
  As people continue to grow and age, our body systems continue to change. At a certain point in your life your body systems will begin to weaken. Your joints may become stiff. It may become more difficult for you to see and hear. The slow change of aging causes our bodies to lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury. In order to live longer, we have always tried to slow or stop this process that leads us toward the end of our lives.

  Many factors contribute to your health. A well-balanced diet plays an important role, The amount and type of exercise you get is another factor. Your living environment and the amount of stress you are under is yet another. But scientists studying senescence (衰老) want to know: Why do people grow old? They hope that by examining the aging process on a cellular level medical science may be able to extend the length of life.

When people become aging, they will lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury, "bounce back" here means

  • A.to improve in health after one's disease and injury
  • B.to recover from disease and injury
  • C.to jump after recovering
  • D.to run fast
  1. Tommy: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I'm starving.

    Mother: ______.We have to wait for daddy.

    • A.Soon, honey  
    • B.Quickly, honey
    • C.OK, honey
    • D.All right, honey
  2. Policeman: OK, buddy, your driving license.How fast were you going?

    William: Well it was about 50 mph or less.I was driving very slowly.

    Policeman: 50 mph? ______ All right.That'll be one hundred dollars.

    • A.Don't you know the speed limit downtown is 40 mph?
    • B.Don't you know the controlled speed downtown is 40 mph?
    • C.You need to fix your car.
    • D.You drive in the wrong way.
  3. Emily: Did anybody sign your petition?

    Gordon: Yes, we had a hundred signatures, ______.

    • A.if no more 
    • B.if not more
    • C.if moreover 
    • D.if not larger
  4. Samuel: Hey, ______.

    Diana: I wish I could.But I really have to stay in and finish my paper tonight.

    Samuel: Oh, maybe some other time, then.

    • A.can I come to visit you tonight
    • B.shall we have a barbecue some day this week
    • C.would you like to go to cinema with me tonight
    • D.John will leave Chicago tonight.Shall we go to see him off
  5. Rebecca: ______.

    Dora: Really? Well, personally, I think he wears the wrong colors.Actually light colors don't really suit him.

    • A.I don't think Bob has chosen the right suit.
    • B.I love the way Bob dresses.He always looks so smart.
    • C.How funny Bob looks in that jacket!
    • D.Bob's new coat looks very expensive.
  6. Paul: Do you have to have that TV on quite so loud?

    Carol: ______.Is it bothering you?

    Paul: Yes, I'm trying to sleep.

    • A.Oh, I'm sorry  
    • B.Oh, excuse me
    • C.No, I don't 
    • D.Yes, I have to
  7. Marie: Your little boy has done a good job at school.

    Eva: ______.

    • A.Yes, you are very kind
    • B.No, you're too polite
    • C.Thanks, but you're exaggerating
    • D.Yes, I'm proud of him
  8. Nancy: Hello, Ted.What's wrong with your arm?

    Ted: I broke it when I was skating on the holiday.

    Nancy: Oh, no! ______.

    Ted: Much better, thanks.

    • A.What a nuisance!
    • B.How awful!
    • C.Why was that? 
    • D.What a trouble!
  9. Shop assistant: Good morning.Can I help you?

    Customer: ______.I'm just looking round.

    • A.No, you can't  
    • B.Not at the moment, thanks
    • C.Yes, please
    • D.Yes, thank you
  10. Ann: Do you still have a headache, Bill?

    Bill: Yes, I do.And now I have a fever and cough constantly.

    • Ann: ______.
    • A.That's very regretful 
    • B.That's pitiful
    • C.That's too bad  
    • D.That's worse