

  • A.“要将一个作家的风格翻译出来,这当然是相当困难的,需要运用适合于原作风格的文学语言,把原作的内容与形式正确无遗地再现出来。除信,达外,还要有文采。
  • B.“在同一语言的领域里, 尚且不易摹仿一个作者的风格:在翻译方面,把原作译成另一种语言而要保持同一风格,这是更不易做到的工作。
  • C.”即使最优秀的译文,其韵味较之原文仍不免过或不及。翻译时只能尽量缩短这个距离,过则求其勿太过,不及则求其勿过于不及。
  • D.“我觉得翻译工作者如果要花许多功夫去钻研作品的风格,还不如花点功夫去培养自己的外语感受力好些……”
  1. B. Directions: Translate the following passage into English and write your translation on the answer sheet.(15 points)


  2. 原文:Some people say that dreaming is very important, that it can predict future troubles and joys, or that the monsters and demons in our dreams represent our deepest anxieties and fears. Some others, though,, say that a nightmare does not necessarily have a negative meaning. For example, dreaming of your own death may be highly frightening, wake you up in the middle of the night, and make you sweat all over. The meaning of this dream, however, is not death, but a turning point in life, a promising and a full success. Likewise, dreaming of finding money may actually mean you will lose something.Still some others would say, you cannot just say that a good dream means something bad and vice versa. It all depends on the circumstances. Take dreaming of water for example, clear water can indicate riches, and muddy water indicates disputes. If the water is hot, then you must guard against unexpected dangers.

  3. 原文:二十年来,我国的航天事业从胜利走向新的胜利。

  4. 原文:总之,合逻辑,合文法和运用较好的修辞,这三点请你们在写文章的时候注意。

  5. 原文:有一年的冬初,四叔家里要换女工,做中人的卫老婆子带她进来了。

  6. 原文:我生在上海长在上海。

  7. 原文:Researches have shown that the “rod “ tends to produce children who are more aggressive than their peers.

  8. Directions: Each of the following translated sentences is inadequate. Revisethe given versions and write your versions on the answer sheet.



    译文:To write a preface to this collection of his essay gives me a great honor.

    改译:I find it a great honor to write a preface to this collection of his essays.


  9. 原文:Day by day the sea is eating the land— the dam has stopped the sediment of the Nile from replenishing the shoreline.

  10. 原文:Objections, if any, should be raised by buyers within five days after receipt of the sales contract.