
The main propulsion diesel engine jacket water temperature rises above normal, with the raw water sea suction and the expansion tank water level being normalWhich of the following problems is most likely the cause?

  • A.Faulty thermostatic bypass valve
  • B.Eroded zinc pencils in the heat exchanger
  • C.Steam formation in the expansion tank
  • D.Excessive leakage from jacket water pump seal
  1. Start the turning gear, and with some one hand-operating the cylinder lubricators at regular intervals, and with the indicator cocks ______, and with the control gear in the ______ position, give the engine at least one complete turn.

    • A.open / “stop”
    • B.closed / “stop”
    • C.open / “start”
    • D.closed / “start”
  2. According to Annex IV of comminuted and disinfected sewage using an approved system can be discharged when the ship is more than away from the nearest land.

    • A.3 n mile
    • B.5 n mile
    • C.12 n mile
    • D.25 n mile
  3. Provision must be made in pipe systems for changes in length due to change of temperatureThe bold and italic word “provision” probably means _____.

    • A.flanges
    • B.nuts
    • C.expansion joints
    • D.bolts
  4. A six-cylinder, two-stroke/cycle diesel engine is fitted with a rotary distributing air starting systemThe speed of the rotating distributor disc is ________.

    • A.one-half engine speed
    • B.the same as engine speed
    • C.twice engine speed
    • D.four times engine speed
  5. The booster pump, which supplies diesel oil to , should have a possibility of being powered by compressed air or by emergency power.

    • A.the main engines
    • B.the auxiliary engines
    • C.the emergency generator engine
    • D.the auxiliary engines and the main engine(s)
  6. If the compression ratio is increased on any diesel engine, ________.

    • A.the expansion ratio will decrease
    • B.combustion will be slowed down
    • C.thermal efficiency will decrease
    • D.thermal efficiency will increase
  7. Which of the following statements concerning butterfly valves is correct?

    • A.Special tools are required for lapping or grinding
    • B.It is impossible to throttle flow with a butterfly valve
    • C.To close the valve, it is only necessary to turn the handle a quarter of a turn
    • D.The butterfly valve should never be used in a freshwater system
  8. After fuel tanks have been topped off, which of the listed procedures should be followed next?

    • A.The pressure-vacuum relief valve should be reset
    • B.The tanks should be made seaworthy to prevent contamination
    • C.The tanks should be sounded to make sure the levels are not rising
    • D.The tanks should be marked with a bull stamp on the manifold filling valve
  9. Because the castings of smaller engines are not so big and heavy, _____ and cylinder block may be made in one piece.

    • A.the column
    • B.the jacket
    • C.cylinder cover
    • D.cylinder liner
  10. In a centrifugal Freon refrigeration system, the overall capacity of the system is increased by .

    • A.opening more bypass lines
    • B.opening additional expansion valves
    • C.adding refrigerant
    • D.speeding up the machine