

  1. 他继承父亲的事业,当了一名警察。

  2. 我刚看完了一本书,书中充满了智慧。

  3. 要不是太忙,他昨天肯定会去看那场足球比赛的。

  4. 我不忍心告诉她学校没有接受她的逑议。

  5. 你必须跟他大声说话,他才能听见,因为他的听觉不太好。

  6. 他一方面对未来充满希望,只一方面对未来会发生什么又有点担心。

  7. 无论有多艰难,他都下定决心要成为一名医生。

  8. 你妹妹正在考虑去加拿大度假,是吗?

  9. 他抬头看见一只鸟飞过天空。

  10. From Jim, the author of “Freedom in Dying'' learns that he does not have to do much for a dying person except________.

  11. 请提醒他明天上午开会。

  12. The author of “I Got My B.A. by Sheer Luck” knew that his only chance topass the exam for a difficult course was to________.

  13. The author of “The Day I Was Fat'' described how she managed to change herattitude, her lifestyle and her self-image after the kid at the pool________.

  14. In“Thank You, Ma’am”,after seizing the boy who tried to snatch her purse,the woman dragged him home and gave him some money to buy a pair of shoes instead of ________.

  15. The Emotional Bank Account is like a financial bank account, on which people can make both“deposits”and“withdrawals.” One of the five“Deposits in such a bank is to________.

  16. In“Hobbyist”, the druggist told Sangstrom that he needed to know________ before he gave the poison to him.

  17. In “The Story of an Hour", after being told of her husband's death, Louisesuddenly felt a deep longing for________.

  18. In “Love of Life", the man hurt his foot badly and his companion Bill desertedhim enabled him to persist for 11 days in the wild was ________.

  19. (70)

  20. In “This Life”, Sidney Poitier tells us that with the help of the old Jewish manhe learned the meaning of words mainly by________.

  21. “The Time Message” points out that time has three important features, two ofwhich are________.

  22. (69)

  23. (68)

  24. (67)

  25. (65)

  26. (66)

  27. (62)

  28. (63)

  29. (64)

  30. (60)

  31. B. 根锯课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个怡当的词。

    The men on the ship saw a strange object lying on the beach. It was moving

      61  them—perhaps twenty feet an hour. The men went  62  to look and could hardly believe  63 was a man.

    Three weeks later,  64 the man felt better, he told them his story. But there was  65 strange thing一he seemed to be afraid that there wasn’t  66 food on the ship. The men also noticed that he was getting  67 . They gave him less food, but still he grew fatter with  68 day. Then one day they saw him put a lot of bread   

      69 his shirt. They examined his bed and  70 food under his blanket. The men understood. He would recover from it, they said.


  32. (59)

  33. (57)

  34. (58)

  35. (56)

  36. (54)

  37. (55)

  38. A. 从下列单词中选择适当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。

    on       felt        starving         worse

    with   rumors    little         few

    good   seat        too             which

    The year was 1879; the country, Ireland.

    It was a lime of great poverty and unrest. Crops had been bad for several years; the people were hungry; indeed, many children were  51  to death.

    Britain ruled the land then, and London, the  52 of government, was a long way off. The lawmakers in Parliament heard  53 and complaints, but dismissed them impatiently. The Irish, they  54 , were unruly, troublesome, and complaining a lot. So Parliament did  55 to help, and a great deal to make matters  56 .

    For example, Parliament had passed Land Laws to protect the big landowners,  57 required the tenant farmers to pay rents promptly or be thrown off the land.

    This was cruelly hard  58 the Irish farmers. Most of them rented land. They were  59 poor to buy their own. If the crops were  60 the farmers could pay and have a little left over for themselves. If the crops were bad, they faced

    starvation. Now, under the Land Laws, they couldn't even hope for a better crop next year.


