

Thefollowing paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45, you arerequired to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent text by choosing fromthe list A-G to fill in each numbered box. The first and the last paragraphshave been placed for you in Boxes.

Markyour answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

[A] In 1849 gold was discovered inCalifornia in the mountains near San Francisco, So started the famous Gold Rushof the 49ers across the vast, unexplored wilderness that lay west of theMississippi. Whole families perished. One small group of 49ers, looking for a shortcut across the Sierra Nevada Mountains, happened to enter the infamous DeathValley.

It waslucky for them it was winter, for in summer Death Valley is about the hottestand most desolate place on earth. As it was, one of the group died of thirst,and it was the 49ers who gave the valley its grim name.         

[ B ] The completion of the railroad notonly joined the cities of the east with California,it also brought prosperityto the isolated farmers of the plains, and to the ranchers who were

now ableto send their cattle to the slaughterhouses in freight cars. In fact, the newrailroad became an essential life-line for a nation which now stretched 3 000miles from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans.

[ C ] As late as the 1880s a man in theFar west could be hanged for stealing a horse, yet get no more than five yearsin jail for robbing a bank. Ever since the pioneers went west into the unknown,they depended absolutely on their horses and their guns. If a man lost his homeor his gun in the deserts, mountains or forests of Nevada, Arizona and eastern California,he stood no chance. Hunger, thirst, a grizzly bear, a mountain lion, or hostileIndians would finish him off sooner or later. A frontiers man had to be tough,brave and resourceful in those days.

[ D ] The colonization of the West wasgiven a tremendous impetus by the building of the Transcontinental railroad,one of the great engineering feats of all time. Congress decided that thelaying of the tracks should begin from the East and the West at the same time.So the building of this railroad lined with poles for the first east-westtelegraph system, developed into a race. The Easterners, moving across theplains, progressed faster, for they did not have to tunnel through giantmountains or bridge gaping canyons. The two railroads linked up in Utah on July10th, 1867. There was great excitement, and a special ceremony to mark the occasion.

[ E] Deserts, mountains and forests arestill the frontier between teeming Californian cities and the sparselypopulated wilderness of Nevada and eastern California. Even today, Nevada hashardly more than 500 thousand inhabitants, most of whom live in the cities ofLas Vegas and Reno.

[F] Later, in 1865, after the Civil War,disillusioned soldiers, unable to find work, followed in the footsteps of the49ers. They did not find much gold, but they found rich pastures for cattle. Itwas they who founded the USA' s great food industry, and they worked with thevigor and courage of the early pioneers and with a faith fortified by the Bible.

[ G] Some Americans feel that thefrontier spirit no longer exists in the USA. But it expressed itself in anumber of ways. Americans do not like being without work, and they will travelhundreds of miles in search of a job, showing a courage and an enterprise whichis unusual in most of the older European countries. Then there is theexploration of outer space. President John Kennedy in a speech to the nation,spoke of this "New Frontier. " The frontier spirit certainly played apart in putting the first men on the noon, the most recent of all frontiers tobe crossed.


