“Great Compromise”of 1787
Domesday Book
What is partly the reason for New Zealand to have changeable weather and to be often windy?
Which is Australia’s largest lake?
What kind of system is the American economy based on?
Why did the population of Ireland decrease from the 1840s until about 1970?
What are the two most important provinces in Canada?
What are the major racial and ethnic minorities in the United States?
What is Emerson’s view of man and nature?
What is the difference between the ancestors of the English and Scots, Welshand Irish?
What was the impact of the Wars of the Roses on feudalism in England?
What is the main function of the House of Lords?
The first European to visit New Zealand was______.
- A.Abel Tasman
- B.Captain James Cook
- C.Christopher Columbus
- D.Amerigo Vespucci
Which of the following states in Australia is known as the garden state?
- A.Queensland
- B.New South Wales
- C.Tasmania
- D.Victoria
The______is a national symbol in New Zealand.
- A.kiwi
- B.native owl
- C.tuatara
- D.lizard
______is famous for its art festival.
- A.Sydney
- B.Melbourne
- C.Adelaide
- D.Brisbane
It was______who established the first French settlement in Quebec City in 1608.
- A.Henry Hudson
- B.John Cabot
- C.Jacques Cartier
- D.Samuel de Champlain
Although Australia has a large area, ______of the continent is hot and dry.
- A.one third
- B.two thirds
- C.half
- D.more than half
From east to west ten provinces and two territories in Canada can be dividedinto______geographical regions.
- A.four
- B.five
- C.six
- D.seven
Which of the following is NOT one of the Prairie Provinces in Canada?
- A.Manitoba
- B.British Columbia
- C.Saskatchewan
- D.Alberta
______was the first American writer who gained international fame.
- A.Washington Irving
- B.Benjamin Franklin
- C.Nathaniel Hawthorne
- D.Mark Twain
Who was the first English king to bring all Ireland under English control?
- A.Henry II
- B.Henry Ⅲ
- C.Henry Ⅷ
- D.James II
The most significant feature of Irish landscape is______.
- A.lakes
- B.bogs
- C.low ridges
- D.rivers
Theodore Dreiser was the literary representative of American______.
- A.Romanticists
- B.Transcendentalists
- C.Modernists
- D.Naturalists
______ is the largest single source of goods imported by the United States.
- A.Canada
- B.Australia
- C.Asia
- D.Latin America
According to the U.S. News & World Report and other journals’ evaluation, ______ on the west coast are the best research universities.
- A.Harvard and Yale
- B.Princeton and Columbia
- C.California and MIT
- D.Stanford and Berkley
The writers of the Constitution worked out______in order to prevent thegovernment from misusing its power.
- A.the Declaration of Independence
- B.the Bill of Rights
- C.the“winner-take-air system
- D.checks and balances
On Independence Day, some people bring their children to visit the birth placeof the nation—_______.
- A.Washington D. C.
- B.New York City
- C.Philadelphia
- D.Boston
The presidential term in the U.S. is four years beginning on______.
- A.November 20
- B.November 12
- C.January 12
- D.January 20
The American policy towards the Soviet Union after the Second World Warwas______.
- A.cooperation
- B.neutrality
- C.containment
- D.impartiality
On April 30 1789, George Washington took the oath of office in______whichhoused the first American government.
- A.New York
- B.Washington
- C.Philadelphia
- D.Boston
After the Vietnam War, the contradiction between Congress and the Executiveresulted in the passage of______.
- A.the Smith Act
- B.the War Power Act
- C.the Civil Rights Act
- D.the Voting Rights Act
Which war turned out to be the longest war the U.S. fought?
- A.The Korean War
- B.The World War II
- C.The World War I
- D.The Vietnam War
_____ was a full-scale, anti-Communist hysteria in the United States in the1950s.
- A.Free Speech Movement
- B.The Progressive Movement
- C.The Civil Rights Movement
- D.McCarthyism
The real purpose of the Marshal Plan is______.
- A.to prevent Greece and Turkey from falling into the hands of the Soviet Union
- B.to support any country which said it was fighting against Communism
- C.to help Western Europe recover from the Great Depression
- D.to prevent Western Europe from possible Soviet expansion
In 1932, in the depth of the depression, the American people chose_____ astheir next president who promised a “new deal”to get America out of the depression.
- A.Theodore Roosevelt
- B.Franklin D. Roosevelt
- C.Woodrow Wilson
- D.Herbert C. Hoover
In the Second World War American diplomacy largely was American diplomacy towards______.
