
Communication is, of course, of vital importance to any business that wants toachieve efficiency.

  1. 根据下列信息写一封应聘销售经理的书信, 字数在130—150之间。 

    (1)从3 月12 日的人民日报上获悉贵公司招聘销售经理一名。鉴于本人的知识基础及工作经验, 深信定能胜任此职。 

    (2)本人毕业于中华大学商业管理专业,学过商业管理、市场营销、财务、会计以及统计和计算机等。 已在一家家电公司工作三年, 初任销售员, 后任销售部经理, 因业绩出色, 屡受奖励。 

    (3)希望面谈, 以便贵公司了解我的知识和工作经验, 并盼与我书面或电话联系。

  2. You are a manager of administration office of a company. The board of directors

    have decided to renew the Fitness Center. Write a memo to tell all the employees:

    ·the decision of the Board on the Fitness Center,

    ·how long this project will last, and

    ·welcome employees to provide suggestions to their representatives on the type of equipment that will be made available.

  3. She read the letter quickly, therefore, she did not find errors in it.

  4. Could you tell me how many 5’s you have got this semester?

  5. The auditors usually arrive unexpectedly but we’ll be prepared no matter when they arrive.

  6. It is known to everybody that the more one buys the more one spends.

  7. Communication is, of course, of vital importance to any business that wants toachieve efficiency.

  8. When it is necessary to place a last-minute order simply use our toll-free service.

  9. The recently posted sign read Unauthorized persons are prohibited.

  10. She left the company, because, she wanted to have a change of climate.