(63)Congress is the legislative branch of the Union. and. it consists of two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each House serves as a check on the other. (64)The main. function of the Congress is to pass Jaws for the Union.The revenue bills- proposed laws to raise money for the government -must begin in the House. Only after the House has
approved them can the Senate act on them. (65)The House alone. also has the. power Io choose a President under certain circumstances.
Congress is not only the U.S. national legislature but also a political body. (66)Most representatives and senators try to carry. out the programs of the. political parties to which they belong. Today, the Democrats and the Republicans are America's two largest political parties. (67)Whichever. party wins the largest number of seats in the House is the majority party and the other party is the minority party of the House. The same is true in the Senate.
(From Three Branches of the Federal Government)
(63)Congress is the legislative branch of the Union. and. it consists of two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each House serves as a check on the other. (64)The main. function of the Congress is to pass Jaws for the Union.The revenue bills- proposed laws to raise money for the government -must begin in the House. Only after the House has
approved them can the Senate act on them. (65)The House alone. also has the. power Io choose a President under certain circumstances.
Congress is not only the U.S. national legislature but also a political body. (66)Most representatives and senators try to carry. out the programs of the. political parties to which they belong. Today, the Democrats and the Republicans are America's two largest political parties. (67)Whichever. party wins the largest number of seats in the House is the majority party and the other party is the minority party of the House. The same is true in the Senate.
(From Three Branches of the Federal Government)
What was it that influenced American academic freedom and how did American understand it?
What was the academic situation in Germany when the German Empire was established?