
  • ●A _(72) is a collection of projects and other work that are grouped together to facilitate effective management of that work to meet strategic business objectives.    (72) A. program  
  • B. portfolio 
  • C. project of large size 
  • D. PMO
  1. ● The p

    • ● The parties to government procurement refer to the principal entities of all kinds that enjoy rights and undertake obligations in government procurement, including the procuring entities, the (75) and the procuring agencies.    (75)
    • B. servers
    • C. producers
    • D. suppliers
  2.  ● There

    • ● There are strategies typically deal with threats or risks that may have negative impacts on project objectives if they occur. Some other strategies are suggested to deal with risks with potentially positive impacts. (74) is a risk response strategy that
    • B. Mitigate  
    • C. Transfer  
    • D. Acceptance
  3. ●Qu

    • ●Quality planning tools are often used to help plan effective quality management activities.(71) is one of such tools, which involves comparing actual or planned project practices to those of other projects to generate ideas for improvement
    • B. Quality metric
    • C. Quality checklist
    • D. Brainstorming
    • ●A _(72) is a collection of projects and other work that are grouped together to facilitate effective management of that work to meet strategic business objectives.    (72) A. program  
    • B. portfolio 
    • C. project of large size 
    • D. PMO
  4. ● In the process of communic

    • ● In the process of communication requirement analysis, the project manager should consider the number of potential communication channels or paths as an indicator of the complexity of a project' s communications. According to Metcalfe's Law, a
    • B. 45
    • C. 50
    • D. 100
  5. ●决策树分析法通常用决策树图表进行分析,根据下表的决策树分析法计算,图中机会节点的预期收益EMV分别是$90和$(69)(单位:万元)。

    (69)A. 160

    B. 150

    C. 140

    D. 100

  6. ●假定某农贸市场上鸡蛋的需求和供给曲线可以由下列方程表示:





    • ●假定某农贸市场上鸡蛋的需求和供给曲线可以由下列方程表示:    Qd=100+10P    Qs=540-40P    其中,Qd为该市场鸡蛋的需求量(公斤),Qs为该市场鸡蛋的供给量(公斤),P为每公斤鸡蛋的价格,则市场上鸡蛋价格P为(70)元/公斤时,达到供需平衡。    (70)A. 10
    • B.9.2
    • C. 8.8
    • D.14
  7. ●某公司现有400万元用于投资甲、乙、丙三个项目,投资额以百万元为单位,已知甲、乙、丙三项投资的可能方案及相应获得的收益如下表所示:


    (67)A. 17


    C. 20


  8. ●关于系统工程的特点,下列叙述错误的是(68)。


    • ●关于系统工程的特点,下列叙述错误的是(68)。    (68)A.系统工程方法是以系统整体功能最佳为目标,通过对系统的综合和分析来构造系统模型,以调整改善系统的结构,使之达到整体最优化
    • B.系统工程的研究强调系统与环境的融合,近期利益与长远利益相结合,社会效益、生态效益与经济效益相结合
    • C.各类系统问题均可以采用系统工程的方法来研究,系统工程方法具有广泛的适用性
    • D.系统工程研究是以数学理论为指导,采取的理论和方法是纯数学的理论和方法
  9. ●下列叙述中,不符合《中华人民共和国招投标法》的是(64)。


    • ●下列叙述中,不符合《中华人民共和国招投标法》的是(64)。    (64)A.招标人采用公开招标方式的,应当发布招标公告
    • B.招标人采用邀请招标方式的,应当向三个以上具备承担招标项目的能力、资信良好的特定的法人或者其他组织发出投标邀请书
    • C.中标人不得向他人转让中标项目,也不得将中标项目肢解后分别向他人转让
    • D.投标人报价不受限制