

  1.   Describe the procedures of settlement by payment credit according to the numbers given in the following charter. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

  2.   Write a bank letter according to the following requirements. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

      香港GGG公司缶我行( ABC BANK, CITY BRANCH)申请贷款50万美元,并以大额应收账款的转让作为担保。我行经研究其所提的资产负债表及其他资料后,回信表示,正考虑贷款申请,但要该公司证明其大额应收账款是好账,而不是呆账。


  3. The PBC supervises and administers financial institutions and financial market as well as promulgates ordinances and rules concerning financial administration and business.

  4. All entities and individuals involved in transactions that directly affect balance of payments must report data for compilation of balance of payments statistics.

  5. Investment banking are banking activities associated with securities underwriting, making a market in securities, and arranging mergers, acquisitions and restructuring.

  6. Under the bond terms in international business, after the bank has paid the necessary compensation, it will make an entry to his customer's account on the ______ side.

    • A.debit
    • B.credit
    • C.assets
    • D.liabilities
  7. The fundamental analyst examines balance sheet items, corporate management, business prospects and earnings outlook in order to determine an intrinsic value for stock of a company.

  8. When the supply for a certain service is less than the demand on the market, the requirement by the importer to get a bond is much ______.

    • A.easier
    • B.more difficult
    • C.more happier
    • D.the same
  9. Under the bond terms in international business, if the exporter fails to fulfill its obligations, the compensation should be paid by ______.

    • A.the importer's bank
    • B.the exporter's bank
    • C.the collecting bank
    • D.the negotiating bank
  10. Bonds are commonly used in the Middle East area, so ______.

    • A.the Middle East banks often issue bonds
    • B.the Middle East exporters often demand bonds
    • C.the Middle East insurance companies often issue bonds
    • D.none of the above three is correct
  11. Before a bank issues a bond for the exporter, the issuer and the applicant should have some kind of agreement in ______ form.

    • A.verbal
    • B.written.
    • C.bond
    • D.L/C
  12. What is the short-coming of the concept?

    • A.The accountant has to restate the assets and liabilities on the balance sheet.
    • B.It is difficult to compare the balance sheets of different companies.
    • C.The balance sheet can not reflect the precise worth of the assets and liabilities.
    • D.Another company will not decide whether to buy the piece of land.
  13. What does the accountant do in recording assets and liabilities according to the stable-monetary-unit concept?

    • A.He simply adds all the amounts together.
    • B.He puts the assets and liabilities on the balance sheet objectively.
    • C.He makes restatement if the value of money depreciates.
    • D.He records the assets and liabilities on the balance sheet ignoring the change in purchasing power value of the currency.
  14. What does an asset mean on the balance sheet?

    • A.It means all the assets recorded in a period of time.
    • B.It means the sum of all the individual asset amounts added over time.
    • C.It means the individual dollar amount.
    • D.It means accounting information expressed in special terms.
  15. What is the stable-monetary-unit concept?

    • A.It is the prime means of measuring assets.
    • B.It is the common denominator in business transactions.
    • C.It is an orderly basis for handling account balances to produce the financial statements.
    • D.It is monetary terms in accounting information.
  16. By what means does a business measure the worth of assets and liabilities?

    • A.The monetary unit.
    • B.Dollar.
    • C.The value of the monetary unit.
    • D.The sum of all the individual amounts added together.
  17. Who is not responsible for payment of L/C?

    • A.advising bank
    • B.confirming bank
    • C.buyer
    • D.issuing bank
  18. According to the passage, which of the following statements is correct?

    • A.A "revocable credit" may be cancelled at any time.
    • B.The credits are usually in favor of the exporter.
    • C.An "irrevocable credit" may not be amended.
    • D.The credits are usually in favor of the importer.
  19. Which of the following credit is not mentioned in the passage?

    • A.irrevocable
    • B.revocable
    • C.standby
    • D.confirmed
  20. The word "credit" in the first line of the passage relies to:

    • A.loan
    • B.trust
    • C.B/L
    • D.L/C
  21. Why does the exporter usually insist on the buyer establishing a credit in his favor before shipment is unloaded?

