
If he had been Managing Director, the company ______ collapsed.

  • A.would
  • B.should
  • C.would have
  • D.would have been
  1. 给英方公司哈里森先生(Mr. Harrison)写一封感谢信,感谢英方公司对你方公司代表团在英访问期间的接待。要点如下: 





  2. Suppose you are manager of the Marketing Department of a company manufacturing bathtubs. In your recent market research, you find that the sales of white bathtubs are declining because color bathtubs are entering the local market and replacing the white ones. Write a memo to the Production Department in the name of the Marketing Department to tell them the above situation. Also inform them that your proposal on producing color bathtubs has been initially approved by the Management and expect that color bathtubs will be produced at an early date.

  3. Report No.334, dated September 27 2008, describes the process of delivery.

  4. Economics is a system of thought a life game and an element of pure knowledge.

  5. If you can’t attend the meeting, please, let us know as soon as possible.

  6. Several investors may form a syndicate to buy a good horse, the syndicate then shares expenses and spreads risks.

  7. “If you could manage……” He said hesitantly.

  8. I returned because, I had forgotten to take my books.

  9. These mens hats are made in China.

  10. “How did you find us,” Maria asked.