Typically, an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks. Such addresses are referred to as multicast addresses, and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (1)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (2)the scope of a single LAN segment is straightforward. IEEE 802 and other LAN protocols include provision for MAC-level multicast addresses. A packet with a multicast address is transmitted on a LAN Segment. Those stations that are members of the (3)multicast group recognize the multicast address and (4)the packet. In this case, only a single copy of the packet is ever transmitted. This technique works because of the (5)nature of a LAN: A transmission from any one station is received by all other station on the LAN.
Typically, an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks. Such addresses are referred to as multicast addresses, and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (1)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (2)the scope of a single LAN segment is straightforward. IEEE 802 and other LAN protocols include provision for MAC-level multicast addresses. A packet with a multicast address is transmitted on a LAN Segment. Those stations that are members of the (3)multicast group recognize the multicast address and (4)the packet. In this case, only a single copy of the packet is ever transmitted. This technique works because of the (5)nature of a LAN: A transmission from any one station is received by all other station on the LAN.
法律通常规定社会政治、经济和其他社会生活中最基本的社会关系或行为准则。一般来说,法律的效力低于宪法,其他一切行政法规和地方性法规都不得与法律相抵触。在常用的法律法规中,因调整知识产权的归属、行使、管理和保护等活动中产生的社会关系的法律规范的总称是( )。
IT服务的广泛应用对从业人员的职业素养和法律法规知识提出来更高的要求,在职业素养中,要求从业者具有执业责任,下面“( )”不是要求的职业责任。
ITSS (Information Technology Service Standards)是一套成体系和综合配套的信息技术服务标准库,全面规范了信息技术服务产品及其组成要素,用于指导实施标准化和可信赖的信息技术服务。该体系的组成要素包括( )。
制定标准的重要基础是在一定范围内充分反映各相关方面的利益,并对不同意见进行协调与协商,从而取得一致。对我国而言,由国务院标准化行政主管部门组织制定,并对国民经济和技术发展有重大意义,只要在全国范围内统一的标准是( )。
IT服务团队管理中的激励管理,包括了团队激励和个人激励。个人激励相比于团队激励更偏重个人的感受,参照马斯洛需求理论,将人的需求划分为五种,下面( )不属于马斯洛理论所定义的需求。
任何一个团队从开始组建到最终达到绩效要求,需要一个周期。依据塔克曼群体发展模型,结合IT服务管理工作特性,将团队建设周期分为四个阶段,他们分别是(未按正确次序排列) ①风暴期 ②表现期 ③组建期 ④规范期 团队建设周期的正确排序为( )。
IT服务团队建设周期中,组建期有四个关键步骤,其前后顺序不能改变。现将次序打乱为: ①确定目标 ②稳定核心成员 ③了解现状 ④建立团队价值观 下面( )是其正确的排序方式。
在IT服务团队的五个特性中,人员的岗位结构特征将岗位分为三类且团队成员相对固定。下面( )选项的划分是正确的三类岗位。
随着IT服务外包商的信誉和管理机制的不断提高和健全、国家对IT服务外包行业的积极推动,IT服务外包将迎来快速发展的局面。IT服务外包会给企业带来许多收益,其表现多样,下面( )不属于这些收益。