    • A.To collect the proceeds.
    • B.To draw drafts.
    • C.To revoke the contract.
    • D.To reduce the possible risk.
  22. Foreign exchange is convertible currency but foreign to the holder.

    • A.Right
    • B.Wrong
    • C.Doesn't say
  23. The reason that foreign exchange markets exist is because people have a strong desire to get foreign currencies to travel round the world, to buy goods produced in other countries.

    • A.Right
    • B.Wrong
    • C.Doesn't say
  24. The New York foreign exchange market is a market for exchanging foreign currencies against any convertible currencies.

    • A.Right
    • B.Wrong
    • C.Doesn't say
  25. The word "exposures" in this paragraph can be understood as "risks".

    • A.Right
    • B.Wrong
    • C.Doesn't say
  26. Reserves for writing off impaired assets are unnecessary.

    • A.Right
    • B.Wrong
    • C.Doesn't say
  27. "Balance Sheet" means the statement on which a bank's assets and liabilities are listed.

    • A.Right
    • B.Wrong
    • C.Doesn't say
  28. The Federal Reserve has been providing free check-clearing facilities to all the banks.

    • A.Right
    • B.Wrong
    • C.Doesn't say
  29. The amount of checks debited against New York banks in October 1982 was 39.27 trillion, which was 42% of the aggregate amount of checks of all the insured banks that month.

    • A.Right
    • B.Wrong
    • C.Doesn't say
  30. The correspondent bank can only make money for its services to other banks from deposit balances maintained by bank customers.

    • A.Right
    • B.Wrong
    • C.Doesn't say
  31. A correspondent bank may supply the following services to other commercial banks:A.keeping accounts,B.assisting in the sale or purchase of assets,C.providing information about capital markets

    • A.Right
    • B.Wrong
    • C.Doesn't say
  32. (49)

    • A.flow
    • B.stopped
    • C.new
    • D.accepted
  33. (50)

    • A.expenditure
    • B.profits
    • C.voucher
    • D.transaction
  34. (48)

    • A.development
    • B.assets
    • C.liabilities
    • D.changes
  35. A balance sheet is simply the enumeration of the various assets of a business on one side of a ledger and the enumeration of various liabilities and (61) accounts on the other side. The two sides must be equal, or balance. Only one further point should be (62) : A balance sheet refers to a single point in time, for example, the close of business on December 31. Taken by itself, a balance sheet does not show (63) over time. It is what economists call a stock concept, not a (64) concept. That is, the balance sheet shows the stock of goods a firm has on hand at any particular instant and does not show the flow of goods through the firm over time. For this reason, a balance sheet does not show business (65) , which are a flow.


    • A.profit
    • B.capital
    • C.income
    • D.cash
  36. (47)

    • A.read
    • B.written
    • C.noted
    • D.studied
  37. (44)

    • A.available
    • B.costly
    • C.adaptable
    • D.receivable
  38. (45)

    • A.absorb
    • B.attract
    • C.mobilize
    • D.channel
  39. (43)

    • A.In ease of
    • B.In the ease of
    • C.In consequence of
    • D.In conjunction with
  40. (42)

    • A.profit
    • B.interest
    • C.surplus
    • D.income
  41. The bank (56) borrowers enough interest to pay the expense of the bank and have something left over for (57) . The interest cannot be higher than the legal rate, which is established by state law and in most states is 6% per year. (58) big loans, the interest rate is much less, even as low as 2%. The rate depends on the money market, when there is plenty of money (59) to be borrowed, banks charge low rates of interest. A savings bank may pay its depositors 2% and lend the money at 3.5% or 4%. But when money is tight, interest rates go up, and a savings bank may try to (60) depositors by offering 4% or 4.5% or even more and lending the money at 5% or 6%.


    • A.receives
    • B.gets
    • C.charges
    • D.pays
  42. You are requested to send us ______ to authenticate the cable L/C issued by your bank in the future.

    • A.your specimen signatures book
    • B.your telegraphic test key
    • C.your tariffs
    • D.your terms and conditions
  43. The owner's equity in a business comes from two sources: ______. (1) Investment by the owner (2) Notes receivable (3) Earnings from profitable operation of business (4) Accounts receivable

    • A.(2) and (4)
    • B.(1) and (3)
    • C.(1) and (2)
    • D.(3) and (4)
  44. Under D/P, all the documents, and usually title to the goods, are released to the buyer upon ______.

