

  1. 作为一名律师,他应该为自己的所作所为感到羞耻。

  2. 人们普遍认为,因特网给我们的生活带来很大的便利。

  3. 正是因为他学习努力,他才通过了所有的考试。

  4. 许多人没有意识到空气污染可能给人类带来巨大灾难。

  5. 那位妇女在得知丈夫的死讯后放声大哭。

  6. 现在孩子们接触电脑游戏过多,这让家长们非常担心。

  7. 昨天晚上他赶上了末班公共汽车;不然的话,他就要走着回家了。

  8. 这个故事告诉我们一个道理:幸福不是终点,而是过程。

  9. 他跟我讲话的方式我接受不了。

  10. 他问我这本书是否已被译成英语。

  11. In“The Emotional Bank Account”, the author notes that, in relationships, the little things are the big things, and that they go a long way toward building ____.

  12. In “Freedom in Dying”, Jim’s mother has been truly great. She has shown how much she loves Jim without depriving him of his ____.

  13. Hans Christian Andersen finally realized that “it doesn’t matter if you are born in a duck-yard, as long as ____.”

  14. In “The Great Idea of Mr. Budd”, William Strickland was arrested by the police because ____.

  15. The young man in “The Outside Chance” bought ‘tomorrow’s paper”, which reported the results of ____ and the news about a factory disaster in his hometown.

  16. Samuel H. Scudder, the author of “In the Laboratory”, was told to____ for the first three days in Professor Agassiz’s laboratory.

  17. The text “Unreality of TV” describes Dr. Heinrich Applebaum’s study on____.

  18. In “The Day I Was Fat”, when she was rudely called fat, the woman made up her mind to lose weight. She regained not only her shape, but also her ____.

  19. As the author of “Happiness” points out, long-term happiness is based on____ and self-esteem.

  20. (70)

  21. The three adjectives that the author of “The Time Message” uses to describe time are ____.

  22. (68)

  23. (69)

  24. (67)

  25. (66)

  26. (65)

  27. (64)

  28. (62)

  29. (63)

  30. B. 根据课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。

    It must be realized that sport in its modern form is almost entirely a British

    invention. Boxing, rugby, football, hockey, tennis and cricket  61 all first organized and given rules in Britain. Rules are the essence of sport, and sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport  62  to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and  63  temper in defeat. The high pressure of modern international sport  64  these ideals difficult to keep, but they are  65     least highly valued in Britain and are certainly achieved there  66  commonly than among more excitable peoples. Moreover, sportsmanship as an ideal is applied    67  life in general. This is proved by the number of sporting terms  68  in ordinary speech. Everybody talks of “fair play” and “playing the game” or “playing  69  ”. Borrowed from boxing, “straight from the shoulder” is used to describe a well-aimed, strong criticism and “below the  70  ” is used to describe an unfair one. One of the most elementary rules of life is “never hit a man when he’s down”- in other words, never take advantage of a person’s misfortune.


  31. (59)

  32. (58)

  33. (60)

  34. (57)

  35. (56)

  36. (54)

  37. (53)

  38. (55)

  39. A.从下列单词中选择恰当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。

    as          spent           divided                taught

    that         over           courses                another

    are          it              elementary             usually

    Education is one of the biggest and most important jobs of government in the United States. However, it is a task  51 is carried out by local governments rather than the federal government. Help from Washington  52  comes in the form of money and research. There are no national educational standards or regulations,    53   there are in many other countries. Local areas-states or cities or counties - have kept control  54  their own school systems. In spite of local control, school systems throughout the country  55  very similar. A child can transfer from a school in one state to a school in  56  without meeting any serious difficulty. Different books may be required or different  57  may be offered, but the same basic subjects are  58  throughout the country.

    The normal school system in the United States consists of six years of  59    

    school and six years of high school. In many areas, high school is  60  into three years of junior high school and three of senior. Each school year is called a grade.


  40. (52)

  41. enjoy

  42. scholar

  43. pharmacy

  44. fascinate

  45. behave

  46. suspicious

  47. route

  48. wretched

  49. attach

  50. paragraph

  51. courtesy

  52. creature

  53. wild

  54. surely

  55. various

  56. productive

  57. dishonest

  58. avenue

  59. project

  60. oxygen

  61. This passage is mainly about ____.

    • A.how to change one’s sleep pattern
    • B.what to do before going to bed
    • C.what to do with sleeplessness
    • D.how to get a good night’s sleep
  62. According to the passage, what may keep people from having a good sleep?

