

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

The development of specialized courts for dealing with offenders convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence of alcohol (DUD) arose after the efficacy of drug and other problem-solving courts had been demonstrated. The first DWI court in the United States was established in New Mexico in 1995. The number has been growing rapidly and there were about 400 such courts operating in 2008.

Drunken driving is a serious problem in the United States. Fortunately, the proportion of alcohol-related traffic fatalities has fallen from over 60 percent in 1975 to about 40 percent in recent years. When calculated in terms of the number of vehicles on the road, of vehicle miles traveled, or of the number of licensed drivers, the proportion has been cut in about half since the early 1980s. Still, over 15,000 people are killed each year in alcohol-related crashes, several thousands of which involve intoxicated drivers. Every single injury and death caused by drunken driving is totally preventable.

Most drivers who have had something to drink have low blood alcohol content or concentration (BAC) and relatively few are involved in fatal crashes. On the other hand, while only a few drivers have BACs higher than .15, a much higher proportion of those drivers have fatal crashes. The average BAC among fatally injured drivers is .16. That is, it is twice the maximum legal BAC limit for


DWI courts apply the successful drug court model to alcohol-impaired drivers. They reflect the experience that society cannot rely solely on punishment to solve a serious social problem rooted largely in a medical problem -alcoholism. The traditional approach of relying on punishment without treatment , and accountability has proven to be largely ineffective with repeat offenders. As one judge observed, we cannot "jail our way out of the problem." These courts address the problem by holding offenders to a high level of accountability, providing long-term intensive treatment, and carefully monitoring offender behavior for compliance.

 The first DWI court in the United States was founded in ______.

  • A.1975
  • B.1980
  • C.1995
  • D.2008
  1. (67)

  2. (65)

  3. (64)

  4. (66)

  5. Mine. Loisel now knew the horrible experience of the impoverished. [(63)She. carried her burden. however. with heroism.]That dreadful debt had to be paid, and she would pay it. The Loisels fired their servant. [(64)They moved from their comfortable apartment to a small attic-like flat under the roof.]

    [(65)She came to know what heavy housework meant and she came to know the hateful chores of the kitchen.] She washed the dishes, breaking her beautiful nails on the greasy pots and pans. She washed the dirty linen, the shirts, and the dishcloths, which she dried on a line. [(66)She carried the garbage down to the street every morning and carried up the water, stopping at every landing to catch her breath. ]And, dressed like a poor woman of the streets, she went to the grocer, the butcher, and the fruit vender, carrying her basket on her arm, bargaining, shouting, and defending every sou which she had to spend on food.

    [(67)Each month they had to pay of some old debts. renew others and make some new ones.]

    Her husband worked in the evening as a bookkeeper, and late at night he copied manuscripts for people at five sou a page.

    This life lasted for ten years.

    At the end of ten years they had paid everything, the principal on their many loans and the terrible high interest, too.

    (From The Necklace)


  6. What is the proof that showed modem societies have responded effectively to critical situations?

  7. (59)

  8. (60)

  9. What does the author mean by saying trend is not destiny" in the 3rd" paragraph?

  10. (56)