
The government-run command post in Tunis is staffed around the clock bymilitary personnel, meteorologists and civilians. On the wall are maps, crisscrossedwith brightly colors arrows that painstakingly track the fearsome path of the enemy. 

What kind of invader gives rise to such high-level monitoring? Not man, notbeast, but the lowly desert locust (蝗虫). In recent moths, billions of the 3-inch-long winged warriors have descended on Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia,blackening the sky and eating up crops and vegetation. The insect invasion, theworst in 30 years, is already creating great destruction in the Middle East and is nowtreating southern Europe. The current crisis began in late 1985 near the Red Sea.Unusually rainy weather moistened the sands of the Sudan, making them idealbreeding grounds for the locust, which lays its eggs in the earth. The insectonslaught threatens to create yet another African famine. Each locust can eat itsweight (not quite a tenth of an ounce) in vegetation every 24 hours. A good-sizeswarm of 50 billion insects eats up 100,000 tons of grass, trees and crops in a singlenight. 

  • All $150 million may be needed this year. The U.S. has provided two sprayingplanes and about 50,000 gal. of pesticide. The European Community has donated$8 million in aid and the Soviet Union, Canada, Japan and China have providedchemical-spraying aircraf
  • A.the command post is stationed with people all the time.
  • B.the command post is crowded with people all the time.
  • C.there are clocks around the command post.
  • D.the clock in the command post is taken care of by the staff.
  1. 虽说分离的确是种美德,但是在社交媒体上过度分离,不仅会伤害友情更是会殃及事业前途。人们需要在私生活与职场生活、分离与炫耀、好心与惹人厌之间寻求一种良性平衡。

  2. 大多数与他人不愉快的经历都是无心的,很容易通过保持无成见的、公开诚恳的交流来补救。礼节性常识是一种有价值的优势,因为在很多场合,要获得第二次机会也许不切实际。

  3. Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. Please write a composition to discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Your composition should

    be about 150 English words. Write your composition on the Answer Sheet.

  4. 然而,退休后,社会安全福利只取代了一般人收入的约 40%。而多数财政顾问认为,退休者将需要大约 70%-80%工作时的收入,方能过上舒适的退休生活。

  5. 自由贸易就意味着竞争,而竞争则意味着风险,特别是当它影响到国家繁荣的时候。所以国家会想办法保护自己免遭自由贸易的冲击。

  6. The impact of decentralization trends, of course, extends well beyond cities.Sprawling development patterns are destabilizing many of the suburbs that surround cities in this country. Older suburbs are experiencing the same challenges as cities:

    failing schools, persistent crime, and the loss of jobs and businesses to other, further out suburbs. Even suburban areas that are developing rapidly are finding that explosive growth has its drawbacks, especially in the form. of overcrowded schools,but also in long commutes and the inability of local governments to pay for new roads, sewers, and other infrastructure.

    In the wake of decentralizing economies, central cities remain the residence of “choice”for low-and moderate-income families. While poverty has declined in central cities, urban poverty rates are still twice as high as suburban poverty rates, 18.8 percent as against 9.0 percent in 2011 Cities and older suburbs are also

    disproportionately home to families whose earnings are above the poverty level, but below median income (national median income is $37,000 a yeas and 200 percent of the poverty for a family of three is $27,000 a year).

    The implications of concentrated poverty are severe. People in these neighborhoods often face a triple whammy: poor schools, weak job information networks, and scarce jobs. They are more likely to live in female-headed households and have less formal educations than residents of other neighborhoods.

  7. 俗话说,牙疼不是病,但疼起来真要命。前些日子我突然开始牙疼,随便找了点止疼药,希望赶紧止住疼痛。可试了好些天都不管用,最后还是得找牙医。

  8. 70

    • A.involved
    • B.participated
    • C.attended
    • D.employed
  9. 69

    • A.after
    • B.on
    • C.with
    • D.to
  10. 67

    • A.contrasting
    • B.comparing
    • C.matching
    • D.measuring