

Humans have never lacked for ways to get wasted.The natural world is full of soothing but addictive leaves and fruits and fungi,and for centuries,science has added them to the pharmacopoeia to relieve the pain of patients.In the past two decades,that’s been especially true.As the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations developed new policies to treat pain more actively,approaching it not just as an unfortunate side effect of illness but as a fifth vital sign,along with temperature,heart rate,respiratory rate and blood pressure.a bounty of new opoids(鸦片类药物)has rolled off Big Pharma’s production line.

There was fentanyl,a synthetic opioid around since the l960s that went into wide use as a treatment for cancer pain in the l990s.That was followed by Oxycodone,a short-acting drug for more routine pain,and after that came Oxycontin,a 12-hour formulation of the same powerful pill.Finally came hydrocodone.The government considers hydrocodone aSchedule III drug--one with a“moderate or low”risk of dependency,as opposed to Schedule Il’s,which carry a“severe”risk.Physicians must submit a written prescription for Schedule II drugs;for Schedule IIl’s,they just phone the pharmacy.(Schedule I substances are drugs like heroin that are never prescribed.)For patients,that wealth of choices spelled danger.

The result has hardly been surprising.Since 1990,there has been a tenfold increase inprescriptions for opioids in the U.S.,according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDCP).In l990 there were barely 6.000 deaths from accidental drug poisoning in the U.S.By 2007 that number had nearly quintupled to 27,658.

Health officials do not tease out which drug is responsible for every death。and it’s not always possible.“There may be lots of drugs on board,”says Cathy Barber,director of the Injury Control Research Center at the Harvard School of Public Health.“Is it the opioid that caused the death?Or is it the combination of opioid,benzodiazepine and a cocktail the person had?”Still,most experts agree that nothing but the exploding availability of opioids could be behind the exploding rate of death.

Despite such heavy death toll,the suivellance over these popular pills faces regulatory maze.In early 2009,the FDA announced that it was initiating a“risk.evaluation and mitigation strategy”.The regulations the FDA is empowered to issue include requiring manufacturers to provide better information to patients and doctors,requiring doctors to meet certain educational criteria before writing opioid prescriptions and limiting the number of docs and pharmacies allowed to prescribe or dispense the drugs.“And with all that.”warns Dr.John Jenkins,director of the FDA’s Office of New Drugs,“we do still have to make sure patients have access to drugs they need.”Any regulations the FDA does impose won’t be announced until 2011 at the earliest and could take a year or more to roll out.That leaves millions of people continuing to fiU prescriptions.tens of thousands per year dying and patients in genuine pain wondering when a needed medication will relieve their suffering--and when it could lead to something worse.

Opoids are drugs______.

  • A.made from natural plants
  • B.that will result in addiction
  • C.classified as dangerous
  • D.used for pain—easing
  1. _______

  2. _______

  3. _______

  4. _______

  5. Directions:

    Suppose that Jack,a friend of yours,has invited you to his birthday party,but you cannot go for some reasons.Write a letter to make an apology to him.

    1)Give your suggestions,and explain the reasons,

    2)Other recommendation.

    You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Zhang Wei”instead.Do not write your address.(10 points)

  6. 根据以下资料,回答下列各题:

    Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.Your translation should be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

    (46)Signs of American culture,ranging from fast food to Hollywood movies,can be seen around the world.But now anthropologists have discovered a far more troubling cultural export from the United States-stigma against fat people.

    Negative perceptions about people who are overweight are becoming the cultural norm in many countries,according to a new report in the journal Current Anthropology.(47)Although some of the shift in thinking likely is explained by idealized slim body images promoted inAmerican advertising and Hollywood movies,the emergence of fat stigma around the world may also result from public health efforts to promote obesity as a disease and a worrisomethreat to a nation’s health

    Researchers from Arizona State University Dr.Brewis and her colleagues recently completed a multicountry study intended to give a snapshot of the international zeitgeist about weight and body image.(48)The researchers elicited answers of true or false to statementswith varying degrees of fat stigmatization.The fat stigma test included statements like,“People are overweight because they are lazy”and“Fat people are fated to be fat”.Usingmostly in person interviews,supplemented with questions posed over the Internet,they testedattitudes among 700 people in lo countries,territories and cities.

    The findings were troubling.Dr.Brewis said she fully expected high levels of fat stigma toshow up in the“Anglosphere”countries,including the United States,England and NewZealand,as well as in body conscious Argentina.(49)But what she did not expect was how strongly people in the rest of the testing sites that have historically held more positive views of larger bodies,including Puerto Rico and American Samoa expressed negative attitudes about weight.The results,Dr.Brewis said,suggest a surprisingly rapid“globalization of fat stigma.”

    To be sure,jokes and negative perceptions about weight have been around for ages.Butwhat appears to have changed most is the level of criticism and blame leveled at people who are overweight.(50)One reason may be that public health campaigns branding obesity as a disease are sometimes perceived as being critical of individuals rather than the environmental and social factors that lead to weight gain.“0f all the things we could be exporting to help people around the world,really negative body image and low self-esteem are not what we hope is going out with public health messaging.”Dr.Brewis said.

    Dr.Brewis notes that far more study is needed to determine the extent of fat stigma and whether people were experiencing more social or workplace discrimination as a result of the growing fat stigma.“I think the next big question is whether it’s going to create a lot of new suffering where suffering didn’t exist before.”Dr.Brewis said.“I think it’s important that wethink about designing health messages around obesity that don’t exacerbate the problem.”


  7. Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following drawin9..In your essay,

    you should

    1)describe the drawing briefly,

    2)explain its intended meaning and then

    3)suggest counter—measures.

    You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)

  8. __________

    • 正确
    • 错误
  9. 根据以下资料,回答下列各题:In the following text,some sentences have been removed.For questions 41 45.choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks.There are two extra choices,which do not fit in any of the blanks.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

    • A.Running after Them Doesn’t Help Anybody
    • B.Remember Newton’S Third Law
    • C.Show Some Respect for the Things They Care About
    • D.18 Years Old:The Beginning of Adulthood
    • E.Know Strength and Weakness of Your Child
    • F.Don’t Look Under the Mattress
    • G.Be Consistent    When Your child becomes a teenager,you’re well over halfway through the job of raising them,and you have only a few years left to instill all those values and principles you want them to go into adult life with.And
    • And what are you going to do about it—conffont them?I think not.You’ll severely damage your relationship,and they’ll just keep them under the floorboards instead.    Maybe you should think back to the things you did as a teenager th
    • It’s one of the many paradoxes of teenagers.On the one hand,they want to rebel,to shock you,to do things that get to you,and on the other hand,they want your approval and your goodwill.So when you criticize your teenager’s choices,you criticize them.It
    • If you've decided that you don’t allow the kids to stay late outside,you have to stick to it. Just because your little one was a bit sad about something today,and you’re feeling a bit down yourself anyway...no,no,no!Stop right there!Let them come back
  10. The aim of FDA’s regulation over opoids is to______.

    • A.ban doctors from prescribing these medicine
    • B.minimize the undesirable effects of these medicine
    • C.lrequire manufacturers to provide better information to patients and doctors
    • D.limit the number of doctors eligible for prescribing these medicine