

This fall the Pew Research Center,in association with TIME,conducted a nationwide poll exploring the contours of modern marriage and the new American family.And of all the transformations our family structures have undergone in the past 50 years,perhaps the most profound is the marriage differential that has opened between the rich and the poor.In l960 the median household income of married adults was l2%higher than that of single adults,after adjusting for household size.By 2008 this gap had grown to 41%.In other words,the richer and more educated you are,the more likely you are to marry,or to be married-0r, conversely,if you’re married,you’re more likely to be well off.

To begin the question of why the wealth disparity between the married and the unmarried has grown so much,it might be useful to take a look at the brief but illustrative marriage of golfer Greg Norman and tennis star Chris Evert,who married in June 2008 and divorced l5 months later.From all reports,their union had many of the classic hallmarks of modern partnerships.The bride and groom had roughly equal success in their careers.Being wealthy,sporty and blond,they had similar interests.

This is typical of the way many marriages start.Americans are increasingly marrying people who are on the same socioeconomic and educational level.Since more women than men have graduated from college for several decades,it’s more likely than it used to be that a male college graduate will meet,fall in love with,wed and share the salary of a woman with a degree.Women’s advances in education have roughly paralleled the growth of the knowledge economy,so the slice of the family bacon she brings home will be substantial.

On the face of it,this might explain why fewer people are married.They want to finish college first.In 2010 the median age of men getting hitched for the first time is 28.2,and for women it’s 26.1.It’s gone up about a year every decade since the’gos.

But here's the rub.In the past two decades,people with only a high school education started to get married even later than college graduates.In l990 more high-school-educated couples than college graduates had made it to the altar by age 30.By 2007 it was the other way around.What has brought about the switch?It’S not any disparity in desire.According to the Pew survey,46%of college graduates want to get married,and 44%of the less educated do.

Promising publicly to be soreeone’S partner for life used to be something people did to lay the foundation of their independent life.It was the declaration of adulthood.Now it’S more of a finishing touch,the last brick in the edifice,sociologists believe.“Marriage is the capstone for both the college—educated and the less well educated.”says Johns Hopkins’Cherlin.“The college—educated wait until they’re finished with their education and their careers are launched.The less educated wait until they feel comfortable financially.”But that comfort keeps getting more elusive.“The loss of decent—paying jobs that a high—school—educated man or woman could get makes it difficult for them to get and stay married,”says Cherlin.As the knowledge economy has overtaken the manufacturing economy,couples in which both partners’job opportunities are disappearing are doubly disadVantaged.So they wait to get married.

The marriage between Greg Norman and Chris Evert is used to illustrate________.

  • A.the rise of women in socioeconomic status
  • B.the typical features of modern marriage
  • C.the example of happy marriage
  • D.the fragility of modern marriage
  1. __________

  2. __________

  3. __________

  4. Write an essay of 160.200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay, you should

    1)describe the drawing briefly,

    2)interpret the social phenomenon reflected by them,and then

    3)give your points of view.

    You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)

  5. 根据下列材料,请回答下列各题

    Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.Your translation should be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

    Long before the new economy made catchwords of speed,customization,supply chain management.and information sharing,Spanish clothing retailer Zara was carrying out a revolutinn of its own.(46)By translating the latest trends into designs that are manufactured in less than 15 days—and delivering them to its stores twice a week-Zara pioneered a new kind of quick, custom.made retailing that has transformed the relatively low profile retailer into a global powerhouse. Nobody else can get new designs to stores as quickly,says Keith Wills.European retail analyst at Goldman Sachs.“Unless you can do that,you won’t be in business in ten years.”

    (47)Not only has Zara—the flagship store of private textile company Inditex-distinguished itself by tightly integrating its design and manufacturing systems,but its clothing has filled an untapped niche.“Armani at m oderate prices.”says one Goldman Sachs analyst. The forlnula seems to be paying off:Zara,which is responsible for nearly 80%of Inditex’S revenues,opened its first store in 1975 and has since expanded to more than 400 stores in 25 countries.Though it doesn’t generate as much in revenues as the Gap($11.6 billion)or Swedish clothier H&M(about$3.6 billion).Zara’s parent had sales of about$2 billion last year.which represented a 26%increase from 1998.The company’s profits were up 34%,to around$186 million.Last year.

    Zara derives its competitive advantage from an astute use of information and technology. All of its stores are electronically linked to the company’s headquarters near La Coruna,a midsized city on the northwest coast of Spain.Store managers monitor how merchandise is selling and transmit this information,as well as customer requests,to headquarters.“The role of the store manager goes way beyond that of Gap and H&M,”says Wills of Goldman Sachs.

    (48)ToGether with trend snotters who travel the globe in search of new fashion,store m anagers make sure their designers have access to real time information when deciding with the commercial team on the fabric,cut,and price points of a new garment

    In addition.Inditex’s production system truly differentiates Zara from its competition. While the Gap and H&M outsource most of their manufacturing,Zara produces 60%of its merchandise in house.Fabric--which comes from places like Spain,the Far East,India,and Morocco-is cut and colored at the company’s state of the art factory.Then,using information gathered from stores,production managers decide how many garments to make and which stores will get them.Finally the fabric is sent to local shops to be assembled before being shipped around the world.(49)This combination of real time information sharing and internalized production means that Zara can work with almost no stock and still have new designs in the store twice a week.as opposed to the six weeks that it traditionally takes most competitors

    (50)The question now is how far Zara,which runs almost no adVertising outside of its biannual storewide sales,can go with the concept of design on demand retailing.The chain is well known in South America and Europe,where it is currently expanding in Germany. f International sales accounted for almost 50%of its total)It’s less well known in the U.S.;it has just six stores in the New York City area.But don’t underestimate this Spanish giant. Inditex recently announced it was exploring a public offerinG,and it’s probably just a matter a time before it dispatches Zara to conquer the New World.


  6. __________

  7. __________

    • 正确
    • 错误
  8. Write a notice for the Office of Peking University to inform. the teachers,workers and some students of a meeting to commend the advanced teachers and workers.Do not sign your own name at the end of the notice.

    Use“the office of Peking university”instead.

    you should write a,bout 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET

  9. 根据下列材料,请回答下列各题

    You are going to read a list of headings and a text about how to select a fund.Choose the most suitable heading from the list A—G for each numbered paragraph(41-45).The first paragraph of the text is not numbered.There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

    • A.Share the Responsibility
    • B.Keep Your Receipts
    • C.Cut Bad Habits
    • D.Balance Your Checkbook
    • E.Remain Flexible
    • F.Pay Down Debt
    • G.Focus on Savings    You have a big expense coming up.You need a better car,or a bigger home,or you want to go back to college.What do you do?Borrow,borrow,borrow--right?Well,maybe not.If you’ve created a budget,you know exactly ho
    • By now,you’ve set up your budget.You know how much money you have.But you could still use some help staying on budget.Here are some tips that can help you stick to your budget and get ahead on that major purchase:Determine the amount of your budget tha
    • If you have credit card debt,you may feel like it’s going to take forever to pay it off.But you can get ahead by choosing one card--ideally,the one with the highest interest rate—and paying as much as you can on it every month.If you have other cards,pa
  10. According to the author,what should the government do about genetic test?

    • A.Inform. the public of the risk of it.
    • B.Legitimate the access to it.
    • C.Control the access to it.
    • D.Intervene when necessary.