    • A.his acceptance of the draft for payment at a specified later date
    • B.his payment of the amount specified under reserve
    • C.his partial payment of the bill amount
    • D.his payment of the amount specified
  45. A profit and loss statement indicates the company's ______.

    • A.assets and liabilities at a particular point in time
    • B.revenues and expenses for a specific period of time
    • C.financial resources at a particular point in time
    • D.performance at a particular point in time
  46. Money market securities are ______.

    • A.essentially issued by governments, financial institutions, and large corporations
    • B.very liquid and earns high return
    • C.denominated in small sums so that individual investors can deal in them
    • D.purchased by individual investors directly
  47. When a country runs a foreign trade deficit under a flexible foreign exchange rate system, its ______.

    • A.imports automatically increase
    • B.currency automatically depreciates
    • C.exports automatically decline
    • D.currency automatically appreciates
  48. Cost accounting analyzes a business's cost to help managers ______.

    • A.expend money
    • B.control expenses
    • C.pay the debts
    • D.make budget
  49. Government securities would appear on a commercial bank's balance sheet as ______.

    • A.an asset
    • B.reserves
    • C.part of net worth
    • D.a liability
  50. If the beneficiary does not bank at the bank on whom the draft is drawn, the funds will be treated as ______.

    • A.uncollected
    • B.uncleared
    • C.unclaimed
    • D.uncommitted
  51. The price in the foreign exchange market is called ______.

    • A.the trade surplus
    • B.the exchange rate
    • C.the money price
    • D.the currency rate
  52. (30)

    • A.By the negotiation among the sellers, buyers and the exchange.
    • B.By using an auction process.
    • C.By the exchange.
    • D.By the negotiation among the sellers and the buyers.
  53. (29)

    • A.At each trading post.
    • B.At the brokerage firm.
    • C.Via telephone.
    • D.Outside the trading floor.
  54. (27)

    • A.The Investments in financial assets.
    • B.The accumulation of past savings of income.
    • C.The money we hold in cash.
    • D.The net revenue in the transaction.
  55. 听力原文:  The most prestigious exchange in the world is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The NYSE is the first type of exchange, where much of the trading is done face-to-face on a trading floor. This is also referred to as a "listed" exchange. Orders come in through brokerage firms that are members of the exchange and flow down to floor brokers who go to a specific spot on the floor where the stock trades. At this location, known as the trading post, there is a specific person known as the "specialist" whose job is to match buyers and sellers. Prices are determined by using an auction method: the current price is the highest amount any buyer is willing to pay and the lowest price at which someone is willing to sell.

    28. Which is the most notable exchange in the world?

    29.In the NYSE, where does the "specialist" match buyers and sellers?

    30.In the NYSE, what are prices determined by?


    • A.the Nasdaq
    • B.the NYSE
    • C.the OTC
    • D.the AMEX
  56. (26)

    • A.The income we get and the wealth we have in our homes.
    • B.Our net revenue we receive.
    • C.Investments and life insurance.
    • D.Pension funds, stocks and bonds.
  57. (25)

    • A.Measures.
    • B.Rulers.
    • C.Money.
    • D.A medium of exchange.
  58. 听力原文:  Money means different things to different people. We have all heard or used expressions such as, "How much money do you want for this? How much money do you make?" and "They have a lot of money." It is obvious that money does not mean the same thing in each of these expressions. In the first expression, money refers to a price; in the second, to income; and in the third, to wealth. The confusion arises because money is the standard in terms of which we value all material goods and services. For most of us, both income and wealth are considerably greater than our holdings of money. Income is the net revenue we receive for the sale of our services or of the products of our services. Wealth is the accumulation of past savings of income. Most of us hold only a small part of our wealth in the form. of money.

    24. Which is the best answer to the question "How much money do you want for this?"

    25.What is used as the standard to value all material goods and services?

    26.What may be greater than our holdings of money?

    27.What is wealth?


