

  1. Directions:

    Write him a letter to

    1 ) invite him to attend the meeting and

    2) ask him to make a speech during the conference.

    You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use " Li Ming" instead. You don' t have to write the address.

    ( 10 points)

  2. Directions:

    Study the following two pictures carefully and write an essay of 160-200 words. In'your essay you should

    1 ) describe the pictures briefly,

    2) interpret the meaning of the pictures, and

    3) give your comment.

    You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

  3. __________。

  4. __________。

  5. __________。

  6. __________。

  7. 根据以上内容,回答1~5题。


  8. __________

  9. __________

  10. __________

  11. [A] He is unlikely to produce such a big hit in the near future, so more of his attention is directed to revising the old song and selling it to more people.

    [ B] Back in the 1950s, he says, performers got only one-tenth of the share of royalties that they do now. For years, artists have, with good reason, accused big record labels of ripping them off.

    [ C ] This month, early recordings by E1vis himself started to enter Europe ' s public domain. Over the next few decades a torrent of the most popular tracks from the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and many other artists will become public property in Europe--to the pleasure of fans and the consternation of the music industry.

    [ D ] The music industry also points out that America gives artists almost twice as much copyright protection as Europe. America has repeatedly lengthened copyright terms, with the latest reprieve, the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, giving performers protection for 95 years after publication.

    [ E ] But when the attention is shifted from Europe to America, artists should feel much better because the length of copyright protection there is even shorter. It seems that the American government is more interested in serving the public than the already very rich artists.

    [ F ] Music executives want the European Commission to protect them from such

    unwelcome competition by extending the copyright term.

    [ G ] And that estimate accounts only for songs up to the end of the 1950s. Far more will be at risk as music from the 1960s and 1970s moves out of copyright.



  12. __________

  13. Itc

    • an
    • be inferred from the last paragraph that    [A] Dr.Vink does not treat her resear
    • ch results with enough care.    [B]there are always people who try to copy other' s researches.    [C] MarkTwain' s problem will be other smokers' problem in the future.    [
    • D] manysuch researches as Dr. Vink' s have not been done thoroughly.
  14. Theultim

    • ate purpose of Dr. Vink' s research is to    [A]identify all the genes that are responsi
    • ble for smoking.    [B]determine the real
    • cause of nicotine
    • dependence.    [C] makea difference between social smokers and other smokers.    [D] helpdifferent smokers give up smoking more effectively.
  15. 根据以上内容,回答16~20题。

    MarkTwain is mentioned in the passage in order to show that

    [A] he is a man with very strong willpower.

    [ B ] it is easy to give up smokingtemporarily.

    [ C ] famous writers are often heavysmokers.

    [ D ] only few people have hisdetermination.

  16. Them

    • ajor difference
    • between Dr. Vink and other geneti
    • cists is that    [ A ] her research is not base
    • d on thestudy of twins but on questionnaires.    [ B] her research does not emphasize thecontrast between two kinds of twins.    [ C ] her research is interested inthe-smoking habits of fraternal twins.  &
  17. Theword "genome" ( p

    • aragraph 4) most pro
    • bably means    [A] aparti
    • cular human gene.              [B] a
    • DNA letter.    [C] abank of genes.                       [D] functional DNA letters.
  18. Am

    • azon is successful with Turk is pro
    • bably be
    • cause    [A] Turk has very strong softwareinfrastructure
    • developing potentials.    [B] its previous model has laid a solidfoundation for an extension.    [C] its system is based on artificialartificial intelligentce.    [D] Turk is profitably adaptive
  19. Seriosity is mentioned in the p

    • assage to    [A] show the extensive influence of Turkon the commercial world.    [
    • B] substantiate endeavors to apply humanintelligen
    • ce to computer analysis.    [C] show the strength of collectivebrainpower of computer game players.    [
    • D] substantiate people' s abilities ofsorting photographs while playing games.
  20. AskForCents. corn is oper

    • ated on the
    • basis of    [A]
    • computers that can tell peopleinformation about baseball sche
    • dules.    [B] a software that allows humans toprovide answers through computers.    [C] the flexibility of an algorithm-drivensystem developed by Mr. Heitler.    [D] a software that allows people
  21. Which of the following is true

    • about registered Turk users?    [A] They get rewards
    • by solving postedproblems.    [B] They set up a separate a
    • ccount ascompanies
    • do.    [C] They pay out fees to other users fortheir help.    [D] They receive cash after successfullyperforming HITs.
  22. 根据以上内容,回答11~15题。

    Thelast sentence of the first paragraph means

    [A] computers have never been superior tohuman intelligence.

    [B] human intelligence can stilloutperform. computers.

    [C] computers will eventually baffle manytasks humans give them.

    [D] human intelligence will fail in theface of electronic chessmasters.

