

  1. B. Directions: Translate the following passage into English and write your translation on the answer sheet.(15 points)


  2. 原文:Some people say that dreaming is very important, that it can predict future troubles and joys, or that the monsters and demons in our dreams represent our deepest anxieties and fears. Some others, though,, say that a nightmare does not necessarily have a negative meaning. For example, dreaming of your own death may be highly frightening, wake you up in the middle of the night, and make you sweat all over. The meaning of this dream, however, is not death, but a turning point in life, a promising and a full success. Likewise, dreaming of finding money may actually mean you will lose something.Still some others would say, you cannot just say that a good dream means something bad and vice versa. It all depends on the circumstances. Take dreaming of water for example, clear water can indicate riches, and muddy water indicates disputes. If the water is hot, then you must guard against unexpected dangers.

  3. 原文:二十年来,我国的航天事业从胜利走向新的胜利。

  4. 原文:总之,合逻辑,合文法和运用较好的修辞,这三点请你们在写文章的时候注意。

  5. 原文:有一年的冬初,四叔家里要换女工,做中人的卫老婆子带她进来了。

  6. 原文:我生在上海长在上海。

  7. 原文:Researches have shown that the “rod “ tends to produce children who are more aggressive than their peers.

  8. Directions: Each of the following translated sentences is inadequate. Revisethe given versions and write your versions on the answer sheet.



    译文:To write a preface to this collection of his essay gives me a great honor.

    改译:I find it a great honor to write a preface to this collection of his essays.


  9. 原文:Day by day the sea is eating the land— the dam has stopped the sediment of the Nile from replenishing the shoreline.

  10. 原文:Objections, if any, should be raised by buyers within five days after receipt of the sales contract.

  11. 原文:He was more frightened than hurt.

  12. Example:

    原文:Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate.



    原文:I tried vainly to put the pieces together.

  13. B.Directions:Put the following words and phrases into English and write your answer on the answer sheet.




    (29) 六方会谈

    (30) 最低工资

    (31) 雨季

    (32) 出国热


    (34) 知识产权

    (35) 大陆架

  14. 在下列关于风格的论述中,_________是傅雷先生提出来的。

    • A.“要将一个作家的风格翻译出来,这当然是相当困难的,需要运用适合于原作风格的文学语言,把原作的内容与形式正确无遗地再现出来。除信,达外,还要有文采。
    • B.“在同一语言的领域里, 尚且不易摹仿一个作者的风格:在翻译方面,把原作译成另一种语言而要保持同一风格,这是更不易做到的工作。
    • C.”即使最优秀的译文,其韵味较之原文仍不免过或不及。翻译时只能尽量缩短这个距离,过则求其勿太过,不及则求其勿过于不及。
    • D.“我觉得翻译工作者如果要花许多功夫去钻研作品的风格,还不如花点功夫去培养自己的外语感受力好些……”
  15. (16)vegetable oil

    (17)per capita GDP

    (18) international community

    (19) e-commerce certification

    (20) Adam’s apple

    (21) environmental protection law

    (22) peaceful reunification

    (23) stock market index

    (24) world championships

    (25) IMF

  16. 在翻译理论方面,鲁迅先生曾针对当时__________的“宁顺而不信“的提法,提出了”宁信而不顺“的主张。

    • A.瞿秋白
    • B.胡适
    • C.赵景深
    • D.傅斯年
  17. 巴尔胡达罗夫认为在翻译的过程中,有时需要求助于超语言环境,这里所谓“环境“不包括-__________。

    • A.交际环境
    • B.通报主体
    • C.交际参与者
    • D.篇章
  18. “化境”作为翻译标准,是由________提出来的。

    • A.严复
    • B.钱钟书
    • C.杨宪益
    • D.林纾
  19. 中国作为一个有着很长海岸线的发展中国家,国民经济要持续发展,必须把海洋的开发和保护作为一项长期的战略任务。

    • A.As a developing country with a long coastline, China must take exploitation and protection of the ocean as a long-term strategic task before it can achieve the sustainable development of its national economy.
    • B.As a developing country with a long coastline, China must make exploitation and protection of the ocean as a long-term strategic task before it can achieve the sustainable development of its national economy.
    • C.China is a developing country with a long coastline, must make exploitation and protection of the ocean as a long-term strategic task before it can achieve the sustainable development of its national economy.
    • D.China must take exploitation and protection of the ocean as a long-term strategic task before it can achieve the sustainable development of its national economy, as a developing country with a long coastline.
  20. 我国的翻译事业最初是从翻译佛经开始的。东汉时期翻译的________是我国现存佛经中最早的译本。

