
a buoyant level of tourism

  1. How does a travel agency organize a travel? We have seen that there are various activities which a travel agency has to perform in order that an intending traveler undertakes his proposed journey and enjoys a holiday of his choice. There are various steps involved from the time a traveler visits a travel agent to buy a ticket until he returns back home after visiting a place of his choice. Generally speaking, organized travel by a travel agency can be of two types: 1. single client; 2. group client.

  2. 旅游资源

  3. A further problem of mass tourism is that created by congestion. The subject of congestion can be considered in three ways. There is first the question of the physical capacity of an attraction to absorb tourists;car parks, streets, beaches, ski slopes cathedrals and similar features all have a finite limit to the numbers of tourists that can be accommodated at any given time. However, a second consideration is psychological capacity of a site—the degree of congestion which tourists will tolerate before the site begins to lose its appeal. Quantifying this is no easy matter since perception of capacity will differ, not just according to the nature of the site itself but according to the market which it attracts.

  4. 国际短程旅游者

  5. 欠发达地区

  6. 人均消费水平

  7. 不定期的航空服务

  8. 食宿的地点和类型

  9. 机票报价

  10. 协调、合作的团队