

  1. Guest: I'd like a room with an ocean view, please.

    Clerk: I'm sorry. ______.

    • A.Those rooms are all ordered  
    • B.Those rooms are all taken
    • C.Those rooms are all owned
    • D.Those rooms are all held
  2. Customer: ______.

    Waiter: I'm sorry. Didn't you order fried shrimp?

    Customer: I ordered fried chicken.

    Waiter: Oh, all I heard was fried shrimp. Let me have kitchen redo this for you.

    • A.Sorry, this isn't my dish
    • B.Excuse me, this isn't what I paid for
    • C.Sorry, this isn't my order
    • D.Excuse me, this isn't what I ordered
  3. Customer: I'm looking for a new living room set.

    Salesman: We have a lot of very nice sets. What style. do you have in mind?

    Customer: ______. What ! need is something comfortable.

    • A.I really don't think 
    • B.It's really not necessary
    • C.I really don't bother 
    • D.It really doesn't matter
  4. Salesman: Good morning. Planning to buy a new car today?

    Customer: ______.

    Salesman: What kind of car are you looking for?

    Customer: Something that has enough room for my family.

    • A.I'm just looking around  
    • B.I'm just looking everywhere
    • C.I'm just looking here and there 
    • D.I'm just looking all the cars
  5. Tom: I see in the paper they're sending more equipment to space. And we might have to live there someday.

    John: ______! I'm staying right here!

    • A.Never I 
    • B.Not me
    • C.No me 
    • D.None me
  6. Alan: My schedule this afternoon is an absolute mess. Between 3: 30 and 4: 00 I'm supposed to be in four different places. There's no way.

    • Adam: I've done that before. ______?
    • A.Anything I can help you 
    • B.Something I can help you
    • C.Anything I can help you with  
    • D.Something I can help you with
  7. Cindy: ______?

    Rebecca: No, what happened?

    Cindy: They let him go as he is suspected to be cheating.

    • A.Did you know John 
    • B.Did you like John
    • C.Did you hate John  
    • D.Did you hear about John
  8. Robert: What are you doing?

    Ellen: Trying to get this wine stain out of the carpet.

    Robert: Hang on. There's some soda in here. It should take the stain right out.

    Ellen: Really? Hey, ______.

    • A.it really is functioning
    • B.it really is working
    • C.it really is playing  
    • D.it really is influencing
  9. Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you?

    Miss Chang: Yes, I'd like a one-way ticket to Manchester 8:15 tomorrow evening.

    Clerk: Fifteen pounds, please.

    Miss Chang: ______

    • A.Here you are  
    • B.Here it is
    • C.There is the payment
    • D.Take the payment, please
  10. Host: John, come and sit in the sofa. Dinner will be ready in a minute. Could I get you something to drink?

    Guest: ______

    • A.No, don't trouble. I've drunk enough
    • B.No, you couldn't. I'm not thirsty
    • C.Yes, please. I'd like some Sprite
    • D.Yes, you could. I'd like some Coca cola
  11.   Is there something as truth? For a good many centuries "the search for truth" has been (31) the noblest activity of the human mind, but the seekers after truth have come to such (32) conclusions that it often seems that very little progress has been made. (33) , there are many people who reel that we are actually going backward. They (34) , often contemptuously, that we have accumulated more "knowledge" than our ancestors, but they think we are farther from the truth than ever, or even that we have (35) the truth that we once possessed.

      If people look for anything long enough without finding it, the question naturally arises (36) the thing is really there to find. You have seen a picture of an animal with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail--and maybe an eagle's wings for good (37) There is plenty of evidence that each part of this animal (38) --but there is no (39) evidence that the parts ever occur in this combination. It is at least conceivable that the seekers after "truth" have made a similar mistake and invented an (40) combination.

    • A.regarded
    • B.considered
    • C.pondered
    • D.referred
  12. Both ads offer clear information about the following except ______.

