

  • A.会计电算化工作,包括电算化会计信息系统的管理、开发和使用维护等都集中到企业财务部门完成。
  • B.会计电算化工作,包括电算化会计信息系统的管理、开发和使用维护等都由企业财务部门统一管理,分散到其它业务部门一起完成。
  • C.会计电算化工作,包括电算化会计信息系统的管理、开发和使用维护等都由企业管理部门统一管理,分配任务到财务部门完成;
  • D.会计电算化工作,包括电算化会计信息系统的管理、开发和使用维护等都由企业计算中心进行处理,财务部门只是向计算中心提供基础会计数据和处理要求。
  1. (75)

    • A.source
    • B.resources
    • C.route
    • D.Entry
  2. (76)

    • A.flow table
    • B.flow label
    • C.rout table
    • D.Tag table
  3. (77)

    • A.quality
    • B.Traffic
    • C.services
    • D.route
  4. In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose the best answer and write down on the answer sheet.

     To a router, a flow is a(71)of packets that share the same characterstics, such as traveling the same(72), using the same(73), having the same kind of security, and so on. A router that supports the handling of flow labels has a(74)table. The table has an entry for each Active flow label; each entry defines the(75)required by the corresponding flow label.

    • A.sequence
    • B.stream
    • C.Queues
    • D.flow
  5. (74)

    • A.path
    • B.rout
    • C.circuit
    • D.way
  6. (70)

    • A.collision
    • B.congestion
    • C.drop
    • D.delay
  7. (71)

    • A.flow
    • B.admission
    • C.traffic
    • D.time
  8. (72)

    • A.path
    • B.rout
    • C.circuit
    • D.way
  9. (69)

    • A.packets
    • B.cells
    • C.message
    • D.files
  10. In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose the best answer and write down on the answer sheet.

     In low - speed network, it is usually adequate to wait for congestion to occur and then react to it by telling the source of packets to slow down. In high - speed networks, this approach often works poorly, because in the(66)between sending the notification and notification arriving at the source, thousands of additional(67)may arrive. In ATM network, a major tool for preventing(68)is(69)control. When a host wants a new virtual(70), it must describe the traffic to be offered and the service expected.

    • A.interval
    • B.time
    • C.slot
    • D.delay