  23. Which of the following might Mr. Porter propose to solve the problem?


    • A] More statistics should
    • be publi
    • cize
    • d.    [B] Improve a given patient' s healthcondition.    [C] More advanced techno-fixes should beoffered.    [D] Improve the entire cycle of treatment.
  24. Wec

    • an infer from the last two paragraphs that    [A] there is no easy money on the pavementfor passers
    • by to pi
    • ck up.    [B] Mr. Porter is very likely to fall ina trap set up by the economists.    [C] competition alone is not enough tocure the health care system.    [
    • D] only government actions can sweepaside the obstacles along the way.
  25. Theword "perverse"(p

    • aragraph 2) is closest in meaning to    [A] harmful.&n
    • bsp;           [B] e
    • conomic.           [C] strong.            [
    • D] reversed.
  26. Mr.Porter's

    • argument seems to
    • be based on the assumption that    [A] do
    • ctors
    • do not have faith in the valueof competition.    [B] the present health care competition isnot patient oriented.    [C] Britain's National Health Service is asuccessful example.    [D] health com
  27. Itc

    • an
    • be inferred from the text that    [ A]
    • California nee
    • ds further actions toinspire other states.    [ B] California has set a perfect modelfor other states to follow.    [C] California will become an excuse forinaction for other states.    [D] Calif
  28. 根据以上内容,回答6~10题。

    Whatseems to be the biggest problem with America' s health care system?

    [A] American spends more money on healthcare than on other services.

    [B] Most Americans couldn' t get theirhealth insurance till their old age.

    [C] Most American hospitals do not offeroutstanding treatment to patients.

    [D] The costs of health care are notsteered towards a health direction.

  29. Corn-b

    • ased ethanol mightnot
    • be
    • chosen as an alternative because    [A]carbon re
    • duction in both fuel productionand burning might be hard.    [B]California also intends to cut downemissions from new vehicles.    [C]it is almost impossible for vehicle fuelto produce l0%lesscarbon.  &nbs
  30. Why did Mr.Schw

    • arzenegger seem to
    • be working on nothing else?    [A]Be
    • cause California has always been environmentally-conscious.    [B]Because Kevin Start faile
    • d to talk aboutclimate change in his book.    [C]Because his call for alternative fuelshas been most strongly echoed.    [D]Because all his other policies met withmore acclaim than resistance.
  31. J

    • anet Napolitano ismentioned in the passage to show that    [A]Arizona is determined to out-muscleCalifornia.    [
    • B]female governors often set unrealisti
    • cgoals.    [ C] Arizona will start a Mr. olympiacontest with California.    [
    • D] California' s actions have producedsome positive effects.
  32. [

    • A] content&n
    • bsp;            [ B ] musi
    • c             [ C ] opinion       
    • D ] thought
  33. 根据以上内容,回答1~5题。

    • According to the author,Mr.Arnold Schwarzenegger is cheerful chieflybecause    [A]climate change is not worryingCalifornia anymore.    [B]even film stars become serious aboutenvironmental Protection.  &nbs
  34. [

    • A ] when&n
    • bsp;              [ B ] whi
    • ch            [ C ] that          
    • D ] whose
  35. [

    • A ] immediately&n
    • bsp;       [ B ] suddenly      
    • C ] mainly        
    • D ] only
  36. [

    • A ] viewed&n
    • bsp;             [ B ]
    • criticize
    • d          [ C ] reviewed          [ D ] said
  37. [

    • A] catch on&n
    • bsp;          [B]
    • catch out         [ C] catch to      
    • D] catch off
  38. [

    • A] shape&n
    • bsp;             [B] figure         
    • C] form          
    • D] appearance
  39. [

    • A] following&n
    • bsp;          [ B] ensuing           [
    • C] latter             [
    • D] behind
  40. [

    • A] produce&n
    • bsp;            [ B ] produ
    • ct           [ C ] pro
    • duction        [ D ] result
  41. [

    • A] transferred&n
    • bsp;         [B]transa
    • cte
    • d          [C] transported        [D] transmitted
  42. [

    • A] commitment&n
    • bsp;        [B] sense         
    • C] communication
    • D] connection
  43. [

    • A] thought&n
    • bsp;            [B]
    • consi
    • dered        [C] mentioned         [D] meant
  44. [

    • A]
    • be
    • cause             [B] thus              [C] but           
    • D] hence
  45. [

    • A] when&n
    • bsp;               [B] who          
    • C] that          
    • D] where
  46. [

    • A] thought&n
    • bsp;            [B] believed      
    • C] cre
    • dited          [D] said
  47. [

    • A] happened&n
    • bsp;           [B] took pla
    • ce        [C] occurre
    • d          [D] started
  48. [

    • A] for instance&n
    • bsp;         [B] indeed        
    • C] however      
    • D] but
  49. [

    • A] Since&n
    • bsp;              [B] For         
    • C] As          
    • D] Thus
  50. [

    • A] dominated&n
    • bsp;         [B] ruled         
    • C] performe
    • d        [D] acted
  51. 根据以上内容,回答1~20题。

    [A] upon         

    [B] in         

    [C] at         

    [D] with

  52. [

    • A]
    • big               [B] large        
    • C] little        
    • D] chief