    • A.education requirement
    • B.location of the job
    • C.salary
    • D.description of the job
  13. The technology consultant may NOT have a salary of ______.

    • A.$ 45,000 
    • B.$ 60,000
    • C.$ 50,000 
    • D.$ 40,500
  14. The technology consultant will ______.

    • A.help customers with IT problems
    • B.purchase IT products for the company
    • C.sell computers to customers
    • D.sell IT information to customers
  15. * Employees within the organization have opportunities for additional salary advancement.

    The media director is responsible for the following except

    • A.reviewing advertising expenses
    • B.overseeing media agreements for outdoor advertising
    • C.executing media strategy
    • D.the welfare of the employees
  16. The applicants for the position of media director should ______.

    • A.be living in the United States
    • B.have Ph. D. degree
    • C.have stock share
    • D.have more than 10 years in a business environment
  17. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the report.

    • A.The Chinese team came out with one of the first prizes.
    • B.There were 23 teams in this year's UN simulation.
    • C.There were a number of second-place winners at the conference.
    • D.The Chinese team stood out representing their country at the conference.
  18. According to the Chinese team leader, what% the key to their success?

    • A.Debate practice sessions.
    • B.Solid training.
    • C.Research on Japanese.
    • D.Knowledge of parliamentary procedure and public speaking.
  19. The judge panel includes the following EXCEPT ______.

    • A.U.S. professors   
    • B.former student participants
    • C.LIN senior staff members     
    • D.UN professors
  20.   A group of 11 delegates from the Chinese university returned home last week. They came in second place with 13 other university teams.

       The conference is the world's largest university-level UN simulation. It is held each April, for a week, in New York, to give students a chance to debate international affairs. It is meant to mirror the real-life business of the UN.

      Teams from more than 23 countries gathered this year to discuss and debate serious issues such as the AIDS epidemic and water shortages.

      Some UN senior staff members, U. S. professors, and former student participants formed the judge panel.

      The Chinese team applied to take part in the event and was assigned to represent Japan this year, working on various committees and arguing Japan's position on resolutions to problems like international migration.

    • According to Li Xiaocong, the Chinese team leader, their efforts in finding approaches to resolutions made them stand out. Li attributes their success to "solid training".    What's the purpose of the conference?
    • A.To give students a chance to debate international affairs and to mirror the real life business of the UN.
    • B.To enlarge students' fields of vision.
    • C.To learn about other cultures.
    • D.To learn about how to portray their own.
  21. How many Chinese students are involved in the conference?

    • A.17. 
    • B.23. 
    • C.11. 
    • D.13.
  22. What is the characteristic of the Martian surface according to observations over the past 20 years?

    • A.Remaining stable all the time.
    • B.Appearing bright red.
    • C.Looking dark most of the time.
    • D.Changing from bright to dark or vice versa.
  23. Which of the following is TRUE about the north polar cap of Mars in summertime?

    • A.It is at its largest size.
    • B.It is changing its shape all the time.
    • C.It is at its smallest size.
    • D.It is at its windiest time.
  24.   NASA is releasing several images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, which is the closest yet look at the red planet. Altogether there are four images, which show the entire planet. Each view shows the planet as it completes one quarter of its daily rotation. In these views the north polar cap is turned toward the Earth and is clearly visible at the top of each picture. The images, were taken in the middle of the Martian northern summer, when the polar cap was at its smallest size. During this season the sun shines continuously on the polar cap. Previous spacecraft observations have shown that this summertime polar cap is composed of water ice, just like Earth's polar caps.

      The Hubble Telescope pictures reveal that great changes have occurred on the surface of Mars in the past 20 years. The Martian surface is ever changing. Some regions that were dark 20 years ago are now bright red; some areas that were bright red are now dark. Winds move sand and dust from region to region, often in huge dust storms. Over long timescales many of the larger bright and dark markings remain stable, but smaller details come and go as they are covered and then uncovered by sand and dust.