    • A.Three items.
    • B.$10.8.
    • C.A blue one.
    • D.U.S. Dollars.
  59. (23)

    • A.Profitability.
    • B.Non-performing and bad loans.
    • C.Capital adequacy requirements.
    • D.All above.
  60. 短文理解

    听力原文:  The banking system of China evolved from a mono-banking system between the 1940s and the early 1970s. Not until 1978 did China's banking system make a drastic shift in its banking philosophy and structure. The shift is not only a necessity for the country's development, but also acts as a gesture showing the "openness" of the country to the outside world.

      Today, after nearly forty years of rapid development, China is moving towards a modem and market-oriented banking structure although there is still much to be improved to meet the needs of the country's development.

      In the mid 1990s, banks in China began to focus their attention on capital adequacy requirements, non-performing and bad loans, profitability and also the industry's overall expansion strategy. Reforms of monetary and financial system in China are speeding up in the 90s. Existing specialized banks gradually have become commercial banks.

    21. What kind of banking system did China have before the 1980s?

    22.Up to now, how long has China experienced rapid development?

    23.What are the banks in China focusing their attention on?


    • A.The same system as in the western countries.
    • B.A mono-banking system.
    • C.A modern banking system.
    • D.A commercial banking system.
  61. (22)

    • A.More than twenty years.
    • B.Nearly ten years.
    • C.Nearly forty years.
    • D.Nearly thirty years.
  62. 听力原文:M: Do you keep the transferred amount in a special account that I can't control?

    W: Yes, we keep those balances in a tax accrual trust account specifically reserved for tax payments. Usually the balances will be used every quarter for tax liability payments.

    Q: How often will the balance be used for tax liability payments?


    • A.Every month.
    • B.Every quarter.
    • C.Every year.
    • D.Half a year.
  63. 听力原文:M: Well, what other documents shall I hand in to your bank besides bills of lading?

    W: A sight draft, an insurance policy, and a collection order which contains instructions on collection operation to our bank.

    Q: What are they talking about???


    • A.Presentation of bill of exchange for payment.
    • B.Documents required for a collection operation.
    • C.Application for a letter of credit.
    • D.What are contained in a collection order.
  64. 听力原文:M: I'm leaving for America and still have some RMB with me. There is about 700 yuan left. Can I change it back into US dollars?

    W: Yes, we can convert your leftover RMB back into foreign money.

    Q: How much RMB yuan does the customer want to exchange for US dollars?


    • A.700 yuan.
    • B.600 yuan.
    • C.650 yuan.
    • D.750 yuan.
  65. 听力原文:M: May I cash these traveler's checks for $300 here?

    W: Of course. Would you please countersign them here? Also write place and date as specified.

    Q: What does the man want to do according to the conversation?


    • A.To endorse his cheques.
    • B.To show his passport.
    • C.To cash some traveler' s cheques.
    • D.To open a checking account.
  66. 听力原文:M: Bank of China. May I help you?

    W: Yes, please. I'd like to get some information about discounting a bill of exchange.

    Q: What does the customer want to do.?


    • A.To withdraw some money.
    • B.To exchange some foreign currencies.
    • C.To discount some bills.
    • D.To cash some traveler's checks.
  67. 听力原文:M: The rate on a personal loan is fixed according to the base rate at the time when the loan is made.

    W: But it is always higher than the base rate, isn't it?

    Q: What is determined when a personal loan is made?


    • A.Rate on the personal loan.
    • B.Base rate of the bank.
    • C.The amount of payment.
    • D.Personal loan's time period.
  68. 听力原文:M: Can you tell me something about a balance sheet?

    W: Yes. It is divided into three sections: assets, liabilities, and owner's equity and it is used to summarize a company's financial position on a given date.

    Q: Which of the following is not a section of a balance sheet?


    • A.Profit and Joss
    • B.Owner's equity.
    • C.Liabilities
    • D.Assets.
  69. 听力原文:W: Well, yes. What about interests on those accounts? I'm interested in fixed time deposits accounts.

    M: There are three kinds of fixed deposits, Madame. They are three-month, six-month and twelve-month deposits. The interest on a three-month deposit is 4.5% per annum, on six month 5%, on twelve month 5.5%.

