

  • A.人工方式隔离
  • B.划分子网隔离
  • C.VLAN隔离
  • D.交换网络隔离
  1. Results of quality control measurement are used(75) .

    • A.As an input to quality planning
    • B.To prepare a control chart
    • C.As an input to quality assurance
    • D.To prepare an operational definition
  2. On some projects, especially ones of smaller scope, activity sequencing, activity resource estimating. Activity duration estimating and(74) are so tightly linked that they are viewed as a single process that can be performed by a person over a relatively short period of time.

    • A.project planning
    • B.schedule development
    • C.cost estimating
    • D.time estimating
  3. During the risk analysis process, it is determined that one identified risk event cannot be avoided, mitigated, or insured. This risk event is a critical item that could cause the project to fail if it occurs. The best option for the project manager is to:(73) .

    • A.Continue to search for an insurance company that would assume the risk
    • B.Place special emphasis on the risk event to intensely manage that item and all interfacing items
    • C.Play down the risk and the team will find a means of overcoming any failure
    • D.Ignore the risk assessment because any assigned value is a point estimate which is never precisely the expected state of nature
  4. (72) is the process of obtaining the stakeholdrs’formal acceptance of the completed project scope. Verifying the scope includes reviewing deliverables and work results to ensure that all were completed satisfactorily.

    • A.scope definition
    • B.WBS Creation
    • C.project acceptance
    • D.scope verification
  5. In fixed price contract which of the following holds true?(71) .

    • A.More risk is placed on the buyer.
    • B.If the amount of the contract is exceeded the seller is not obligated to perform. further unless the buyer increases the funds.
    • C.The seller agrees to perform. a service or furnish supplies at the established contract price.
    • D.The seller agrees to use his best effort to fulfill the contract within the estimated contract amount.
  6. (77)

    • A.9
    • B.10
    • C.12
    • D.14
  7. 某工程包括A、B、C、D、E、F、G 7个作业,各个作业的紧前作业、所需时间、所需人数如表5-1所示。


    • A.7
    • B.8
    • C.10
    • D.13
  8. 沟通是项目管理的一项重要工作,如图5-2所示为人与人之间的沟通模型。该模型说明了沟通的发送者收集信息、对信息加工处理、通过通道传送、接受者接收并理解、接受者反馈等若干环节。由于人们的修养和表达能力的差别,在沟通时会产生各种各样的障碍。语义障碍最常出现在(59),认知障碍最常出现在(60)。

    • A.①和③
    • B.①和②
    • C.②和③
    • D.①和④
  9. (75)

    • A.①和③
    • B.①和②
    • C.②和③
    • D.①和④
  10. 在大型项目或多项目实施的过程中,负责实施的项目经理对这些项目大都采用(57)的方式。投资大、建设周期长、专业复杂的大型项目最好采用(58)的组织形式或近似的组织形式。

    • A.直接管
    • B.间接管理
    • C.水平管
    • D.垂直管理