
What concerns Mark Abrahams most is that the modified fish will________.

  • A.escape into the wild to breed abundantly
  • B.break the rule of natural selection
  • C.generate unknown harm to human body
  • D.replace natural fish as a result of less predator
  1. ___________

  2. ___________

  3. ___________

  4. ___________

  5. 根据以下资料,回答下列各题:


    Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.Your translation should be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

    A chilling feature of the suicide video left by Mohammad Sidique Khan。the leader of the band that killed more than 50 people in London in July,2005,was the homely Yorkshire accent in which he told his countrymen that“your”government is at war with“my people”.What makes a Muslim in Britain or America wake up and decide that he is no longer a Briton 0r American but an Islamic “soldier”fighting a holy war against the infidel? Part of it must be pull,part is presumably push.

    George Bush has repeated like a scratched gramophone record that Americans were at war with the terrorists who had attacked them on 9/1 1,not at war with Islam.(46)Barack 0bama has followed suit:the White House national security strategy published in May says that one way to guard against radicalisation at home is to stress that“diversity is part of our strength--not a source of division or insecurity.”This is hardly rocket science.(47)And that reminding Americans of the difference--a real one,by the way,not one fabricated for the purposes of political correctness--between Islam.a religion with a billion adherents.And AI Qaeda.a terrorist outfit that claims to speak in Islam’s name but has absolutely no right to do so

    Why would any responsible American politician want to erase that vital distinction?Good question.(48)Ask Sarah Palin,or Newt Gingrich,or the many others who have lately clamored about the offensive campaign to stop Cordoba House,a proposed community centre and mosque,from being built in New York two blocks from the site of the twin towers

    In a tweet last mortth from Alaska.Ms Palin called on“peaceful Muslims”to “repudiate ”he“ground zero mosque ”because it would“stab”American hearts.But why should it? Cordoba House is not being built by Al Qaeda.To the contrary.it is the brainchild of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf,a well meaning American cleric who has spent years trying to promote interfaith understanding.He is modelling his project on New York’s 92nd Street Y.a Jewish community centre that reaches out to other religions.The site was selected precisely so that it might heal some of the wounds opened by the felling of the twin towers and all that followed.True.some relatives of 9/11 victims are hurt by the idea of a mosque going up near the site.(49)But that feeling of hurt makes sense only if they too buy the false idea that Muslims in general were perpetrators of the crime.Besides,what about the feelings.and fo that matter the rights,of America’s Muslims-some of whom also perished in the atrocity?

    (50)It is impossible to excuse the mean spirit and scrambled logic of Mr Ginger’s assertion that “there should be no mosoue near ground zero so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia”. To Mr Gingrich,it seems,all American Muslim is a Muslim first and an American second.Al Qaeda would doubtless concur.Mr Gingrich also objects to the centre’s name.Imam Feisal says he chose“Cordoba”in recollection of a time when the rest of Europe had sunk into the Dark Ages but Muslims,Jews and Christians created an oasis of art,culture and science.Mr Gingrich sees only a“deliberate insult”.a reminder of a period when Muslim conquerors ruled Spain.Like Mr bin Laden,Mr Gingrich is apparently still reiterating the victories and defeats of religious wars fought in Europe and the Middle East centuries ago.He should rejoin the modem world,before he does real harm.


  6. Directions:

    Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay,you should

    1)describe the drawing briefly,

    2)explain its intended meaning,and then

    3)give your comments.

    You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)

  7. Directions:

    One of your friends wants to apply for a job involving working with foreign teenagers.

    Write a letter:

    1)recommend him/her,and describe his/her past experience,

    2)explain the reasons.

    You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name

    at the end of the letter.Use“Zhang Wei”instead.Do not write your address.(10 points)

  8. 根据以下资料,回答下列各题:Directions:

    The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order.For Questions 41-45,you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent text by choosing from the list A-G to fill in each numbered box.The first and the last paragraphs have been placed for you in Boxes.Mark your answers Oil the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

    • A.So what do we do to be safer? Many smart people have tackled this question.Peter Pronovost at Johns Hopkins developed a checklist shown to bring hospital-acquiredinfections down to close to zero.There are rules against disturbing nurses while th
    • B.Here’S one theory.It is a given that American doctors perform. a staggering number oftests and procedures,far more than in other industrialized nations.and far more than we used to.Since 1996,the percentage of doctor visits leading to at least five
    • C.Doctors make mistakes.They may be mistakes of technique,judgment.ignorance or even,sometimes,recklessness.Regardless of the cause,each time a mistake happens。a patient may suffer.We fail to uphold our profession’s basic oath:“First.do no harm.”
    • D.Herein lies a stunning irony.Defensive medicine is rooted in the goal of avoiding mistakes.But each additional procedure or test,no matter how cautiously performed,injects a fresh possibility of error.CT and M.R.I.scans can lead to false positives
    • E.According to a l999 report by the Institute of Medicine,as many as 98.000 Americans were dying every year because of medical mistakes.Today,exact figures are hard to come by because states don’t abide by the same reporting guidelines,and few cases ga
    • F.What may be even more important is remembering the limits of our power.More--more procedures,more testing,more treatment--is not always better.In l979,Stephen Bergman,under the pen name Dr.Samuel Shem,published rules for hospitals in his ca
    • G.Certainly many procedures,tests and prescriptions are based on legitimate need.But many are not.In a recent anonymous survey,oIrthopedic surgeons said 24 percent of the tests they ordered were medically unnecessary.This kind of treatment is a form. of
  9. ___________

    • 正确
    • 错误
  10. More people’s inclination to rent rather than buy a house will not_______.

    • A.enlarge the wealth disparity between the haves and have-nots
    • B.reduce the renter’s commitment to the community
    • C.slow the recovery of economy
    • D.curb social mobility