    Q: What is the interest rate on a six month deposit?


    • A.4%.
    • B.4.5%.
    • C.5%.
    • D.5.5%.
  70. 听力原文:M: We have agreed on the terms of payment. Is it possible to effect shipment in August???

    W: I'm afraid not. Mid September, I think.

    Q: When is the earliest possible time of shipment?


    • A.July.
    • B.August.
    • C.September.
    • D.October.
  71. 对话理解

    听力原文:W: Since I have some spare cash in my account, I would like to open a time deposit account here. Can you give me some information please?

    M: With pleasure. We have many kinds of time deposit accounts: 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 1 year.

    Q: What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?


    • A.Customs officer and travelers.
    • B.Employer and employee.
    • C.Business associates.
    • D.Bank clerk and customer.
  72. 听力原文:The foreign exchange market operates much like other financial markets, but isn't located in a specific place like a stock exchange.


    • A.The foreign exchange market operates like other financial markets in every respect.
    • B.The foreign exchange market has a specific place like a stock exchange.
    • C.There's no physical market place such as stock exchanges for the foreign exchange transactions.
    • D.The foreign exchange market operates quite differently since the former has no physical market place.
  73. 听力原文:If you lose your bank notes, the chance for you to get them back is not high.


    • A.If you lose your bank notes, you will not get them back.
    • B.If you lose your bank notes, you will get compensation.
    • C.If you lose your bank notes, you can get them back soon.
    • D.If you lose your bank notes, most probably, you will not get them back.
  74. 听力原文:We have to inform. you that the documents you presented have been received without the original.


    • A.The documents presented by you are original.
    • B.The documents we received are not original.
    • C.You are requested to present other documents.
    • D.The documents presented to us are in order.
  75. 听力原文:There are primarily three principal parties involved: the trustor, the beneficiary and the trustee.


    • A.The trustor, the beneficiary and the settlor are primarily three principal parties.
    • B.The trustor, the beneficiary and the trustee are primarily three principal parties.
    • C.The trustor, the beneficiary and the grantor are primarily three principal parties.
    • D.The trustor, the beneficiary and the donor are primarily three principal parties.
  76. 听力原文:Other aspects of operational risk include major failure of information technology systems or events such as major fires or other disasters.


    • A.Information technology system can cause operational risk.
    • B.A major fire can be a cause of operational risk.
    • C.The most important types of operational risk involve breakdowns in internal controls and corporate governance.
    • D.Other aspects of operational risk include firing its dealers, lending officers or other staff exceeding their authority or conducting business in an unethical or risky manner.
  77. 听力原文:Many banks in America now carry accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.


    • A.Many banks in America accept accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.
    • B.Many banks in America start business with the Bank of China, Shanghai.
    • C.Many banks in America have accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.
    • D.Many banks in America owe money to the Bank of China, Shanghai.
  78. 听力原文:The balance of your account this month is four million eight hundred sixty-seven thousand three hundred fifty-nine point zero two US dollars.


    • A.USD4,867,359.12
    • B.USD 4,876 ,359. 02
    • C.USD 48,760,395.20
    • D.USD 4,673,359.22
  79. 听力原文:Under the documentary credit, banks are in no way concerned with the sales contract on which the credit may be based.


    • A.Banks will deal with the documentary credit along with the sales contract.
    • B.Banks take no care of the sales contract while dealing with the documentary credit.
    • C.Documentary credit and the sales contract are both important to banks.
    • D.Banks will care for either the documentary credit or the sales contract.
  80. 听力原文:In the United States, the Federal Gold Reserve acts as the central bank.


    • A.In the US, the Federal Gold Reserve acts as the central bank.
    • B.In the US, the central bank is the commercial bank.
    • C.In the US, there is no central bank.
    • D.In the US, the central bank is not so important.
  81. 单句理解

    听力原文:Collateral can never make a bad loan good, but it can turn a good loan into a better one.


    • A.Collateral sometimes turns a bad loan into a good one.
    • B.Good loans can be turned into better loans with collaterals.
    • C.Collateral can turn a good loan into a bad one.
    • D.Collateral can turn a bad loan into a worse one.