    • A.Smoking in the evening.
    • B.Sleeping in a cool room.
    • C.Taking a nap during the day.
    • D.Sleeping in on weekends.
  63. What does Dr. Landis think may result in a wake-up during night sleep?

    • A.Taking chocolates before bedtime.
    • B.Drinking alcohol before sleep.
    • C.Exercising before going to bed.
    • D.Using electric blankets.
  64. Passage 2

    “Sleep is a behavior and, like all behaviors, it differs greatly among people,” explains Dr. Carol Landis. “The greatest differences occur in the timing of sleep and the amount of sleep-the factors which are most important in determining whether you will wake up feeling rested.”

    Research has found that people sleep better at different times during their daily cycle. For example, some people function better if they go to sleep early and rise early, while others feel more rested if they stay up late and sleep in. “Many people don’t pay attention to the timing of their sleep,” Landis notes. “Yet delaying or altering the time you go to sleep can have a major impact on how you feel when you wake up.”

    The amount of sleep the average adult needs each night also differs. Some

    people may be fine with six hours of sleep, while others need up to nine hours per night. Landis points out that those who follow a regular sleep schedule tend to function better on fewer hours, but she adds that most adults need at least six hours of sleep each night.

    “A person’s sleeping patterns aren’t set in concrete,” Landis stresses.

    Gradually altering the timing of sleep can help change sleep patterns. An“evening person” who needs to get to work early in the morning can try upping the time they go to bed by 30 minutes every few days. Within a few weeks, this slow adjustment will help“reset”the body clock.

    In addition to maintaining a regular daily sleep schedule, Landis offers the

    following tips on having a good sleep:

    • Avoid cigarettes, caffeinated (含咖啡因的) drinks and food such as chocolate in the late afternoon and evening.
    • Avoid alcohol in the evening. This can cause a person to wake up a few hours into sleep and interrupt sleep patterns.
    • Finish exercising at least two hours before going to sleep. Exercise increases body temperatures and makes it more difficult to easily fall asleep.
    •  Don’t sleep in a warm environment. A drop in a person’s body temperature is important at the beginning of deep sleep. People who sleep in a well-heated room or use an electric blanket may not sleep as soundly.
    •  Catch up on missed sleep when you have the opportunity. To reduce your sleep debt, try taking a 30-minute nap (小睡) during the day before 4 p.m. or sleeping in on weekends when you have a chance.

     Which of the following is true according to Dr. Landis?

    • A. People with longer sleep feel more rested.
    • B. People tend to have similar sleep schedules.
    • C. Changing sleep habits won’t affect people’s body clock.
    • D. Changing the time for sleep can affect the quality of people’s sleep.
  65. The underlined phrase “set in concrete” (Line 1, Paragraph 4) probably means ____.

    • A.unchangeable
    • B.unacceptable
    • C.recognizable
    • D.reasonable
  66. What is the passage mainly about?

    • A.The different functions of vitamin A.
    • B.The introduction of nutritious crops to Africa.
    • C.The history of growing potatoes in Africa.
    • D.The most popular food in Africa.
  67. According to Mr. Gustafson, some efforts to introduce other nutritious crops to Africa failed because ____ .

    • A.people don’t like them
    • B.people cannot afford them
    • C.they don’t taste delicious
    • D.they have strange colors
  68. In areas without radio, what did Jan Low and her partners do to draw public attention to sweet potatoes?

    • A.They sang and danced with local people.
    • B.They drove vehicles in different colors.
    • C.They dressed themselves in orange.
    • D.They gave lectures in theaters.
  69. What is true of sweet potatoes in Africa?

    • A.The white ones had high levels of vitamin A.
    • B.The commonly-grown ones are low in vitamin A.
    • C.The yellow ones can make you strong and clear your skin.
    • D.The orange ones cannot help overcome the lack of vitamin A.
  70. It is reported that the police have finally ___ in catching the murderer.

    • A.won
    • B.completed
    • C.managed
    • D.succeeded
  71. Passage 1

    People who do not get enough vitamin A in their food may develop night blindness. But in the developing countries, especially the countries in Africa, a lack of vitamin A causes much more serious harm to children. The World Health Organization reports that the lack of vitamin A leads to as many as two hundred fifty thousand child deaths every year.

