
Questions 32 to 35 are based on the following passage.

Earth Day was the brainchild of Gaylord Nelson, aUnited StatesSenator from Wisconsin. After seeingtheenvironmental destruction causedby the 1969 oil spill in SantaBarbara, California, Nelson wanted to find a way toraise public consciousnessof the needfor greaterenvironmental protections.The result was the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. On that day,over 20 million Americans took part in avariety of rallies(集会), meetings,demonstrations andactivities , all targetedat highlighting the need forprotecting Earth and our environment for future generations. Thousands of colleges and universities alsoparticipated. Members of different groups learnedthey sharedcommon values. 

Earth Day was a tremendous success.It hasnow become a global phenomenon. In 1990,for example, over200 million people in 141 countries were organized to bring environmental issues,especially recycling, to theforefront of global consciousness.Today,Earth Day campaigns continue to publicize important environmentalissues,such asglobal warming, dean energy,and recycling. 

If you ’ re wondering what you cando to make Earth a better place,participating inEarth Day activities is a greatplace to start- By attending a rally ,meeting, or demon-station, you canlearn aboutthe environmental problems facing our planet. To really make a difference, though, you needto turn the knowledgeyou gain into action. Volunteering for an environmental group or helping to organize an Earth Day event to educateothers is one way to make adifference. More importantly, however, you can make changesin your daily life. Hereare a few suggestions: 

Conserveenergy andnatural resources!Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Take shorter showers.Turn down the thermostat(恒温器) in winter andturn it up during the summer. 

Plant a tree! Treesproduce oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the air. They willbenefit you andfuture generations. 

Reduce, reuse,and recycle! The amount of trashhumans produce increaseseachyear.Do your part by reducing the amount of stuff you buy,reusing the stuff you already have, and recycling asmuch aspossible. 

 32. Earth Day was setup in order to______.

  • A.help California recover from the 1969 oil spill
  • B.help Nelson realize his dream of becoming a senator
  • C.remember those who suffered greatly in the oil spill
  • D.improve the public’s awarenessof environmental protection