  39. (53)

  40. (52)

  41. obvious

  42. robot

  43. laughed

  44. receive

  45. cook

  46. tooth

  47. triumph

  48. duchess

  49. wink

  50. delicious

  51. straw

  52. bacon

  53. amount

  54. thumb

  55. violin

  56. ballet

  57. London

  58. inconvenient

  59. welfare

  60. It can be inferred from the passage that the boy feels life in the orphanage is_______.

    • A.lonely
    • B.miserable
    • C.pleasant
    • D.beautiful
  61. prison

  62. The house parent caught butterflies in order to_______.

    • A.test them
    • B.kill them
    • C.collect them
    • D.raise them
  63. The house parent was very angry because he believed the boy had _______.

    • A.killed the butterfly
    • B.damaged his work
    • C.spread butterfly pieces everywhere
    • D.pinned the butterfly on the cardboard
  64. Passage 2

    There was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to me.

    • After breakfast one Saturday morning in the orphanage (孤儿院),when I was a    little boy, I saw thehouse parent chasing the beautiful butterflies who lived by the hundreds in the bushes around the orphanage.
    • I carefully watched as he caught these beautiful creatures, one after the other, and then took them from the net and then stuck straight pins through their head and wings, pinning them onto a heavy cardboard sheet.
    • How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty. I had walked many times out into the bushes, all by myself, just so the butterflies could land on my head, face and hands so I could look at them up close.    When the telephone r
    • I sat there in the dirt, trying to fit all the butterfly pieces back together so I could bury them whole, but it was too lard to do. So I prayed for them and then I put them in an old shoe box and I buried them near the blackberry bushes.
    • Every year when the butterflies would return to the orphanage and try to land on me I would try and drive them away because they did not know that the orphanage was a bad place to live and a very bad place to die.
    • In the passage, the“house parent”(Line 2, Paragraph 2) is one who________.
    • A.does gardening
    • B.cleans the house
    • C.studies butterflies
    • D.looks after orphans
  65. Watching what the house parent was doing to the butterflies, the boy felt itwas_______.

    • A.cruel
    • B.exciting
    • C.immoral
    • D.interesting
  66. The key to the success of Karson Manufacturing is _______.

    • A.experience
    • B.opportunity
    • C.teamwork
    • D.creativity
  67. It can be inferred from the passage that the late Rodney Karson_______.

    • A.was a philosopher
    • B.wrote a book on success
    • C.was admired for his wealth
    • D.believed in the value of work
  68. George Hatman was accepted as a member of Karson Manufacturing because_______.

    • A.he had enough working experience
    • B.he did what Mr. Karson told him to do
    • C.Mr. Karson was greatly impressed with his suil
    • D.Mr. Karson was impressed with his willingness to work
  69. Once people have tasted success, they are more________to work harder for

    • A.possible
    • B.probable
    • C.probable
    • D.likely
  70. According to the passage, Karson Manufacturing has developed from_______.

    • A.a garage
    • B.a steel company
    • C.a brick manufacturer
    • D.a local automobile factory
  71. Passage 1

    Together, the employer and the employees pay over a million dollars each year in state and local taxes. Together, they provide materials for about one-fourth of the automobiles produced in the United States. Together, they haveshoweredstockholders with over a half-million dollars in dividends (股息)in the past five years. Together, they make up Karson Manufacturing (制造厂), the area’s largest employer.

    Karson Manufacturing began as a garage operation when, in 1952, the late Rodney Karson started machining parts for local businesses. As business developed, he moved to the present location on Oak Road. But the site was hardly the same then as today. Photographs in the 1962 edition of the Daily News show the company as little more than a series of one-story brick buildings, obviously added as needed. Not until 1983 did the present facility begin to lake shape. Additions in 1998 and 2003 resulted in today's facility.

