
If I had the ability to change one thing about American society, my decision would not be adifficult one. I would ban television. 

I grew up a couch potato. Looking back, it seems I hardly read anything else at all—Iwatched TV almost seven hours a day. 

There are so many good reasons for you to be a couch potato. Television is goodbefore-breakfast entertainment. Television is good after-school entertainment. Television is goodbefore-bed entertainment. Everybody watches it, so you have to watch it too in order to talk aboutit with friends. Otherwise you cannot say a word, which makes you look like an idiot. 

But when I stopped watching television completely several months ago, I found that I hadbecome a more reflective person, simply because I had more time to think. Television had stoppedstuffing its ideas into my head. I was thinking of my childhood, and to my disappointment, I foundthat it could be summed up adequately in one sentence: “I watched a lot of TV. ” And I wastmuch of my youth that I cannot have back. I will never be more imaginative than I was in mychildhood. 

Now I can totally resist the temptation of TV no matter how marvelous the programs are, andI’m entering into a new stage of life. In the meantime, I ’d hope that all couch potatoes would turnoff their TV. But I am afraid that with more and more attractive TV programs , I ’m not going to bethe last person in this country to idle awaythe best years of life sitting passively in front of atelevision. 

  • A couch potato is someone who ______.
  • A.spends much time sitting and watching TV
  • B.plants potato
  • C.plants potato in the couch
  • D.sits in a couch eating potato
  1. Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay with the title My View on Indoorsy Lifestyle. You are required to write at least 120 words,following the outline given below:




    My View on Indoorsy Lifestyle





  2. 懂得与他人分享快乐很有必要。

  3. 我们现在最需要的不是承诺,而是行动。

  4. 骑自行车不仅环保,而且有益健康。

  5. 玛丽努力说服她的父亲戒烟。

  6. 她对那本书一无所知,我肯定她没有看过。

  7. Violence and traffic accidents can leave people with terrible physical and emotional scars.Often they relive experiences in nightmares.

  8. Sometimes men did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country ,but oftenit was destroyed by fire or in a war.

  9. But if we had kept a book and had written in it an account of what we did each day, we shouldbe able to give an answer to the question.

  10. Now I can totally resist the temptation of TV no matter how marvelous the programs are, andI’m entering into a new stage of life.