    • A.《四十二章经》
    • B.《妙法莲华经》
    • C.《四阿含》
    • D.《金刚版若波罗蜜经》
  21. 日子很快的过去了,她的做工却毫没有懈,食物不论,力气是不错的。

    • A.Time has passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not cared what she ate, never sparing herself.
    • B.Time passing quickly, and she went on working as hard as ever, not cared what she ate, never spared herself.
    • C.Time passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never sparing herself.
    • D.Time passed quickly, she went on working as hard as ever, not cared what she ate, never spared herself.
  22. 打动人心的是作品中反映的生活和主人公的命运。

    • A.Readers are moved by the life reflected in a novel and the fate of the leading character.
    • B.Readers are enlightened by the life reflected in a novel and the fate of the leading character.
    • C.Readers are stirred up by the life reflected in a novel and the fate of the leading character.
    • D.Readers are impressed by the life reflected in a novel and the fate of the leading character.
  23. 我必须承认,我的时间和精力似乎越来越少了。

    • A.I have to admit that my time and energy seem to be shorter.
    • B. I have to confess that there seen to be less time and energy for me.
    • C. I must confess that I seem to have less time and energy than before.
    • D. I must admit that my time and energy seem to be running short.
  24. Almost daily, the gulf between education and employment widens. Careers officers complain about a system that presents them with school-leavers without ideas for employment.

    • A.几乎每天,教育和就业之间的鸿沟在加宽。负责就业的官员抱怨说,现在的教育制度向他们提供毕业生时缺乏就业观念。
    • B.几乎每天,教育和就业之间的鸿沟在加宽。负责就业的官员抱怨现行的教育制度培养出来的毕业生缺乏就业观念。
    • C.教育和就业相互脱节的现象日趋严重。负责就业的官员抱怨说,现在的教育制度向他们提供毕业生时缺乏就业观念。
    • D.教育和就业相互脱节的现象日趋严重。负责就业的官员抱怨说,现行的教育制度培养出来的毕业生时缺乏就业观念。
  25. 他既有同情心,又能容人,所以人们尊敬他。

    • A.He was sympathetic, tolerant, and respected by people.
    • B.He was both sympathetic and tolerant, which won him respect.
    • C.He was sympathetic, tolerant, and that made people respected him.
    • D.He was both sympathetic and tolerant, that made people respect him.
  26. It was quite a few months before South Sudan officially won its independence.

    • A.好几个月前,南苏丹正式独立了。
    • B.过了好几个月,南苏丹才正式独立。
    • C.南苏丹正式独立前,好几个月过去了。
    • D.南苏丹刚正式独立,好几个月就过去了。
  27. If you stop to think about it, you will realize how important it is to be thoughtful.

    • A.如果你不去想这个问题,你就会意识到替别人着想是何等重要。
    • B.如果你不去想这个问题,你就会意识到思想是何等重要。
    • C.如果仔细想想,你就会意识到替别人着想有多么重要。
    • D.如果仔细想想,你就会意识到思想有多么重要。
  28. The development of literacy, the acquisition of information and the problem-solving by beginners differ in degree rather than in kind from the mental activities of experts.

    • A.初学者学习文化,获取信息以及解决问题等方面的智力活动与专家在程度和本质上有很大的不同。
    • B.初学者学习文化,获取信息以及解决问题等方面的智力活动与专家的只是程度上的不同,本质上是一样的。
    • C.初学者文学上的发展,信息的获得以及解决问题等方面的能力与专家的思维活跃度在程度和本质上有很大的不同。
    • D.初学者文学上的发展,信息的获得以及解决问题等方面的能力与专家的思维活跃度只是程度上的不同,本质上是一样的。
  29. I never go past my old school but think of our headmaster.

    • A.我从未路过母校,但想起过校长。
    • B.我从未路过母校,也没想起过校长。
    • C.每次路过母校,我都没想起过校长。
    • D.每次路过母校,我都会想起校长。