
Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ.

Text 1

Say the word bacteria, and most folks conjure up images of a nasty germ like staphylococcus or salmonella that can make you really sick. But most bacteria aren't bad for you. In fact, consuming extra amounts of some bacteria can actually promote good health. These beneficial bacteria are available without a prescription in drug and health-food stores and in foods like yogurt. So far, the best results have been seen in the treatment of diarrhea, particularly in children. But re searchers are also looking into the possibility that beneficial bacteria may thwart vaginal infections in women, prevent some food allergies in children and lessen symptoms of Crohn's disease, a relatively rare but painful gastrointestinal disorder.

So where have these good germs been lurking all your life? In your intestines, especially the lower section called the colon, which harbors at least 400 species of bacteria. Which ones you have depends largely on your environment and diet. An abundance of good bacteria in the colon generally crowds out stray bad bacteria in your food. But if the bad outnumber the good—for example, after antibiotic treatment for a sinus or an ear infection, which kills normal intestinal germs as well—the result can be diarrhea.

For generations, people have restored the balance by eating yogurt, buttermilk or other products made from fermented milk. But nowadays, you can also down a few pills that contain freeze-dried germs. These preparations are called probiotics to distinguish them from antibiotics. Unfortunately, you can't always be sure that the bacteria in the products you buy are the same strains as those listed on the label or even that they're still alive. Probiotics are usually sensitive to both heat and moisture. Among the most promising and most thoroughly researched probiotics is the GG strain of Laetobacillus, discovered by Dr. Sherwood Gorbach and biochemist Barry Goldin, both at Tufts University School of Medicine. L-GG, as it's called, has been used to treat traveler's diarrhea and intestinal upsets caused by antibiotics. Even more intriguing, L- GG also seems to work against some viruses, including rotavirus, one of the most common causes of diarrhea in children in the U. S. and around the world. Here the effect is indirect. Somehow L-GG jump-starts the immune system into recognizing the threat posed by the virus.

Pediatricians at Johns Hopkins are studying a different bug, the Bb-12 strain of Bifidobacterium, which was discovered by researchers at CHR Hansen Biosystems. Like L-GG, Bb-12 stimulates the immune system. For reasons that are not dear, infants who are breast-fed have large amounts of bifidobacteria in their intestines. They also have fewer intestinal upsets. Dr. Jose Saavedra and colleagues at Hopkins have shown that Bb-12 prevents several types of diarrhea, including that caused by r0tavirus, in hospitalized infants as young as four months. It has also been used to cure diarrhea in children of all ages.

21. What the author mainly intends to say in the first paragraph is ______.

  • A) that nasty germs can make you really sick
  • B) that the word bacteria doesn't refer to the germs which make people sick
  • C) the beneficial effects that most bacteria may produce on human body
  • D) the possibility that beneficial bacteria may stop vaginal infections in women
  1. Part A

    51. Directions:

    You are a senior of computer science. You'd like to be an intern for an IT company. Write a letter to present your willings including:

    1) your education background;

    2) your purpose of being an intern.

    You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ. Do not sign your own name at the letter. You do not need to write the address.

  2. Part B

    52. Directions:

    A) Title: Globle Shortage of Fresh Water

    B) Your composition should be based on the Outline given in Chinese below:

    1. 人们认为淡水是取这不尽的;

    2. 实际上淡水是短缺的;

    3. 我们就当怎么办。

    You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ.

  3. 50.________________

  4. 49.________________

  5. 47.________________

  6. 48.________________

  7. 44.________________

    • 正确
    • 错误
  8. Part B

    Directions: In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A—G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ.

    From the seventeenth century Empire of Sweden, the story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in 1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea. For nearly three and a half centuries she lay at the bottom of Stockholm harbor until her discovery in 1956. 41) ________________.

    42) ________________.Triple gun decks mounted sixty four bronze cannon. She was intended to play a leading role in the growing might of Swden.

    • As she was prepared for her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628, Stockholm was in ferment. From the Skeppsbron and surrounding islands the people watched this thing of beauty began to spread her sails and catches the wind. They had la bored for three years t
    • As the wind freshened there came a sudden squall and the ship made a strange movement, listing to port. The Ordnance Officer ordered all the port cannon to be heaved to starboard to counteract the list, but the steepening angle of the decks increased. The
  9. Part C

    Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ.

    Almost all our major problems involve human behavior, and they cannot be solved by physical and biological technology alone. What is needed is a technology of behavior, but we have been slow to develop the science from which such a technology might be drawn. 46)One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral science continues to trace behavior. to states of mind, feelings, traits of character, human nature, and so on. Physics and biology once followed similar practices and advanced only when they discarded them. 47)The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because. the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and other kinds of explanations have been hard to find. The environment is obviously important, but its role has remained obscure. It dose not push or pull, it selects, and this function is difficult to discover and analyze. 48)The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior. of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied. As the interaction between organism and environment has come to be understood, however, effects once assigned to states of mind, feelings, and traits are beginning to be traced to accessible conditions, and a technology of behavior. may therefore become available. It will not solve our problems, however, until it replaces traditional prescientific views, and these are strongly entrenched. Freedom and dignity illustrate the difficulty. 49)They are the possessions of the autonomous (self-governing) man of traditional theory, and they are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements. A scientific analysis shifts both the responsibility and the achievement to the environment.

    It also raises questions concerning "values". Who will use a technology and to what ends? 50)Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior. will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems.


  10. 39. What can be said about the experiments at Rocky Mountain Arsenal?

    • A) They have no practical value in earthquake prevention.
    • B) They may have practical value in earthquake prevention.
    • C) They are certain to have practical value in earthquake prevention.
    • D) The article does not say anything about their practical value in earthquake prevention.