
  In Guangzhou, capital of South China's Guangdong Province, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport resumed its international flights to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and other Southeast Asian nations and regions early this month, said an airport official yesterday. And the airport's flow of international passengers for July has reached 80 per cent of the figure for the corresponding month of the previous year.

  Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport had to cancel some international services to Southeast Asian nations and regions because of the outbreak of SARS beginning in April, the official said. The official predicted his airport's international service would return to normal operation and handle even more international passengers in August.

  Currently, the Guangzhou airport is operating 22 international flights to 20 foreign metropolises. And nine foreign airlines have resumed their international flights to the airport.

  In July Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport resumed its international service to ______.

  • A.the whole world   
  • B.only four southeastern nations
  • C.the Southeast Asian nations   
  • D.all Asian nations
  1. Guest: ______.

    Clerk: Certainly. Do you have a reservation?

    Guest: Yes. The name is Morales. Mr. and Mrs. Morales.

    Clerk: Here we are. For five nights. Could you fill in the registration card, please? And I'll need your credit card.

    • A.I'd like rest here, please
    • B.I'd like to rent a room, please
    • C.I'd like to check in, please
    • D.I'd like to stay in, please
  2. Susan: I'm going to the cinema this evening.

    Gordon: ______ ?

    Susan: It's a Western: "Cowboy Comes Home".

    • A.What's in    
    • B.What is actedC.What's on   
    • D.What is performed
  3. Customer: ______ if you'd serve me as quickly as possible as I've got an appointment at two fifteen.

    Waiter: I'll do my best, Madam.

    • A.It would be very kind of you
    • B.It would be very helpful
    • C.I'd be most delightful
    • D.I'd be most grateful
  4. Conversation between two strangers at a party.

    Chester: Hello, I'm Brian Chester. Let me get you some more to drink.

    Jackson: Not at the moment, thank you.

    • A.How do you do?
    • B.How are you?
    • C.I'm Andrew Jackson.
    • D.I'm glad to meet you.
  5. Guest: Have you a single room for tonight and tomorrow night with a telephone and shower?

    Clerk: We haven't any rooms with a shower free just now, but there's a bathroom available on each floor.

    Guest: ______ 

    • A.Oh, sorry. Forget it
    • B.How regretful! I give it up
    • C.All fight. It does
    • D.All fight. That'll do
  6. Elizabeth (Treading on someone's foot. ): ______ . I hope I haven't hurt you.

    Jordan: It's all fight.

    • A.Oh, I'm sorry 
    • B.Oh, I'm regretful
    • C.Oh, excuse me
    • D.Oh, forgive me
  7. Telephone enquiry Clerk: Lost property department. Can I help you?

    Phone caller: ______ I left it on the "Margate Mermaid" when we cross from Olsten Yesterday morning.

    • A.I want you help me find my lost camera.
    • B.I wonder if you have a camera of mine.
    • C.Do you think if you have a camera of mine?
    • D.I doubt if you could help me find my lost camera.
  8. Speaker A: Did you have a good crossing?

    Speaker B: ______. It was really rough and I'm not a good sailor.

    • A.No, I'm afraid not
    • B.Yes, very pleasant crossing
    • C.No, I hadn't
    • D.Yes, it did
  9. Bob: Can I help with your luggage?

    Mary: ______

    • A.No, thanks. I can manage it
    • B.No, many thanks. I can do
    • C.No, not necessary. Thank you anyway
    • D.No, you needn't. Thank you anyway
  10. Speaker A: Are you feeling better now?

    Speaker B: ______

    • A.Well, not too better yet, thank you
    • B.Well, not too good yet. Better than I was though
    • C.Well, it doesn't matter, I'm all right now
    • D.Well, never, mind, I'm much better now