
    • bility       [B] flexibility      [
    • C] stability     [
    • D] irregularity
  37. __________


    • A] Instead    [
    • B] Indeed     [
    • C] Accor
    • dingly      [D] Surprisingly
  38. __________


    • A] claimed    [
    • B] rea
    • che
    • d    [C] concluded    [D] achieved 
  39. __________


    • A] reduce    [
    • B] drop    [
    • C] shrink       [
    • D] descend
  40. __________


    • A] approaching&n
    • bsp;    [B] surpassing       [
    • C] matching     [
    • D] succeeding
  41. __________


    • A] inflation    [
    • B] interest    [
    • C] investment       [
    • D] tariff
  42. __________


    • A] Unfortunately    [
    • B] However    [
    • C] Therefore    [
    • D] Furthermore
  43. __________


    • A] ratio&n
    • bsp;    [B] rate       [
    • C] rhythm      [
    • D] rhyme
  44. __________


    • A] that    [
    • B] whi
    • ch     [C] those       [
    • D] these
  45. __________


    • A] application    [
    • B] a
    • ccession    [C] reception    [
    • D] negotiation
  46. __________


    • A] presented&n
    • bsp;      [B] attended    [
    • C] joine
    • d      [D] participated
  47. 根据以上内容,回答1~20题。


    [A] decided

    [B] Voted  

    [C] elected  

    [D] appointed

  48. __________


    • A]
    • But    [B] So      [
    • C] Though    [
    • D] While