
(   )是审慎银行监管的核心。

  • A.流动性监管
  • B.高管人员监管
  • C.资本监管
  • D.市场准入监管
  1. What are the climate scientists' attitudes towards the influence of climate change on the deserted areas?

    • A.Definite
    • B.Dubious
    • C.Serious
    • D.Negative
  2. What is the role of the sixth paragraph in the development of the topic?

    • A.To make a transition to a new topic.
    • B.To work as a book to the following paragraphs.
    • C. To provide a contrast to the preceding paragraphs.
    • D.To offer supporting evidence to the preceding paragraphs.
  3. The underlined sentence “… North Africa is the area of greatest disagreement among climate change modelers” in the last paragraph suggests that           .

    • A.half of the area will follow a wetter trend, while half a drier trend
    • B.the scientists in North Afrca hold different opinions in climate models
    • C.it is not easy to predict how the climate change influences the district
    • D.there are different climate models to be built in North Africa
  4. According to Martin Claussen, what is the main cause of the increased vegetation in deserted areas?

    • A.The climate models are more changeable.
    • B.Hot air would be more capable to hold humidity.
    • C.Many trees have been planted recently.
    • D. The grasses are temporarily appeared with the rains.
  5.   Desertification, drought, and despair-that's what global warming has in store for much of Africa. Or so we hear.

        Emerging evidence is painting a very different scenario, one in which rising temperatures could benefit millions of Africans in the driest parts of the continent. Scientists are now seeing signals that the Sahara desert and surrounding regions are greening due to increasing rainfall. If sustained, these rains could revitalize drought-ravaged regions, reclaiming them for farming communities. This desert-shrinking trend is supported by climate models, which predict a return to conditions that turned the Sahara into a lush savanna some 12,000 years ago.

        The green shoots of recovery are showing up on satellite images of regions including the Sahel, a semi-desert zone bordering the Sahara to the south that stretches some 2,400 miles.

        Images taken between 1982 and 2002 revealed extensive regreening throughout the Sahel, according to a new study in the journal Biogeosciences. The study suggests huge increases in vegetation in areas including central Chad and western Sudan. The transition may be occurring because hotter air has more capacity to hold moisture, which in turn creates more rain, said Martin Claussen of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany, who was not involved in the new study. "The water-holding capacity of the air is the main driving force," Claussen said.

        While satellite images can't distinguish temporary plants like grasses that come and go with the rains, ground surveys suggest recent vegetation change is firmly rooted. In the eastern Sahara area of southwestern Egypt and northern Sudan, new trees—such as acacias—are flourishing, according to Stefan Kr?pelin, a climate scientist at the University of Cologne's Africa Research Unit in Germany.

        "Before, there was not a single scorpion, not a single blade of grass," saidKr?pelin, who has studied the region for two decades."Now you have people grazing their camels in areas which may not have been used for hundreds or even thousands of years. You see birds, ostriches, gazelles coming back, even sorts of amphibians coming back," he said."The trend has continued for more than 20 years. It is indisputable."

    • An explosion in plant growth has been predicted by some climate models.For instance, in 2005 a team led by Reindert Haarsma of the Royal&nbs
    • A.water deficiency
    • B.distress
    • C. desertifications
    • D. more grasses and lakes
  6. In the author's opinion, the weak dollar leads to the following consequences EXCEPT that           .

    • A. The dallar has little respect in New England.
    • B. Europeans begin to think more warmly of the U.S..
    • C.Imported food is more expensive to the Americans.
    • D.Some large American corporations make more profits.
  7. According to the last paragraph, what is the author’s advice to Americans?

    • A.They treat the dollar with a little respect.
    • B.They try to win in the weak-dollar gamble.
    • C.They treasure their marriages all the more.
    • D. They vacation at home rather than abroad.
  8. How does the weak dollar affect the life of ordinary Americans?

    • A.They have to cancel their vacations in New England.
    • B.They find it unaffordable to dine in mom-and-pop restaurants.
    • C.They have to spend more money when buying imported goods.
    • D. They might lose their jobs due to potential economic problems.
  9. How do many Europeans feel about the U.S with the devalued dollar?

    • A.They think of it as a good tourist destination.
    • B.They feel contemptuous of it.
    • C.They regard it as a superpower on the decline.
    • D.They are sympathetic with it.
  10. 下列属于常用的贸易融资工具的是(   )。

    • A.跟单商业信用证
    • B.进口押汇
    • C.福费廷
    • D.保理融资