
Questions 32to 35are based on the following passage.

Every year, Americans throw away 50billion food anddrink cans, 27billion glass bottles and jars, and 65billion cancovers. More than 30%of our waste is packaging materials.Where does it all go? Some 85%of our garbage is sent to adump,or a landfill, where h can take from 100to 400years forthings like cloth and aluminum 铝to decompose . Glasshas been found in perfect condition after 4,000years in theearth!We are quickly running out of space. It’s time to learn thethree R’s of the environment reduce, reuse,and recycle.

Reducing the amount of waste you produce is the best wayto help the environment. For example you can buyproducts that don’t have a lot of packaging. You can alsolook for things that are packed in materials that don’trequire a lot of energy or resources to produce. Instead of buying something you’re not going to use very often, borrowit from someone you know. Save energy by turning off lightsthat you are8not using.

Instead of throwing things away,try to find ways to usethem again! Bring cloth bags to the store with you instead oftaking home new paper or plastic bags. You can use thesebags again and again. Plasticcontainers and reusable lunch bags are great ways to takeyour lunch to school without creating waste. Use all writingpaper on both sides.

In some towns you can leave your recyclables in binsoutside your homeland a truck will come and collect themregularly. Other towns have recycling centers where you candrop off the materials you’ve collected. Things like paperand plastic grocery bags, plastic and aluminum cans andbottles can often be brought to the grocery store forrecycling. Whatever your system is,it’s important toremember to clean and sort your recyclables!

32.What does the first paragraph tell us?

  • A.How much waste Americans produce annually
  • B.How many things Americans waste each year
  • C.How a landfill contains waste
  • D.How long glass can endure