

  • Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ________ to the outside world.    [A]
  • being lost    [B] having lost    [
  • C] losing    [
  • D] lost
  1. The project requires more l

    • abor than ________.    [A] has
    • been put in    [B] have been put in    [
    • C] being put in    [
    • D] to be put in
  2. The tourist is prevented from entering

    • a country if he does not have ________ passport.    [A] an operative    [
    • B] a valid    [
    • C] an efficient    [
    • D] an effective
  3.  H

    • ad Paul received six more votes in the last election, he ________ our chairman now.    [A] must have
    • been    [B] would have been    [
    • C] were    [
    • D] would be
  4. T

    • alk to anyone in the drug industry, you’ll soon discover that the science of genetics is the
    • biggest thing to hit drug resear
    • ch since penicillin was
    • discovered.    [A] or    [B] so    [C] for    [D] and
  5.  Stressful environments le

    • ad to unhealthy
    • behaviors su
    • ch as poor eating habits, which ________ increase the risk of heart
    • disease.    [A] in turn    [B] in return    [C] by chance    [D] by turns
  6. Prof. W

    • ard hardly ever went to the theater.    [A] neither the cinema nor    [
    • B] neither the
    • cinema or    [C] either the cinema or    [
    • D] either the cinema nor
  7. The b

    • ank is reported ________ in the local newspaper in
    • broad daylight yesterday.    [A] to be robbed    [B] robbed    [
    • C] to have been robbe
    • d    [D] having been robbed
  8. Will you ________ this p

    • assage to see if there is any misprint?    [A] look up    [
    • B] go over    [
    • C]
    • dwell on    [D] work out
  9. The

    • al
    • bum is as it was the only one ever signed by the President.    [A] unusual    [B] unique    [
    • C] rare    [
    • D] singular
  10. The p

    • atient has
    • been ________ of the safety of the operation.    [A] assured    [B] guaranteed    [
    • C] entruste
    • d    [D] confirmed