

Questions 26 to 30 are based om the following passage.

There are guavas (番石榴) at the Shop & Save. I pick one the size of a tennis ball and finger the prickly stem end. It feels familiarly bumpy and firm. The guava is not quite ripe: the skin is still a dark green. I smell it and imagine a pale pink center, the seeds tightly embedded in the flesh.

  • A ripe guava is yellow, although some varieties have a pink tinge. The skin is thick, firm, and sweet. Its heart is bright pink and almost solid with seeds. The most delicious part of the guava surrounds the tiny seeds. If you don't know how to eat a
  • As children, we didn't always wait for the fruit to ripen. We raided the bushes as soon as the guavas were large enough to bend the branch.
  • A green guava is sour and hard. You bite into it at its widest point, because it's easier to gasp with your teeth. You grimace, your eyes water, and your checks disappear as your lips purse into a tight 0. But you have another and then another, enjoyi
  • I bad my last guava the day we left Puerto Rico. It was large and juicy, almost red in the center, and so fragrant that I didn't want to eat it because I would lose the smell. All the way to the airport I scratched at it with my teeth, making little d
  • A.American supermarket
  • B.fruit garden in America
  • C.supermarket in an airport
  • D.fruit garden in Puerto Rico
  1. (67)

  2. (66)

  3. (65)

  4. (64)

  5. A common argument against cars is that they pollute the environment and thus, are undesirable.[(63)While this. is true, the automobile must be removed from urban planning not only due to pollution but also because of its unsustainable nature.]Cars-and the type of city that is planned around them -use considerable resources and space that will not be available in the future. Oil reserves are dwindling and will disappear within the next century. [(64)Although it is possible. for alternative fuel sources to be. Developed, there will nonetheless require. Considerable energy use.] Furthermore, many resources arc consumed in the production of cars. [(65)In a world with a constantly increasing population,the manufacture of new cans is not something that can be sustained and provided to all the people of the world.][(66)Not only doss the production and operation of cars drain society ,but the attitude associated with the automobile endangers the future.][(67)lt is not advantageous for individuals to drive everywhere because as the population increases.] it will lead to incredible congestion within urban areas. It is certainly a drain on both time and resources, which can be avoided with proper planning for the future.

    (From Communities for Future Generations in the US)


  6. What evidence does the author provide to prove that depression is vastly underestimated?

  7. According to the passage, what are the possible consequences of depression?

  8. (59)

  9. (60)

  10. (57)