

Bond had walked for only a few minutes when it suddenly occurred to him that he Wasbeing followed.There was no evidence for it except a slight tingling(隐隐作痛)of the scalp(头皮)and an extra awareness ofthe people near him,but he had faith in his sixth senseand he atonce stopped in front of the shop window he Was passing and looked casually back along 46thstreet.Nothing but a lot ofmiscellaneous people moving slowly on the sidewalks, mostly on the same side ashimself ,the side that was sheltered from the sun.ThereWas no sudden movementinto a doorway,.nobody casuallywiping his face with a handkerchief to avoid recognition,nobody bending down to tie a shoelace.

Bondexamined the Swiss watches in his shop window and then turned and sauntered on.After a few yards he stopped again.Still nothing.He went onand turned right into the Avenueof the Americans.stoppingin the first doorway,the entrance to a women’sunderwear store where a mall in a tan suit with his back to him was examiningthe black lace‘pants on a particu—laxly realistic dummy(模型).Bond turned and leant against a pillar andgazed lazily but watch-fully out into the street.

  • And then something gripped his pistol arlnand a voice snarled:“All fight,Limey.Takeiteasy unless you want lead for lunch”,and he feltsomething press into his back just above thekidney.    What wa$there familiar about that voice?Thelaw?
  • Bond straightened himself slowly and for amoment he could only gaze into the grinning hawk.life face of FelixLeiterwith blank disbelief,his builtup tension slowlyrelaxing.    “So you were doing a fmnt tail,you lousy bastard,”he fi
  • Bond realized that he Was being followedby means of________.
  • A.his common sense
  • B.his sense of humour
  • C.his sight
  • D.his sixth sense
  1. For thispart,you areallowed 20 minutes to write a short composition of about100—120 words on thetitle:My Most Favourite Programme.Base your composition onthe outline given below in Chinese:




  2. __________

  3. __________

  4. __________

  5. __________

  6. 回答下列各题:

    A.I will take it.   

    B.How much is it?

    C.What can I do for you?

    D.Which one do you like?

    E.Let me help you.   

    F.How many ones do you want?

    G.Here you are.   

    H:Thank you so much!


    S: ___56___

    P:I want to buy a notebook.

    S:The notebooks are overtllere.___57___

    P:The blue onelooks nice. ___58___

    S:Two yuan.

    P:That’s all right.___59___

    S: ___60___

    P:Thank you.


  7. The author says that he is a naturalist ratherthan a scientist probably because he thinks he________.

    • A.comes up with solutions ina most natural way
    • B.lacks some of thequalities required of a scientist
    • C.just reads about otherpeople’s observations and discoveries
    • D.has a great deal oftrouble doing mental arithmetic
  8. It can he inferred from the passage thatthe author was________.

    • A.no more than a bornnaturalist   
    • B.a naturalist but not ascientist
    • C.a scientist as well as anaturalist
    • D.first of all a scientist
  9. The first paragraph tells us theauthor________.

    • A.was born to a naturalistsfamily
    • B.didn’t like his brothersand sisters
    • C.lost his hearing when hewas a child
    • D.was interested in flowersand insects in his childhood
  10. 回答下列各题:

    Looking back on my childhood,I am convinced thatnaturalists are born and not made.Al-though we werebwught up in the same way,my bwthers and sisters soonabandoned theirpressed flowers and insects.Unlike them,I had no ear for music and languages.I wasnot anearly reader and I could not do mental arithmetic.

    Before World War I we spent our summerholidays in Hungary.I have only the dim memry 0f tlle house we lived in,of my room and my toys.Nor do I recallclearly the large family ofgrandparents,aunts,uncles and cousins who gathered next door.ButI do have a crystalclearmemory of the dogs,the farmanimals,the local birds,andabove all,the insects.

    I am a naturalist,not a scientist.I have a strong love of the natural world and my enthusiasmhad ledme into varied investigations.I love discussing myfavorite topics and enjoy burning themidnight oil while reading about otherpeople’s observations and discoveries.Then somethinghap-pens that brings these observations together in my conscious mind.Suddenly you fancy you flee theanswer to the riddie,because it all seems to fit together.Thishas resulted in my publishing 300 -pets,and books,which some might honour with the title of scientific research.

    But curiosity,a keen eye,a goodmemory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world donot make a scientist:one the outstanding and essential qualities required isself-discipline,aquality I lack.A scientist requires not only self-discipline but hard training,determination anda goal.A scientist,up to a point,can be made.A naturalist is born.If you can combinethetwo,you get the best of both wodds.

    The author can’t remember his relativesclearly because_________.

    • A.he was too young when helived with them
    • B.he was fully occupied withobserving nature.
    • C.he didn’t live very longwith them
    • D.the family was extremelylarge