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Fat on human body is distributed in two different ways. Some fat people have a large51and no waistline, looking rather like apples. Others are fatter below the waist, looking52like pears.

Doctors in Cambridge, England, have been examining the53between health and fat distribution. They find that the pear-shaped fat people have fewer problems54the apple-shaped fat people. What seems to be most important is not how much fat you have but55you have it. The doctors measured the apple-shaped women and pear-shaped women with X-ray scanners. Human beings have two56of fat : one is outside fat, that is the fat below the skin, and the other is inside fat that57inside the body. Using the X-ray scanners, the doctors found that the “apples” have a large58of inside fat. 

If this inside fat is much more than outside fat, it will probably cause59problems such as obesity. The best treatment for obesity is to reduce the inside fat. But unfortunately diet treatment simply makes an apple-shaped person into a smaller apple and a pear-shaped person into a smaller pear. At the60there is no effective way of reducing the inside fat.