- A.Germany and Italy
- B.Germany and Japan
- C.Britain and the Soviet Union
- D.Britain and France
Which of the following is NOT the main cause for the American government to declare war on Germany in the World War I?
- A.Germany refused to give up its submarine warfare.
- B.Germany tried to get Mexico into the war against the United States.
- C.Germany promised Mexico the return of lost territory of Texas.
- D.Japan launched the bombing of the Pearl Harbor.
The great international influence of______is that the colonies in SpanishAmerica rose up one after another to overthrow Spanish colonial rule.
- A.the American Civil War
- B.the Vietnam War
- C.the American War of Independence
- D.the Korean War
In the early 1850s with the Westward Movement, the_____issue became aserious political issue because it might tip the balance of power in the Senate.
- A.slavery
- B.immigration
- C.territory
- D.Indian
The place where Christopher Columbus landed was______.
- A.India
- B.the islands in Asia
- C.the current territory of America
- D.the islands in the now West Indies
The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. is______.
- A.the Indians
- B.the Japanese
- C.the Chinese
- D.the Blacks
Snooker is thought to have been invented by______.
- A.Sir Winston Churchill
- B.Sir Neville Chamberlain
- C.Sir Charlie Chamberlain
- D.Sir John Churchill
There is no Ministry of Justice in the United Kingdom. General responsibilitylies with the following EXCEPT_______.
- A.the Lord Chancellor
- B.the Home Secretary
- C.the Attorney General
- D.the Prime Minister
_______provides for every resident, regardless of income, a full range of medicalservices. It has become available in Britain since 1948.
- A.The Social Security Benefits
- B.The National Health Service
- C.The Civil Service
- D.The National Insurance Fund
In summer there are open-air theatres, including one in London’s Regent’s Park, where_____are performed.
- A.William Shakespeare’s plays
- B.Christopher Marlowe’s plays
- C.Ben Johnson’s plays
- D.George Bernard Shaw's plays
The Sovereign’s coronation takes place at______in London.
- A.Westminster Abbey
- B.Canterbury Abbey
- C.York Abbey
- D.Northanger Abbey
In the United Kingdom, the party which wins the second largest number of seatin the House of Commons becomes______.
- A.the official Opposition
- B.the leading party
- C.the predominant party
- D.the“shadow cabinet”
The______is made up of statute law, common law and conventions.
- A.British Constitution
- B.American Constitution
- C.Commonwealth law
- D.European Community law
Which of the following about UK’s monarchy is NOT true?
- A.The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.
- B.There is no written constitution in the United Kingdom.
- C.Today the Queen holds the real power in UK.
- D.The continuity of the monarchy has been broken only once.
The First World War was fought between two European power blocs: the “Central Powers" and the "Allies". The "Allies” include the following EXCEPT ______.
- A.Britain
- B.France
- C.Russia
- D.Austria-Hungary
In 1982, the Falkland Islands War broke out between Britain and_____.
- A.Argentina
- B.Brazil
- C.Peru
- D.Chile
Elizabeth I reigned England, Wales and Ireland for_____years and remained single.
- A.25
- B.30
- C.40
- D.45
______was the forerunner of the Conservative Party.
- A.The Liberal Party
- B.The Whigs
- C.The Tories
- D.The Labor Party
After the Wars of the Roses the rule of______began.
- A.the Plantagenet
- B.the Yorkists
- C.the Stuarts
- D.the Tudors
According to Magna Carta no tax should be made without the approval of______.
- A.the House of Lords
- B.the King
- C.the Grand Council
- D.the House of Commons
_______, a dramatist and poet, is generally regarded as the greatest writer in theEnglish language.
- A.Charles Dickens
- B.Christopher Marlowe
- C.William Shakespeare
- D.Charlotte Bronte
After the Restoration, British Parliament passed a series of severe laws called theClarendon Code against the______, now known as Nonconformists.
- A.Christians
- B.Protestants
- C.Puritans
- D.Catholics
After the Glorious Revolution came the Age of the______, a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament.
- A.Commonwealth
- B.Constitutional Monarchy
- C.English colonial expansion
- D.Hereditary Monarchy
Which of the following statements is NOT true about Alfred?
- A.Alfred the Great started the English navy.
- B.Alfred the Great reorganized the Saxon army, making it more efficient.
- C.Alfred the Great established schools and formulated a legal system.
- D.Alfred the Great imposed a tax, called the Danegeld, on the Saxons.
The Romans remained in control of Britain for nearly______years.
- A.600
- B.500
- C.400
- D.200
Which of the following is NOT a geographical name of Britain?
- A.The United Kingdom
- B.Great Britain
- C.England
- D.The British Isles