
A.Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.原文:产生于家庭关系基础之上的伦理规范,更在数千年的历史中成为中国人治理国家的“典范”。可以说,家文化是中国文化的“基因”。只有读懂了家文化,才能读懂中国人。

  1. A.Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.原文:退休是一种贡献,有其特殊的价值和意义。从原来的岗位上退下来,既空出了职务,又空出了职称,让较为年轻的同志补上去,这不是一种贡献?譬如我,原系大学教授,研究生导师,学科带头人,还有一些其他的职务。如今一退,名额的紧张情况便可缓和一点,提拔年轻学子的机会就增多一点,梯队建设规划(plan for team building)即可顺利付诸实施。若能真正地认识这一点,便可获得一种充实感和欣慰感。

  2. 原文:We always wanted our daughter to be vegan (严格素食主义者) but, at first, we were unsure about how to go about it. I feel very strongly when it comes to the ethics of veganism— we wanted our child to be compassionate and were also aware of the health benefits of this diet.It wasn’t hard to make the switch. We did it when Harley was four months old. Harley craves lots of fruit and vegetables. We have tried her with mock-meats but she isn’t really keen on them, so we tend to give her a plant-based diet. In terms of how we will explain ti all to her when she’s older, we just plan on educating her about why we don’t eat meat. As parents we hope she stays vegan but that’s ultimately down to her.

  3. 原文:近年来,经济全球化持续深入发展。特别值得注意的是,当前的多双边经济合作已不仅仅局限于传统的贸易领域,投资议题已成为一个重点和热点的问题。

  4. 原文:对于基础阶层来说缺乏必要的“兜底”。同国民经济发展幅度相比,中国的社会保障事业以及社会转移支付表现出一种明显滞后的情形。

  5. 原文:“舞动北京”是一方中国之印。这方“中国印”镌刻着一个有着十三亿人口和五十六个民族的国家对于奥林匹克运动的誓言。

  6. 原文:“制造”快乐就像酿酒一样,你必须找配方,学会慢慢品。把一些美好的东西重拾,把一些不愉快地事情忘记,快乐离自己就近了。

  7. A.Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.原文:产生于家庭关系基础之上的伦理规范,更在数千年的历史中成为中国人治理国家的“典范”。可以说,家文化是中国文化的“基因”。只有读懂了家文化,才能读懂中国人。

  8. 原文:The situation of women in the labour market, in spite of their overall high level of education, is characterized by a concentration of women in public sectors. Besides, there exists a disparity in payment between women and men in both the public and private sectors.

  9. 原文:There is a small Chinatown at the heart of the theatre and cinema district in Soho. A pedestrian street has Chinese gateways given by the Hong Kong business community, plus traditional lion statues and a monument. Shops and restaurants supply mixtures of Chinese and western food.

  10. 原文:Meanwhile, Pakistan is struggling with unprecedented flooding that has killed more than a thousand people and affected millions more. In China, flash floods have so far killed more than a thousand people and destroyed more than a million homes. On a smaller scale, European countries have also suffered serious flooding.