
  In this part there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.

  Watercolor is the oldest painting medium known. It dates back to the early cave dwellers who discovered they could add lifelike qualities to drawings of animals and other figures on the wails of caves by mixing the natural colors found in the earth with water.

  Fresco, one of the greatest of all art forms, is done with watercolor. It is created by mixing pigments and water and applying these to wet plaster. Of the thousands of people who stand under Michlangelo's heroic ceiling in the Sistine Chapel, very few are aware that they are looking at perhaps the greatest watercolor painting in the world.

  The invention of oil painting by the Flemish masters in the fifteenth century led to a decline in fresco painting, and for the next several centuries watercolor was used mainly as a medium for doing preliminary sketches or as a tool for study. It was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that English painters reinstated watercolor as a serious art form. The English have a notorious love for the outdoors and also a great fondness for small, intimate pictures. The subdued tones of watercolor had a remarkably strong appeal for them.

What is the main theme of the passage?

  • A.The decline of fresco painting.
  • B.The predominance of oils over watercolor.
  • C.The rediscovery of watercolor in England.
  • D.The origins and development of watercolor.
  1. Wang (guest): That was a delicious dinner.

    Mrs. Willis (hostess) ______. Would you like to go to the living room now? It's more comfortable there.

    • A.Thank you. Don't mention it
    • B.You're welcome
    • C.Not so delicious, I'm afraid
    • D.I'm glad you enjoyed it
  2. Wendy: Have you been to the new bakery on the comer?

    • Arthur: No, how is it?    Wendy: It is heaven ! ______!
    • A.Their cakes are to strive for
    • B.Their cakes are to struggle for
    • C.Their cakes are to die for
    • D.Their cakes are to pay for
  3. Joe: We haven't got together for a longtime. How about lunch next week?

    Nancy: I'm pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two weeks from today?

    Joe: OK. Wednesday in two weeks.

    • A.I can reach it on that Wednesday
    • B.I can make it on that Wednesday
    • C.I can get it on that Wednesday
    • D.I can assure it on that Wednesday
  4. Martin: Can you cover for me on Sunday? I'm supposed to teach the high school class.

    Lisa: Sure. ____?

    Martin: We're going to the beach for the weekend.

    Lisa: Well, don't worry. I'll take good care of Sunday school.

    • A.What's in
    • B.What's the thing
    • C.What's up
    • D.What's down
  5. Jim: I have a pair of tickets for an opera Saturday night. Would you like to go?

    Cindy: I don't think so.

    • A.I'm not too wild about opera
    • B.I'm not too interested about opera
    • C.I'm not very excited about opera
    • D.I'm not very anxious about opera
  6. Michael: The Johnsons are moving next week. We are going to have a going-away party for them Saturday.

    Tracy: I didn't realize they were m6ving so soon.

    Michael: Yes, but we'll have one last chance to get together. We're planning a barbecue.

    • A.Wish them a happy journey
    • B.May they have a more comfortable home.
    • C.They are really going to be missed.
    • D.We can't stay together forever, can we?
  7. Connie: Are you doing pottery? It looks like fun!

    Frank: ______

    Connie: Boy, would I? Thanks.

    • A.Would you please give me a hand
    • B.Would you please not to bother me
    • C.Have you ever learned how to do it
    • D.Would you like to try it
  8. Guest: Oh, I hadn't realized how late it was. I'm afraid I'll have to be going.

    Host: Oh, not yet. I'm just going to make some coffee.

    Guest: ______ , though I'd really love to stay. I've got to be up by six tomorrow morning, unfortunately. Thank you for a wonderful party.

    • A.I'm sorry, but I must
    • B.Excuse me, but I have to go
    • C.Pardon me, but I should go
    • D.It's a pity, but no way out
  9. Mary: What are you working on?

    Susan: I'm doing some embroidery.

    Mary: ______

    Susan: I don't do very much, just for very special occasions.

    • A.I didn't know you did needlework.
    • B.I think you have done a good job.
    • C.Where did you learn to do needlework?
    • D.Why do you do needlework?
  10. Tom: You are playing guitar well. Can you read music?

    Charles: No, I don't. I just listen to songs on the radio and then play them until they sound right.

    Tom: ______

    Charles: No, really.

    • A.You're lying
    • B.You're cheating
    • C.You are boasting
    • D.You're kidding