
According to the WTO,______are visitors who spend at least one night in accommodation in the destination country.

  • A.International tourists
  • B.world excursionists
  • C.global sightseers
  • D.transcontinental travelers
  1. 高薪工作机会

  2. Mass tourism will not disappear altogether or be completely replaced by the new tourism. However, the rate of growth of new tourism will rapidly outpace that of the old. The future growth prospects of old and new tourism can be compared with typewriters and computers. While there will continue to be a market for typewriters (mass tourism), the growth of new computers (new tourism) will be far greater. Having used typewriters and then been exposed to the power of computers, users will be unwilling to go back to the old way. This exact logic holds for old and new tourism. Also as new demand is fueled by population growth and the opening up of new markets in Eastern Europe, Asia, the Pacific and Africa, the demand for rigidly packaged holidays to sun destinations could surge.

  3. With China's economy going up, and its citizens enjoying their long holidays, more and more Chinese citizens are travelling abroad for business and leisure. Today outbound tourism has been developing rapidly. In 1999, China's outbound figures came up to 9.2 million, second only to Japan (16 million) in the region, and the figures are expected to increase by 20 percent annually. But early in the 1980s the Chinese Government placed tight restrictions on outbound tourism. Then, the slightly liberalized policy first eased Chinese leisure travel to Hong Kong and Macau, because of ethnic, cultural and political connections. At that time, "outbound travel was defined as visit to friends and relatives. Thus the trip was sponsoredFinancially by overseas relatives and friends so there was no drain on China's foreign exchange reserves.

  4. 销售部

  5. 起着游船和渡船的作用

  6. 辅助服务

  7. 二十世纪下半叶

  8. 市场营销的预算

  9. 永久移民

  10. 可以随意支配的净收入