    George Hatman, vice-president of the manufacturing, began with the company in 1958. “I still remember my interview with Mr. Rodney Karson. He wore a blue work shirt, sleeves rolled up, with black suspenders holding up his work pants. He looked like all the rest of the workers except for his hat. He wore this funny bowler with a red hat band. Usually he kept a pencil stuck in the hat band. Don't know why. Never saw him use it. But that's the way he showed up for the interview. Funny, but I’d worn my best suit. Thought I should try to impress him.”

    “We didn't talk long. He asked me a few questions about experience. I didn't have any but I was willing to work. So you know what he said? He said, ‘Well, get yourself home, son, and put on some work clothes. Come back this afternoon and we’ll see what you’re made of.’ That’s what I did. And I’m still here.”

    Hatman believes that Karson's philosophy made the company what it is today. “He thought if you wanted to work, you were a good man to have on the team. And that's what we have here 一 a team. We all pull together, work together, make decisions together, show success together. It's really a good team to be on!”

    • And together, the Karson team today announced a six-million-dollar new development plan. As a result, the local community as well as Karson will grow. Together.    The word “showered” (Line 3, Paragraph 1) most probably means_______.
    • A.exported widely
    • B.provided plentifully
    • C.sold for a high price
    • D.bought in large amounts
  72. Be patient. It will take us a while to work ________the meaning of this poem.

    • A.for
    • B.out
    • C.up
    • D.off
  73. You would have to learn how to_________yourself first if you want to make friends here.

    • A.behave
    • B.see
    • C.arrange
    • D.act
  74. — Have you always enjoyed a good relationship with your parents? 一 Not when I was younger, but I ________very well with them now.

    • A.get on
    • B.get about
    • C.get in
    • D.get up
  75. When he was in his fifties, Mr. Steiner lived in Austria, _______he was known as a musician.

    • A.what
    • B.where
    • C.which
    • D.that
  76. — Why is it so cold here? — Well, for one thing, the heating isn't on; and for________, someone has left the door open.

    • A.other
    • B.others
    • C.the other
    • D.another
  77. Ms. White is going to ________us an account of her experiences in Africa.

    • A.speak
    • B.tell
    • C.give
    • D.take
  78. I'm afraid I’ve charged you too much________. I’m really sorry for that.

    • A.on purpose
    • B.by mistake
    • C.by the way
    • D.in a sense
  79. ________all his children come to his birthday party, the old man would be happier.

    • A.Might
    • B.Would
    • C.Should
    • D.Could
  80. _________Tom should be assigned so important a task surprised everyone.

    • A.What
    • B.Whom
    • C.That
    • D.Which
  81. — You are not a Japanese, are you? — ________.

    • A.No. I am Chinese
    • B.Yes. I am Chinese
    • C.No. I am Japanese
    • D.Yes. I am not Japanese
  82. Despite my opposition, they insisted on_________paying for the damage.

    • A.my
    • B.myself
    • C.I
    • D.mine
  83. We were informed of their arrival at such short notice that we_________time to get prepared.

    • A.almost
    • B.hardly
    • C.mostly
    • D.seldom
  84. Mr. Gates, it’s very nice_________to you. Hope to see you next month in New York.

    • A.talked
    • B.to talk
    • C.talk
    • D.talking
  85. He ordered that the secret message_________to the headquarters at once.

    • A.is sent
    • B.to be sent
    • C.be sent
    • D.being sent
  86. All animals, except man, know_________the main business of life is to enjoy it.

    • A.which
    • B.how
    • C.that
    • D.what
  87. Shells were used as money in these tribes_________recent times.

    • A.before
    • B.since
    • C.after
    • D.until
  88. If he_________my letter in time, I’m sure that he will be able to change his plan.

    • A.gets
    • B.got
    • C.will get
    • D.had got
  89. That morning, however, he _________the bus and had to wait for the next one.

    • A.lost
    • B.missed
    • C.took off
    • D.got on
  90. Professor Brown, together with his students, _________to attend an international meeting in Paris next month.

    • A.been
    • B.are
    • C.has been
    • D.is