    How is the image of the north polar cap of Mars?

    • A.Vague.    
    • B.Clear.
    • C.Cannot be seen. 
    • D.Barely visible.
  25. When were the images of Mars taken?

    • A.In the middle of summer on Earth.
    • B.In the middle of summer on Mars.
    • C.In the middle of summer on Earth's polar caps.
    • D.In the middle of summer in the northern part of Mars.
  26. What is the summertime polar cap composed of?

    • A.Dust.
    • B.Sand.
    • C.Water ice.   
    • D.Volcanic rocks.
  27. The speaker's experience in reading classified documents made him realize that ______.

    • A.others had been mistaken in interpreting events that they had observed
    • B.others knew more about current events than he did
    • C.he was the only responsible person who knew the truth about government affairs
    • D.he was a more impartial observer than anyone else in the government
  28. According to the speaker, "My Experiences in Washington" will deal with ______.

    • A.secret documents never before released to the public
    • B.an "insider's" conceptualization of the government's failures
    • C.his personal view of that presidential era
    • D.the administrative problems of the president
  29. When the speaker says that he "put that project on ice", he means that he ______.

    • A.put it in the refrigerator
    • B.gave up on it completely
    • C.took a rather cold attitude towards it
    • D.put it aside until later
  30. When the speaker says that he simultaneously knew "too much, and not enough", he means that he was ______.

    • A.more perceptive than others who were involved at this time
    • B.too close to the events to see them objectively
    • C.unable to see any significance in current events
    • D.confused by the number of important events that were taking place
  31.   I doubt that any historically valid treatment of that presidential administration can emerge for at least another decade, if then. I confess that when I came out of the White House I signed up to do an "insider volume", but sober, professional second thoughts have led me to put that project on ice until at least 1980. The problem is that I simultaneously know too much, and not enough. I know what I thought was happening. But I cannot fully document what happened. And I have seen enough highly classified documents to know that most of what the observers thought was happening was at best half right, at worst dead wrong. This has steered me in a different direction as far as writing is concerned. I am now preparing what is frankly and unashamedly an ex parte memoir, "My Experiences in Washington". It is based on what I believed to be tree, on the picture as I conceptualized it, of the presidential administration under which I worked.

    • According to the speaker, the problem with "insider volumes" is that they ______.
    • A.tell things that should not be told
    • B.lack historical perspective
    • C.are too sensational
    • D.often intentionally distort the troth
  32. John is the only One of the students who ______ to France.

    • A.has been
    • B.have been
    • C.had been
    • D.has being
  33. It is ______ he is determined.

    • A.buying a new car that
    • B.to buy a new car that
    • C.to buy a new car what
    • D.buying a new car which
  34. My grandmother ______ rural life.

    • A.has used to
    • B.used to 
    • C.is used to 
    • D.uses to
  35. So little ______ about physics that the lecture was completely beyond me.

    • A.I knew 
    • B.did I know
    • C.I had known
    • D.had I known
  36. It is ______ for her to wear a formal suit at the homely little party.

    • A.out of order
    • B.out of question
    • C.out of place 
    • D.out of practice
  37. The electric shaver needs ______ before it can be used.

    • A.repairing
    • B.to repair
    • C.being repaired
    • D.to be repairing
  38. My parents want me to be the best at anything, but I don't have such high ______.

    • A.instructions 
    • B.restrictions
    • C.suspicions 
    • D.ambitions
  39. The three boys were given work according to their ______ abilities.

    • A.respectful
    • B.respectable
    • C.respective
    • D.responsible
  40. He was ______ admission of the restaurant for not wearing a tie.

    • A.denied
    • B.granted 
    • C.acquired 
    • D.appealed
  41. Manufacturing companies spend millions of pounds trying to convince customers that their products are ______ to those of others.

    • A.better
    • B.best
    • C.super
    • D.superior