If the old are left to do as much as they can for themselves, ______.
Guest: ______.
Clerk: Certainly. Do you have a reservation?
Guest: Yes. The name is Morales. Mr. and Mrs. Morales.
Clerk: Here we are. For five nights. Could you fill in the registration card, please? And I'll need your credit card.
Susan: I'm going to the cinema this evening.
Gordon: ______ ?
Susan: It's a Western: "Cowboy Comes Home".
Customer: ______ if you'd serve me as quickly as possible as I've got an appointment at two fifteen.
Waiter: I'll do my best, Madam.
Conversation between two strangers at a party.
Chester: Hello, I'm Brian Chester. Let me get you some more to drink.
Jackson: Not at the moment, thank you.
Guest: Have you a single room for tonight and tomorrow night with a telephone and shower?
Clerk: We haven't any rooms with a shower free just now, but there's a bathroom available on each floor.
Guest: ______
Elizabeth (Treading on someone's foot. ): ______ . I hope I haven't hurt you.
Jordan: It's all fight.
Telephone enquiry Clerk: Lost property department. Can I help you?
Phone caller: ______ I left it on the "Margate Mermaid" when we cross from Olsten Yesterday morning.
Speaker A: Did you have a good crossing?
Speaker B: ______. It was really rough and I'm not a good sailor.
Bob: Can I help with your luggage?
Mary: ______
Speaker A: Are you feeling better now?
Speaker B: ______