
41.Speaking to someone you know well.

42. Howold are your listeners?

43. Sexcomposition of your listeners.

44.Interest in topic.

45.Interests or hobbies of the listeners.

[A] If you're invited to speak to awomen's or men's organization, you know the answer to this question at once.Quite often, however, audiences are mixed fairly evenly, although at times onesex may predominate.

[B] Do members of your prospectiveaudience spend evenings watching TV movies and drinking beer at a local tavern,or do they read the Harvard Classics and attend concerts of Beethoven andMozart? Do they play bingo and 21, or do they pursue the questions the intriguingintricacies of contract bridge and chess? Answers to these questions can helpyou choose the most appropriate material and language for your audience. Yourchoices can be crucial in determining the success or failure of yourpresentation.

[C] Are the members recent collegegraduates, senior citizens, or business executives in midcareer? Just remember,age exerts a powerful impact on people's attitudes, values and motivations.

[D] For example, your departmentmanager may ask you to explain and demonstrate a procedure to some fellowemployee. Or she may select you to address your department on behalf of thelocal blood donor drive. In both speech situations--in class and on thejob--you're familiar with your audience; you speak their language; you havethings in common with them.

[E] Are you aware of the educationalbackground of your audience? How many of them have doctoral degrees, masterdegrees or bachelor degrees? This will decide what kind of language you shouldadopt and how much they can understand.

[F] Are the members of theorganization interested in the topic or are they required to attend regardlessof their interest? If the latter is true, what types of material will mostlikely pique their curiosity?