    Sweet potatoes with orange flesh have high levels of vitamin A. Experts say

    orange sweet potatoes could help solve the lack of vitamin A in Africa. But, first, more people there will need to be persuaded to eat them. Jan Low with the International Potato Center, a research organization, says the sweet potato needs a better image in Africa. She said, “We do have an image problem with sweet potato in general in Africa. Most of the local people refuse to grow sweet potatoes. It is seen as a food of the poor.” Ms. Low explains that sweet potatoes are mainly grown by poor women to feed their families in case other crops fail.

    The sweet potatoes commonly grown in Africa have white or yellow flesh. But,more importantly, they are low in vitamin A. Thus, Jan Low and her partners managed to tell the African people that orange sweet potatoes had high levels of vitamin A. They made use of the radio to spread the message that orange sweet potato is good to human health. They said that orange sweet potatoes were able to help you fight diseases, make you strong, clear your skin and make you look healthy.

    In areas without radio, they spread the message through singing, dancing and storytelling in local theaters. And everywhere they went, they wore orange T-shirts and hats. They even drove orange vehicles. Jan Low says the color of the tuber (植物的块茎) made it easier to gain public attention.

    Dan Gustafson works for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. He pays attention to efforts in the past to increase the popularity of other nutritious crops. He says most of these efforts failed because organizers did not consider what people wanted to eat. But Mr. Gustafson sees a better chance for the efforts to increase the popularity of the orange sweet potato in Africa. For one thing, except for the color, the orange sweet potato is similar to what people already use. He is confident about the popularity of orange sweet potato in Africa and the improvement of people’s health condition there.

     There is an image problem with sweet potatoes in Africa because ____.

    • A. they are very ugly in shape and color
    • B. they are difficult to grow
    • C. they are regarded as the food of the poor
    • D. they do great harm to the land
  72. He looked so tired this morning. He____ late last night.

    • A.must stay up
    • B.must have stayed up
    • C.was staying up
    • D.has stayed up
  73. She told him how she managed to bring him food, without which he____ of hunger.

    • A.died
    • B.had died
    • C.was dying
    • D.would have died
  74. ____ peace finally came in 1945 was he able to go back to work.

    • A.It was when
    • B.It was not until
    • C.Only when
    • D.Only if
  75. They discussed the problem several times, but came to no ____.

    • A.ending
    • B.way
    • C.judgment
    • D.conclusion
  76. The international language known as Esperanto ____ to be simple and logical, with a flexible vocabulary and an easy grammar.

    • A.be designed
    • B.was designed
    • C.designed
    • D.to be designed
  77. Some critics say that only wealthy people will ____ from the tax cuts.

    • A.benefit
    • B.obtain
    • C.earn
    • D.acquire
  78. The adult education center didn’t offer any art courses, and ____.

    • A.so did the museum
    • B.the museum did so
    • C.neither did the museum
    • D.the museum did neither
  79. His lecture helped us better understand the ____ of religion on society.

    • A.contribution
    • B.influence
    • C.connection
    • D.separation
  80. She lost her job, and ____ made matters worse was that her husband became ill and bedridden.

    • A.it
    • B.that
    • C.what
    • D.which
  81. Mary ran ____ one of her college teachers in the supermarket yesterday.

    • A.out
    • B.across
    • C.over
    • D.by
  82. To everyone’s disappointment, his plan failed ____ all his efforts.

    • A.in spite of
    • B.as a result of
    • C.for the sake of
    • D.in the interest of
  83. The Eight O’clock News will have a(n)____ report of the important meeting in Paris.

    • A.live
    • B.alive
    • C.living
    • D.lively
  84. You have little chance of getting the job____ you have professional training.

    • A.unless
    • B.as if
    • C.in case
    • D.so that
  85. Problems may come up when people have no ____of the law.

    • A.message
    • B.knowledge
    • C.information
    • D.intelligence
  86. It is necessary ____ technical training for all the new employees.

    • A.to provide
    • B.to be provided
    • C.providing
    • D.being provided
  87. The mass media keep us well ____ of what is happening in the world which would otherwise remain unknown.

    • A.concerned
    • B.exposed
    • C.acquainted
    • D.informed
  88. She____ blame other people for her troubles than admit her own mistakes.

    • A.would rather
    • B.had better
    • C.prefers to
    • D.has to
  89. When you expect too much of others, you are ____ to become disappointed.

    • A.timely
    • B.probable
    • C.likely
    • D.possible
  90. There has been ____growth in industry this year than there should have been.

    • A.much
    • B.most
    • C.little
    • D.less