
Emmeline Pankhurst was born in Manchester in the north of England in 1858. Back then British womencouldn't vote in elections, __36__ men could. 

Emmeline went to school in Paris, France.As shegrew up shebecame __37__ in politics andwanted tocreatea more equal society for women and men. She wanted women to have the __38__ rights asmen,such as theright to have a good job and the right to vote. 

In 1888, the girls at a match factory in London went on strike. They stopped working and askedthe ownerto improve their terrible working __39__ . They worked 14 hours a day andwere __40__ for dropping matcheson the floor.Many of the girls were __41__ becausethey worked with dangerous chemicals, Emmeline supported the strike.

Emmeline __42__ the Women ’s Social and Political Union,also called the Suffragettes, in 1903. TheSuffragettes were agroup who fought for women ’s rights, __43__ the right to vote. They published a newspapercalled Votesfor Womenwhich sold 20,000 copies a week. 

In 1918, the British government gave women agedover 30 the right to vote? although men could vote whenthey were 21. Women were finally __44__ to vote at the sameageas men shortly after Emmeline died on 14 June,1928. Emmeline Pankhurst is sometimes __45__ asoneof the most influential people of the 20th century. 


  • A.and
  • B.but
  • C.for
  • D.or